View Full Version : Visual affect - unfolding mandala

24th January 2020, 04:41 AM
Though I haven't experienced this for a while, several times when I was younger, I would see a pony of light in my peripheral vision unfold outwards to form a mandala type pattern, then fold back in on itself and disappear. Any one else experience this or have an idea what they are? If I remember correctly the were stationary and didn't move with my head/eyes

24th January 2020, 04:12 PM
Light or colors?

24th January 2020, 09:53 PM
I could not see through them as I recall.

25th January 2020, 04:56 PM
I mean, the figure itself, was it made of light that shimmered, or was it in color?

25th January 2020, 07:05 PM
Has anyone experienced sparkling lights almost like silver glitter peripherally? I read somewhere that this is an indication that your spiritual guide is nearby. I've seen these sparkles when I'm awake and doing something that requires my focus -- like driving. I've always wondered what was going on. I don't think it's any to do with my vision because it's been checked out and it's fine, if a little nearsighted.

25th January 2020, 11:25 PM
They were bright, may have been shimmering, hard to tell because of them seeming to grow/shrink and being peripheral, but quite possibly shimmering, a mandala like kalidascope is also a good description.

25th January 2020, 11:30 PM
I used to see those all the time, but as a singular point, the effect I'm describing I always thought was evolved from this. The little tiny transperant sparkles you see following a track when looking up/bright light are your own cells in capillaries of the eye, and the tiny stars are low blood pressure, feeling faint, etc. As far as I know, Somone here might know better

26th January 2020, 08:30 PM
I get something akin to this when I'm getting a migraine, which is why I asked. It's not as complicated as a mandala or a kaleidoscope, more as a series of triangles that acquire more segments (like a snake) that is slightly curved like a snake. In my case it can disappear with no further thing (if I drink lots of water when it begins) but when I can distinguish the form of the triangles I have to take an analgesic to stop it in it's tracks. If I can't take anything before it develops into a "c" like structure, I get a horrific headache. The 'aura' though, is beautiful.

26th January 2020, 08:40 PM
Ahh, yes. I have had migraines and even the bizarre optic only migraines, they strobe for me and are very simple as you say, triangles or lightning bolt patterns. they almost give me tunnel vision if they develop further. not those. These things didn't track with my head/eye movements.

19th February 2020, 01:06 AM
But these sparkles are outside my body, off to the side. When I've seen them while driving, they were outside the car window. But I could only see them peripherally. If I turned my head to look at them, they disappeared. I don't get migraines.