View Full Version : Energy sources

17th January 2020, 08:02 PM
Do you draw energy, like qi, from any external sources? Or you do not?
For example, sun is one of the most powerful energy transmitters. Do you use it? If not, why?

I'm asking about it partly because that I noticed a strong dependence on such external sources, sun being the most important. I feel that my reception and absorption of the sun rays significantly increased, and with cloudless days like today I had, I feel strong impact of being energized by it: not just physically, but in particular on mental, astral or spiritual etc. levels. This works also the other way around: lack of sun rays is very noticeable! My mind works very different, depending on presence or absence of sun during the day, like I had a direct connection to sun whenever it shows up and is not covered. This of course makes some suspicions about planes polluting the sky in order to create "artificial" clouds... Anyway, have you observed some similart effects?

29th January 2020, 10:47 AM
Sun bathing - #1 Australian holy practice.

I did some today, it wrecks the crap out of anxiety for an hour or two and the w'hol'e thing shift'd.

29th January 2020, 05:11 PM
Sun bathing - #1 Australian holy practice.

I did some today, it wrecks the crap out of anxiety for an hour or two and the w'hol'e thing shift'd.
Australia is a very specific place in this sense... do you have any darker days there? ;)
Anyway, in Europe it is typical to have cloudy sky quite often, especially in autumn or winter - like now. Rainy or foggy weather also has its place, as it adds water element to the body and cleanses it. But because there is this variety, I need to watch and hunt for sunny days to be out then. Additionally, planes poluting the sky with chemical residue don't help.

29th January 2020, 10:32 PM
In winter I know to hibernate. The elements per the seasons are very self-realised/self-realising. Where I live it gets quite windy but not dark as such...

30th January 2020, 05:01 PM
In winter I know to hibernate. The elements per the seasons are very self-realised/self-realising. Where I live it gets quite windy but not dark as such...
This could mean that there are not many clouds there in a yearly cycle, and hence not much rain I guess.

30th January 2020, 08:02 PM
I do, I consider energy to be everywhere (like the air or just space) and that's how I absorb it.

30th January 2020, 08:53 PM
I do, I consider energy to be everywhere (like the air or just space) and that's how I absorb it.
Do you distinguish them, or choose whataver - anything? Do you pay attention to quality, or don't care?

31st January 2020, 10:28 AM
Do you distinguish them, or choose whataver - anything? Do you pay attention to quality, or don't care?
I like to pick 3 qualities of them and believe in Higher Self (presence, not separated being).

In writing this I am discerning mirth, gratitude and light... so as I write my HS is prompt to to tell me it's a fun-loving place.

11th February 2020, 09:38 PM
Oh, those planes polluting the sky in order to create artificial clouds... is this what we pay tax for? Traditionally people used to gather dew at dawn of May day, but you can't do that any more because it's overcast, you don't get dew when it's overcast as far as I know. I do not believe it's any coincidence that the weather started being like this around the time the planes started "chemtrailing". Maybe there should be a law saying they can only fly over specific defined plane roads, instead of covering all the most inhabited areas in a grid like now. If they've got somewhere to be then they can jolly well do it without robbing us of sunshine! Goodness gracious! And then there's the noise pollution if that term is linguistically valid.

12th February 2020, 04:09 PM
Do you distinguish them, or choose whataver - anything? Do you pay attention to quality, or don't care? To me energy is the capacity to do something, so I don't think energy has a quality- that is information- and I'm not absorbing the information, just the energy.
It's not that I don't care- it's that in my way of thinking, the idea that energy has a quality is incorrect- we give it the quality.

12th February 2020, 04:39 PM
To me energy is the capacity to do something, so I don't think energy has a quality- that is information- and I'm not absorbing the information, just the energy.
It's not that I don't care- it's that in my way of thinking, the idea that energy has a quality is incorrect- we give it the quality.
Not sure if we think of the same thing. According to the ancient information, confirmed by the direct experience, so called qi or prana - the essential to life energy - comes from the air. The quality of air is also the quality of energy which we breath in. Do you mean, then, that it doesn't change anything in your case when breating in polluted energy vs. fresh energy?

I must say I can see a significant difference between energy and its quality in a city center and in a natural environment like woods.

12th February 2020, 04:49 PM
I am definately on the side of the argument that energy does have a quality. For example, prana means "human energy" - it is a synthesis of solar energy and human intent. Chi, qi, ki can also be derived. Mana, or "dream energy," orgone "sane energy," etc etc.

12th February 2020, 06:11 PM
The information - possibly - inherent in energy is also another, interesting topic. From my point of view / experience, energy is not an abstract observation (as materialists tend to say) of a part of reality; it is its substance / essence.

This is also an interesting point that "quality" could be subjective - and I think indeed it is. This is due to the fact that everything is relative - relates to another.

When looking into e.g. ancient Chinese view on energy (with different frequencies) and its phases - they are all relative (to each other). This is even more interesting when realizing the fact that the scientific discovery shows how different frequencies of energy differently interact with another frequencies, including the so-called resonance phenomena - they are relative in its "relationships" (interactions), i.e. the type of interaction and effect changes depending on a particular frequency.

When we think of ourselves as being energy, it makes a lot deal of sense therefore to view us as being relative as well (the other term for "subjective") - to anything, to anyone. Before any obvious interaction between two people happen, they interact between themselves energetically. Learning about and noticing those energetics in contacts between people leads to development of a new skills.

I prefer therefore to see energy more as an actual 'substance' of the universe which can be transformed - with thought. I see it as a "cosmic science of energy": when you learn how to deal with energy in theory and practice, you also learn about yourself, whether it is your psyche, or astral body, or virtually anything else! (It is a univers-al knowledge).

Energy can be also a means for transmission: I'm not talking about modern technology using light (being also energy) transferring data in an artificial way, but rather about 'natural' information that may come to us through the use of the natural mind abilities to telepathically recieve any (not just intellectual) information 'encoded' or 'embedded' within the energy.

Most of those types of information we are not aware of, because we do not have a tednceny / trained skills to operate on other frequencies...

For example, the sun is a massive light / energy / information transmitter. With every single photon (and higher frequency energy other than the photon particles acknowledged by materialistically oriented science) we recieve information - whether we are conscious of this fact or not. (This is similar to working of the subconsciousness: most of information that subconsciousness filters is not coming to our conscious mind). The degree to which we open to recieve the information incoming from the cosmos (in energy) is the degree to which we connect - on certain level, like a mental level - to the rest of the universe (higher than material frequencies).

My guess is that the "artificial sky clouds", the global government projects - one of many btw, just one of the most evident - are in most part supposed to disconnect possible interactions of the sorts which I touched above.

I believe that energy / frequecy / qi / prana / and so on, is a synonym for life - consciousness. The type of frequencies incoming to a planet, like Earth (mostly from the Sun), determines the type of life that can exist on such a planet. In other words, if we exchanged the sun with another star here like with Sirius, the frequencies would change here significantly, and the human kind would evolve differently from that moment. This is due to the fact that I believe that interaction of human being (as whole, on all levels) with energy / frequency incoming to us from - in most part - the sun, so ommitted by current science, is the real source and reason for anything occuring on this planet, including our mental activity. Modifying its influence (like with the constant polluting air and sky e.g. by planes) therefore may affect how we on certain levels interact with the cosmic energy, and how much information and frequency we may gain. I believe it has a lot to do with DNA possible changes.

In one taoist book the author stated that:

Just as the fish is unmindful of the fact that it lives in water, we are unaware of the vast, inexhaustible sea of energy which supports our lives.

My point, therefore, the sun is not just a warming source, as materialist point of view seem to suggest. This is very superficial view; rather, the sun (rays) role is enormously big: if we disconnected from the sun completely, we would live in a different "sea of frequencies", which quickly would affect our DNA, physical bodies, astral bodies, mental bodies... and mental activity - whole our existence.

13th February 2020, 06:41 PM
FRV: "frequency, resonance, vibration" is a catchy way to say that you have energy like you and that is the stuff you can use.

16th February 2020, 02:45 AM
(low quality post deleted which essentially gave some speculation based on a small amount of research and coincidental things)

16th February 2020, 06:51 AM
My guess is that energy is a "neutral" in terms of it not knowing what it is interacting with, so if you were to believe "i am energy" perhaps you could do what you want a bit.