View Full Version : What do you think?

14th May 2007, 05:11 PM
I have had many dreams lately about a being with an incredible portrait. In my best refrence I can only think that it could be what I have seen pictured as a seraphim. It stood as tall as me (6'5") and radiated with a bright energy. I couldn't make out its face, but its eyes were brighter than the rest of its body. It looked like pure white pupils with energy resonating from them.. just flowing into their aura. The body was pretty much just a bright shirtless look, but what really caught my eye were the six incredible wings that just looked like white fire. At first when I see this being the energy of its wings sound like a sharp screeching or screaming... but when I really start to listen it sounds liking a very high pitched melody. It's very overwhelming at first, but then it becomes very serene as you focus.

As far as any plot to the dream there is usually none. Its just me standing in its presence listening intently to the screaming melody of its energy.