View Full Version : Premonition Nightmare

10th May 2007, 12:54 AM
Recently, in the past year, I never consciously remember dreams unless they will have some importance in my life. This one creeped me out. It was 3:51 am when I awoke to find, Jesse, my cat, going insane in my room(I am awake during this part) I finally have to put her outside because she is getting annoying. I can't get to sleep for another hour. When I do, the terror begins...
I am by my pool, and the sun is shining brightly. I'm watching my 5 year old sister, Caroline, swim in it. I notice a black widow on the ground. I hate spiders. One of my worst fears... The spider grows bigger and bigger. Caroline comes to ask me something when the spider possesses her. It just melted into her body. And then she was all dark and her eyes changed colors.
I shouted what sounded like latin, waved my hand, and I exorcised her successfully. This whole dream freaked me out, and I am afraid of its meaning. Any interpretation here? :?

10th May 2007, 03:21 AM
My immediate thought was that all the things you've been reading lately about astral spiders and negs has found its way into your dream as the things we encounter in a day often will.

As an older, protective brother you might be worried about the way your sister is asserting her individuality. It mightn't be in a way you approve of and sometimes you wonder what "possesses" her. She's not beyond your "help," however.

Rain, iF
10th May 2007, 04:00 AM
Or you could be empathic and picking up on my actual situation with my sister :roll: :(


10th May 2007, 09:02 AM
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Tiger! I too had a nightmare tonight! And I very very rarely get them. As soon as I woke up I figured I should post some of it here, in order for you guys to decide if it seemed like a neg attatchement (a very clever one I might say) or just some weird dream. I woke up feeling ill, sick, and with some strange vibrations on the left and right side of my lower back. Still not really a big deal BUT, when I met my mother in the morning, I notice she looks like she's seen a ghost (hm. that happens from times to times so:) no, a demon or something, she is red around the eyes and almost shaking. I ask her what the hell is going on, and she says "I had such a terrible horrifying nightmare tonight! And the worst thing - as soon as I fell asleep again it would come back!", I was stunned since I too had a weird nightmare although not that severe, and I asked her what the theme was, but she looked at me, was quiet for a moment, then said that she will explain as soon as she'll be back, she's out shopping or something now.

Has anyone else experienced weird nightmares last night?

10th May 2007, 09:08 AM
If you look at my post demon or god...it could have been perceived as a nightmare by some
There was a possible demon in it

10th May 2007, 09:10 AM
If you look at my post demon or god...it could have been perceived as a nightmare by some
There was a possible demon in it

Yup, but it seems to me that you weren't scared or terrored by him, wich is the thing with our dreams... I too get a lot of dreams that most people would find scary or messed up...

10th May 2007, 09:11 AM
Hello, Scott.

I find you are not appreciating the good aspect of this dream enough! ;)

See, you were empowered in this dream to make a difference in a threatening situation. Maybe it meant - there is threatening and evil stuff in this world, and no one is perfectly protected, but you, having chosen the spiritual path, can make a difference? :D

I hope this is at least part of the dream's message, because I think so.


10th May 2007, 09:12 AM
Oh but now that you mention it, a friend of mine who lives in the states called me out of the blue yesterday (we haven't talked in a few months) because she had a nightmare about me and wanted to make sure I was OK

10th May 2007, 07:30 PM
Call this coincidince, but my sister, by the pool area, saw a spider. This was not a black widow, only a wolf spider. But it caused a nasty bite on her neck. It itched, but she was okay. I don't think that this was the point of the dream, but maybe the signs leading up to the important part, warning me that something is coming, like Korpo said. It was scary to see my sister turn 'demon', though. Disturbing...

-Yet another similaritybetween us, hasalameth. :lol:

10th May 2007, 08:27 PM
I don't think that this was the point of the dream, but maybe the signs leading up to the important part, warning me that something is coming, like Korpo said.

Hehe, I take the credit for anything nice said, but this was not like anything I said. Please reread! ;)


10th May 2007, 08:29 PM
Aaahhhh, yes, that's what happens when you skim through stuff. :lol: Still a good idea, Korpo!

11th May 2007, 04:46 PM

I have found that our dreams are multi-dimensional and timeless. I believe your dream was precognitive and also means other things.

Question: Do you study alchemy?
Are you a healer?
Is your sister exposed to high levels of radiation?

First on the physical side, spiders sometims represent cancer or the environment for that to develop. I'm not saying this is the case - only you would know. If this was the case, and you are a healer of sorts - say Reiki or even a nutritionist or herbalist - you would have the power physically to help her health.

I am fascinated with the term "melting" into her. Some might say absorbed, went, traveled inside - but melting - why melting? I remember that I used to see these bugs in my dreams which I named Tar Bugs. I called them that because they were black and would melt into people, they also melted together to form bigger tar bugs. You didn't want to become all black and become a zombie type and loose my light and my free will - sort of like possessed. These tar bugs had a master demon who willed these bugs to possess or consume people. I found lemon oil and turning the mind commands back onto the master to be a way of defeating the bugs.

I would also feel a connection to alchemy. Something changing form (melting) to combine with something else. I would look at you as an Alchemist since you then were able to break the combined formation, and remove the initial disturbance. If you don't study alchemy, is it something that interests you? Maybe you should begin the study.

Thanks for sharing.

11th May 2007, 07:58 PM
I am a healer, practicing Reiki and a little magick when needed. I started to study alchemy, but my parents took my book away, believing I was wasting my time, "worshiping the devil..." I've been trying to get back into it somehow, but I'm not a very sneaky person.
Now for the term melting; The spider(which didn't look like a black widow anymore once it enlarged) melted to liquid and the liquid was sucked into my sister. But the look on my sister's face was what really scared me.
As for radiation, I hope not! She's only five :lol: But, maybe I should do a distance healing incase she developes cancer in the future. :shock: The dream could be telling me that I should start healing now, as it could be serious. But what's the harm?
Thanks for the insights everyone!
Namaste. :)

14th May 2007, 03:27 PM

I didn't want to instill fear, nor am I saying that your sister is sick. I was merely letting you know of one possible meaning for the bugs.

I think doing a distance healing is a great idea. Even if to distract any type of parasite - or human manipulation or sickness. An extra boost of light and energy is always good.

With every study, people use it for good and some use it for bad. So, saying that, maybe you should look into a simpler or lighter side of the study of alchemy. Alchemy is about transmutation. You could study the healing side of alchemy. It is amazing how an enzyme could change certain viruses or coat them to have them removed from the body. Same thing with heavy metals in the body. Or using not only the color of the seven chakras in a Merkaba meditation, but using some metals in the Merkaba meditation - gold - platinum - copper. Just some ideas.

Thanks again.