View Full Version : Multiple wakings / OBE

6th May 2007, 08:19 AM
A few weeks ago a friend and I were discussing multiple wakings... he had a confusing yet strong OBE experience in which he seemed to OBE in and out of a dream body, and after returning to the dream body, get up and walk around and experience the dream as if it were reality. It doesn't seem all that likely that the "dream" reality was the RTZ as there were too many reality fluctuations, but I guess it's possible... when you start playing around in the land of multiple memories / projection levels, things can get very confusing!

I did have some appreciation for what he was saying because I experienced something similar last night.

During sleep, I became aware of floating around in my parents' house in Michigan, feeling happy and even a bit sexually charged. I felt joyful, with a kind of idle playfulness, like the world was my oyster. Things seemed very colorful yet formless, like I could pull anything into being and make it happen. As I was floating around in the living room, thinking of what I wanted to do next, I became aware of something waking me up, pulling me back to my physical body.

Only, it wasn't my ACTUAL physical body.. it was a dream version of my physical body, "asleep" upstairs in my old bedroom in Michigan. My older brother was in my bedroom, doing homework and he was saying "Robin is open, Robin is open" repeatedly. I was irritated to be woken up, and irritated that he seemed to know the very thing that would ensure that I would wake up (It doesn't make any sense what he was saying, but Robin's my boss's name and thus I was paying attention and "waking up") and be pulled away from happily floating around downstairs. The first time he said it, I became aware of my "physical body" asleep in the bed.. the second time he said it, my "astral? body" wasn't quite lined up with my "physical body"... I was aware of my "physical body" lying horizontally on the bed, while being simultaneously aware of my "Astral" body lying kind of in a survivors' float, with my head in, but my limbs dangling downwards. Like a swimmer, I slowly moved my astral limbs, enjoying the way they felt lighter and tingled as they moved through a water-like medium, while I waited for my "physical" body to wake up so I could yell at my brother for waking me up. Then I was "fully awake" and got up in the dream environment, walking around and continuing to have the dream, thinking that I had homework to finish to get ready for school in the morning.

Not long after that, I truly woke up, totally confused and disoriented thinking it was Monday rather than Saturday. I can appreciate my friend's confusion about his own "false OBE" / multiple waking scenario and it is a bit confusing to suss out what happened.

My instinct (though of course anything's possible, I'm just feeling this out here) is that there was only one split rather than two.. an astral experience, and my physical body dreaming. (rather than "two" splits) I think when my astral body got called back to my physical, it found it busily dreaming and tried downloading on top of it (the swimmy energetic part) but didn't find it awake enough for a clear download and it got overlaid on top of the physical body's dreams, kinda like it just sank down into the dream pool, and the join seemed to happen while the physical body was still asleep and dreaming, rather than at the point of waking up. Really an interesting experience, but apparently a common one.

ETA: The precipitating environment for this experience was that I spent the night before listening to two monroe Focus 10 tracks (clicked out for most of both of them) and did a meditation on the Self, aka the Higher Self, in getting more attention and cooperation from the Self.

6th May 2007, 08:42 AM
AFAIK, dreams can enable telepathic contact. Think about shared dreams. If in this dream state we are more susceptible to our natural but dormant telepathic abilities, as some people are in deep hypnosis, then there are ways "around" the memory download problem.

Robert recounted his "keystone clue" about the split as a telepathic feedback loop between his physical body and his astral double. Since he was fully aware in both this was a rather harsh experience. But I think in your case, as your lucidity seemed to waver a bit, and this was in the special dream state, this somehow "mixed up" and produced the download you now have, inconsistencies and all.

Or in another way round: I find your intuition about it good! ;)
