View Full Version : Awful dream

17th May 2007, 05:46 AM
If no-one minds I'd like to get a nasty dream I had last night off my chest. . . there was a tall palm tree next to a deep, flowing river, & from it were suspended 2 elephant trunks. I had to get one down to take "into the house next door" because it "would be nice to have one inside again". As I reluctantly pulled at one of the trunks, part of it broke off & landed in the river, & I noticed there was also an elephant's head in the tree, which flinched & closed its eyes. . . . horrible! Would anyone have any insight on this, please?

17th May 2007, 11:53 AM
I guess it could mean that you have taken something from someone and you did not relies its importance. You took a part of them but did not see what you had done till it was already taken. Now you see the sadness within them through this dream. But its just my interpretation.