View Full Version : Dreaming of Spirits

15th May 2007, 05:00 PM
I had a strange dream last night that I'd like to share. Perhaps someone can help me, because I'm not sure what to think about it? I've had a few other dreams like this, but this one was particularly memorable.

In my dream (which btw was a deep, deep dream that I dragged from memory in the middle of the night, but once remembered became very vivid) I was near my parents house. I had several perspectives - that is, from ground level, then higher up (roof level), then from a neighbours house etc. It was daylight, there was a lot of blossom, and a pale pink rose on a bright green bush in one of the gardens.

I was talking to my dad outside the house, and there was a man (a shadow) hovering some distance from us. He came closer. I told my dad that he was the spirit of his father. Then another man (spirit) walked towards us from the garage - he just walked through the doors of it. I looked up and saw a woman, another spirit, looking down at us from an upstairs window. I wasn't frightened, just curious, and knew these people were in spirit.

Do you think this would be totally from imagination or is it possible there's some deeper meaning?

Thanks :)

15th May 2007, 08:34 PM
I believe it has a deeper meaning. I see different levels of perception (your different points of view) different generations represented in your family, and a woman (female ancestor, your mother, a sibling, yourself ) You're looking back at this (at yourself, at your place in the family) another way to look at this is if your house represents your psyche- you are then looking at your thoughts, beliefs and where they came from.
Of course, this is just my opinion.

17th May 2007, 07:48 PM
Thanks CFTraveler, that helps a lot :). I dream a lot about houses of different kinds, and had heard that these might represent the psyche. But I hadn't actually thought of this dream in that way until you mentioned it....it makes sense though!

I've been through a period of dreaming about spirits a lot, some who are known to me and many who aren't. It's the main reason I'm trying to improve my dream recall and possibly lucid dream etc I'm intrigued!

Thanks again.