View Full Version : disturbing dream

6th May 2007, 03:31 AM
I recently had a dream that was one of the most disturbing dreams I have experienced in a long time.
It was not the average night mare. It was not one of those dreams that you wake up from and sweat it off knowing it was a dream, it felt..i cant describe it..not real, but like had a connection to my real environment or life.

This dream, as far as I can remember, began with me outside my house, picking up the bowls I use to feed my dogs. I looked up into the sky and there was a massive aircraft hovering just to the right of my house.
This aircraft had a dark gray metal exterior with an egg shell texture. It was probably about the size and shape of a football field about 1/20ith the thickness as the length.
After seeing this craft, I immediately went into the house and then to the window. I watched as one of the standard/stereotypical/iconic flying saucers few up to the gray craft and hoved for about 3 seconds before doors on the bottom of the craft opened and the saucer was taken into the larger gray craft.
After this, I continued watching the aircraft. It was not moving at all, just hovering. Soon after the saucer was taken in, another door opened, this time on the other end. A beam of light began to search the vicinity of my home, scanning over the area I had been in several times. I assume the craft was looking for humans for abduction or something of the sort.

After this, the craft left...some dream time went by, and the military arrived. There were helicopters, foot troops, and most frighteningly, motorcycle brigades. This was not a foreign military.
The motorcycle brigades had red flags that very much resembled those of the Nazis. It was a red background with a white swastika like cross, however, the ends of the cross were spades (like cards) instead of the change of direction the original swastika had. The motorcyclists also were wearing metal gas masks with accented ears.
The main motorcyclist, a very frightening woman, came up to my door took off the gas mask/helmet, and began to question me about what I had seen.

This would be where I woke up.

I discussed this dream with a friend, who said Nazis had been associated with aliens before, and he had read about people encountering the two together when astral projecting.

any thoughts or experiences that are similar?

Rain, iF
6th May 2007, 04:50 AM
I've never experienced that myself, but I think it's something to pay very close attention to. Have you ever entertained the idea of aliens as a reality before? I think you should PM me, because I have some thoughts on this that I would really prefer not to post in public. If you would like me to share these thoughts with you, send me a message. Also my msn is sc_rain@hotmail.com. Feel free to message me anytime. I would pay close attention to things like this.

6th May 2007, 08:33 AM
Hello, lunar.

This is a very widespread topic because the field of ufology and abduction has a very personal dimension crafted on it.

There have been myriads of associations with the UFO phenomenon - it touches on what we commonly known as monsters or strange creatures, on visions of Mary and on OBE and NDE. It is more like a topic cross-cutting the whole range of human experience, deeply involved with our psyche, but also manifesting in our physical reality.

If you take author Whitley Strieber, for whom his experiences were deeply traumatic. He is still dealing with it, but he has tried and partially succeeded to make contact with the true alien thing about his situation - that he was having contact with something non-human sentient and this invoked his primal fear. His "Communion" series is impressive on many levels. He was the author of the novel "The Day After Tomorrow" was based on.

Or Betty Andreasson - her experiences laid down by Raymond Fowler speak of many vision-like experiences. Her accounts brought me to looking up OBE books and led me here. "The Watchers II" come to mind.

The experience can be traumatic or euphoric, evil, neutral or good, but is always leaving a deep impression on people's lives. You can find other people around here - not me - who had real experiences of all sorts in this.

About the feeling of reality, perhaps you can elaborate a bit on the feeling, atmosphere and "reality" of the dream? Have you ever had an OBE?

Take good care and best of luck,

6th May 2007, 03:46 PM
The feeling of reality...the dream, like most dreams, felt real as I was in it, but I woke up knowing that it was a dream. There were discrepancies in time, and a few things did not make sense. But I woke up and felt like the dream had a connection to reality. Not that it was reality.

I have not had an OBE before that I am aware of, but maybe I can compare the dream to it (from what I have read) by saying the things in an OBE don't necessarily affect your 'real' life physically, but mentally you learn things that relate to reality. So you gain information that is relevant.

The feeling that I got from the dream seemed similar to that.