View Full Version : Demon or God?

9th May 2007, 04:55 PM
Ok so I had a fantastic dream, even though some may consider it a nightmare. I was a little girl, being raised by my grandmother in an old shack. Anyway, everywhere I went in the dream, tragedy followed. My school house burned down, friends died etc.

Well I went home and my grandmother was in the yard. Then it was like this entity was "wearing" her and let her form fall to the floor. I followed him into the house. He proceeded to show me symbols on the wall of the shack, each one illuminating as he pointed to it. He told me he knows all languages, he said he is a lion, sea serpent and dragon. His voice changed constantly, but always seemed very non-human.

When I woke up I immediately drifted off again and a voice said to me "He is Thoth, a demon, preys on the lonely, sad and depressed."

When I woke up for good, the dream didn't bother me at all. I even woke feeling refreshed. I laughed a bit because I'm not lonely, sad or depressed so I think he was wasting his time. Anyway I looked up Thoth and see that he was an Egyptian god, a scribe to the underworld.

9th May 2007, 05:42 PM
No no no that was just me playing you a trick!! ;)

Well, history is not really what happened, is what has been written down by humans. So. Maybe you've just gotten yourself an otherwordly admirer! Or it was just a weird dream you know, the once you add to the shelf - "one time doesn't count".


Did this "demon" seem to offer you something? Or asking you to accept an agreement, or start to work with him/her/it in some way? And do you perhaps remember the symbols? We have quite a few pro-symbologists here (I think)...

Good luck!

Rain, iF
9th May 2007, 07:17 PM
Well if this was an actual entity in your dream, I doubt it was a demon. In my [very few, thankfully] encounters with demons, even if they didn't speak or look any different, I could differentiate between a demon and a...non demon. If you felt refreshed after your dream, it probably wasn't an actual demon. It also could have been your mind messing with you. But all in all, if it felt like a good dream, that's great :)

9th May 2007, 08:12 PM
Is your grandmother still alive? This sounds like some kind of warning to me. The reason I ask about your grandmother is because maybe the dream wasn't talking about you, but your grandmother. This Thoth guy sounds very bad, if what your dream said was true. I'd examine your grandmother to see if she has any signs of a neg attachment.
But why the happy feeling? I believe that the entity which gave you the dream was good. It was trying to warn you. The good presence of it made you feel refreshed, like some sort of blessing upon you. I'd be cautious, just in case. I don't know if the old myhtology is anything to go by, because the Thoth in Egypt represents everything about learning and academics. He doesn't judge the dead, only records what they have done in their life to hand them to someone else. There is probably variations of this, ofcourse.
As I said before, be careful!

Blessed Be.

10th May 2007, 08:42 AM
Well both my grandmothers are alive as of right now although one is suffering dementia

Another thing he said was he knows all languages. I remember as he was "teaching" me the symbols, I was trying to trick him by speaking in a different language.
He didn't ask anything of me that I remember...I felt like a pupil, sitting crosslegged on the floor while he showed me things

The only symbol I remember is when he said he was a lion, a symbol that looked sort of like an upside down U appeared.

10th May 2007, 09:08 AM
Well, that is the zodiac sign for the lion. Did you know this in your waking life? Although there is a chance you might have seen the zodiac sign in your life and that it swam up through your subconscious, I would say that thi guys is for real. It would be super cool if you could remember more symbols or teachings. Still no signs of negativity?

[edit: did it look like this?]


10th May 2007, 09:11 AM
I almost peed my pants when I saw that!!!

It looked very similar...Im not really into astrology, I mean I know my own symbol and all but no I had no idea!
Wow now I am freaked out!

The thing is, this dream was very real...I even remember the voice

I felt like I was there *chills*

10th May 2007, 09:13 AM
Well, Jung did not find a "common subconscious" and "archetypes" for nothing, Shannanigans. ;)


10th May 2007, 09:16 AM
I wonder what the lion represents?

a totem perhaps?

He also mention being a sea serpent and dragon...both mythological creatures but I don't see a connection

The lion's was the only symbol I remember

10th May 2007, 09:17 AM

A) You weren't threatened

B) You weren't offered some kind of "deal" or "agreement"

C) You weren't "tempted" (right?)

D) You woke up not feeling bad or anything (right?)

E) Why worry? :)

When I woke up I immediately drifted off again and a voice said to me "He is Thoth, a demon, preys on the lonely, sad and depressed."

Was it the same voice? Maybe this 2nd voice is lying, maybe it is warning you. Are you lonely, sad and depressed? I guess you will have to make a decision pretty soon to trust this guy or to ask him to go away. Try meditating on the subject. Next time, just ask him who he is and what he wants.

10th May 2007, 09:19 AM
Aunt Clair had a dream detailing an energy work technique to her using animal imagery. See here in the energy work forum, even has lions & dragons in the title:



10th May 2007, 09:26 AM
Hi Shannanigans,

I'm curious as to how the second entity pronounced the name Thoth. There is a very specific way to say the name & anything faking it would probably get it wrong.

It is not a rhyme with broth. It is more like Teh-ow-teh. He was also known as Djehuti.

10th May 2007, 09:32 AM
No the voice pronounced it pretty much how it looks thoth=broth
And it wasn't the voice of the entity, because the entity's voice was very deep, non human and distinct...the second voice sounded human

The actual entity in my dream seemed very powerful and I was more in awe of him/it then afraid

10th May 2007, 10:37 AM
Thoth seems to have been a very powerful entity indeed. He seems to have been the one who raised humans from primitive cave dweller to modern human. The story is that he was an Atlantean, although there are indications that he was more than that. He was the keeper of knowledge for The Dweller, who was the Earthly representative of the Seven Golden Lords who have come from Cycles 'above' ours to guide us.

Thoth lived a long time & 'died' of his own volition. He was an habitué of Amenti where he communed with the Seven Lords & received the benefit of the Flower of Life, enabling him to renew his body & be one of the Immortals.

If you met him you would, I think, be in the presence of a truely awe-inspiring presence. If the second being got the name wrong I'd suspect it is someone faking knowledge. Someone you've had contact or established a link with who is using that link to try to impress you in some way.

Just my opinion...

10th May 2007, 10:48 AM
awe inspiring indeed

I just wish I remembered everything he told me, and more of the symbols he showed

He seemed stern and a bit impatient and very loud commanding voice. Perhaps I was a child in my dream because that's how I would truly feel in front of this entity!

10th May 2007, 10:54 AM
If he is what we're told he is, he is truly the father of Humanity. He was Hermes the Thrice Born & ruled for 30,000 years before passing things over to those like Osiris & Isis. Then came the Eleuf Coucil (for 9,000 years, I think) followed by the first of the Pharaohs.

10th May 2007, 11:00 AM
I have a friend who had a very vivid dream about how she was half human half alien, and when she woke up, a voice told her something very negative, in the way that she is evil. I would suggest that the human voice tried to manipulate you into not listening to this guy.

I also had a weird experience once, and by the end of it, just when I "awoke" / snapped out of trance, I heard a loud voice say my first name, and it "shook" me back to consciousness. I felt it had more to say, but I was so shaken that I became instantly aware of my physical surroundings. How did your voice "feel" like?

Journyman - very interesting stuff, I would love to learn more about Thoth and similar "teachings". Would you mind providing me with some links? Thanks :)

10th May 2007, 11:14 AM
That's exactly how I awoke!

I woke with a start...with his voice still ringing in my ears

I laid my head back down, drifted off and then heard the second voice.

after that I was awake for good

His voice was masculine and very deep...but it kept changing...pitches I guess. It truly was an ancient sounding voice
Has anyone heard of contact like this and what it usually signifies?

10th May 2007, 12:19 PM
hasalameth - look for books by Ralph Ellis, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval & others. Christopher Dunn makes a good case for the actual use of the Great Pyramid. Look for Charles Hopgood's ideas of maps such as the Piri Reis map

Sorry Shannanigans - back to the topic.

10th May 2007, 12:39 PM
That's exactly how I awoke!

I woke with a start...with his voice still ringing in my ears

I laid my head back down, drifted off and then heard the second voice.

after that I was awake for good

His voice was masculine and very deep...but it kept changing...pitches I guess. It truly was an ancient sounding voice
Has anyone heard of contact like this and what it usually signifies?
If the question is about voices when you wake, it's actually rather common (at least for people who trance/meditate/project). You can call it a hypnopomp (auditory) or a visit to the Akashic Records. Chances are you dipped into an alternate reality when life events were blamed on the victim, like the middle ages....or nowadays, depending on the case.

10th May 2007, 01:52 PM
hasalameth - look for books by Ralph Ellis, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval & others. Christopher Dunn makes a good case for the actual use of the Great Pyramid. Look for Charles Hopgood's ideas of maps such as the Piri Reis map

Sorry Shannanigans - back to the topic.

Cool thanks, I have already read parts of the Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings or whatever it was called.

and sorry S, back to topic! :roll:

As I think I wrote already - you will have to be the judge of what to do. listen to your heart and intuition, they will most probably point you out in which direction you should go.

17th July 2018, 11:33 PM
I had a dream of thoth let me know what you guys think of it it starts like this.
(Before going to sleep I read the emerald tablets and I was reading for a few days in a row)
Ok this is the dream
so I just went to bed and I woke up in my dream it seemed to be light outside and I heard a voice (Thoth) saying Get up if you want to be free so I got up out of my bed and I looked across the hall of my house and saw what seemed to be another person and he was pretty friendly he was a black kid but I felt like I knew him and that we were best friends even though I’ve never seen him before and I heard the voice (Thoth) say “say these words and open the light so Thoth told me the word and the word was do-e-Lila and so me and the other person started to say he word and we noticed a square shape door of light started to become big and bright then once we saw that the door of light was completed (Thoth) told me to go into the light I remember being nervous and I took the other persons hand and we walked towards the light and he said it was ok, so I took one step into the light and I then found myself in what felt like a different realm it was dark And the floor was like sound purple waves moving in waves and I saw other people in that room and they looked like they couldn’t figure something out. The. I heard the voice (Thoth) say “what do you hear “ and I tried for a long time to figure it out and then it clicked I put my head to the ground and I heard a heart beat I then told thoth what I had heard and then I saw two entities in tall shape figure (they had human characteristics but it felt like they were alien or angel) and I saw the two entities standing and another bright door started to emerge I then walked threw that door and I found myself what looked to be a grey ancient bunker looking structure with a tall ceiling and me and other people that did hear something had to tell these entities what we had heard I then told them I had heard a heart beat and they said I got an 86% and I was instantly teleported floating in space but I felt one with the universe (what seemed to be a being of light) . I then woke up.

18th July 2018, 09:17 AM
Hi ChrisS
I don't usually try to advise on peoples dreams but as you have asked I wondered if this could have been an opportunity using your current reading to give you a little teaching.
What stuck out here was someone of authority asked you to tell him what you could hear. You heard a heart beat. You then had to repeat this finding to others. Maybe the repeating of what you heard was so you would remember the words. You were listening to a heart beat. You had confirmation that you were right by being given 86%
Maybe the teaching here is for you to Listen To Your Heart. From that you could say , follow what you think is right, or live from the heart
( I was once advised to "Search For The Heart Of The Universe"
Thats just my feelings on it but others may have a completely different view.

I usually find that if I am confused with something but feel its important I send out a clear message asking for further clarification, and it comes!