View Full Version : A dream I just had...

9th May 2007, 07:35 PM
This morning I had a very odd dream.

My dream takes place in what I percieved as a mall. There was a shop I entered, I believe it was a magic shop or something similar. The store owner was some powerful being that had rejected me either for training of some kind or from his shop or both. He was mocking me or saying my magic was weak or something similar. At this point I conjured a small fire colored sphere from my index finger tips and dispatched a few of his minions. I think he then morphed into a dragon(or was one) and he and his minions began chasing me down one of the mall corridors, during this I was making different hand jestures conjuring more powerful fireballs and using it during the battle against him and his minions. The chase continued I stopped at a square fountain with four wooden benches on each side, they were coming towards me and I realised my index fingers were associated with fire and that my ring fingers could produce lime green spheres. I used these lime green spheres by touching them to my body to morph myself into this muscley hunking brute, however soon after I reverted to my original shape. I then ran into a clothing shop and had somehow lost my persuers.

I began conjuring these fireballs again with both my hands and still using the unknown hand jestures, I was launching them towards the being's shop in a attempt to defeat his minions. I continued this until the minions were gone at it was just him against me, he was furiously charging at me from his store and I awaited his short arrival. When he had reached me however there was no battle between us, he said something along the line of "you leave me no choice, I must ally with you" and that was it.

Soon after this the dream stopped and I was in the same place but it was a different adventure or story but I won't elaborate on that. I'm sure I missed a few details but I cant quite recall them.

I have no clue where this dream came from or what it means or if it was just a jumble of subconscious thought.


9th May 2007, 07:52 PM
Have you had dreams in this same place before, have you been reading "Harry Potter"ish type of literature, and how lucid were you in this dream (or at all?)

9th May 2007, 08:16 PM
I've had dreams in a similar environment yes. Fantasy/Harry Potter style media I'm not really into and I haven't view anything close to that for some time. The level of lucidity was low it was like being a passive unconsious observer, like watching a movie and not knowing it.

9th May 2007, 09:17 PM
The recurring background and lack of other input makes me think it was some sort of 'dreamsate lesson'. Of course, this is just my opinion.