View Full Version : Repeating themes

4th May 2007, 11:36 AM
so after the first few days of "Mastering Astral Projection" I have been having sevral dreams a night that I remember vividly and reoccurring themes
Is it normal to keep dreaming about the same things? I have never had any repeat dreams before this program

4th May 2007, 11:44 AM
Hello, Shannanigans.

When people do energy work and start to remove blockages, this can touch on the emotional level and beyond, for example old trauma.

In order for trauma to resolve it has often to be confronted again. Same for positive experiences that lured us into certain thinking patterns - like a lollipop from grandpa, a kind gesture that has turned us into sugar junkies. ;)

All these things find their way to the surface, and dreams can be a way to express them. Sometimes the subconscious repeats a dream until the "message arrived".

Dreams are important channels of things we are little aware of. Therapists often wonder that even the most shut down or negative person set in its ways can have dreams that show great potential and understanding. This indicates that "something" is speaking to us in our dreams, and often enough it is our Higher Self.

Do you mind to share the dream? You do not need to, if it is too personal. You be the judge. :)

Take good care,

4th May 2007, 11:56 AM
I wouldn't mind at all

The first dream I had was of someone pouring white paint on my stomach. No matter how hard I tried to wash it off, my skin wouldn't come clean. I was actually making it worse by trying to get rid of it

In my second dream (This is kind of gross) there was a baby chick in a rafter. I stretched out my arm to try and see if it would perch, but it pooped on my arm! Again, I tried to scrub it off but my arm wouldn't come clean. Again, the more I tried to wash it away, the more it spread on my arm

So not identical dreams but you get the idea
I also keep dreaming about my childhood home..I moved about 5 years ago.

4th May 2007, 12:06 PM
The color white is often associated with purity, babies and baby animals as well. But somehow your imagery seems to suggest you "have been soiled by something pure"? Seems worth pondering. :)

BTW - it is not that gross, as long as I do not visualise it. Dreams are often very blunt in their messages. ;)

Childhood dreams can signal unresolved experiences from that time. If you reenact some current event in a childhood home setting it can signal something like "I'm still reacting to this this way as I did as a child or because of my childhood". Since children have less capacity in dealing with the onslaught of experiences we often have to go back and resolve old experiences to break ourselves free from childhood patterns.

How do you feel about these dreams? Good? Bad? Neutral?


4th May 2007, 12:08 PM
I felt kind of panicked that it wouldn't come off...but more or less I viewed it as a big inconvenience.
I suppose the second dream was on the verge of being lucid, as I remember thinking that this had happened before and being annoyed by it

Both times the substance was white...soiled by something pure...that is different. I will think on this as I can't think of anything off the top of my head

4th May 2007, 12:15 PM
Yeah, but don't let my speculation distract you from your own intuition. Everything you come up for yourself about a dream is usually far, far more trustworthy than external input. Good training for intuition.

Take good care,

4th May 2007, 01:03 PM
Hello, Shannanigans.

When people do energy work and start to remove blockages, this can touch on the emotional level and beyond, for example old trauma.

In order for trauma to resolve it has often to be confronted again. Same for positive experiences that lured us into certain thinking patterns - like a lollipop from grandpa, a kind gesture that has turned us into sugar junkies. ;)

All these things find their way to the surface, and dreams can be a way to express them. Sometimes the subconscious repeats a dream until the "message arrived".

Dreams are important channels of things we are little aware of. Therapists often wonder that even the most shut down or negative person set in its ways can have dreams that show great potential and understanding. This indicates that "something" is speaking to us in our dreams, and often enough it is our Higher Self.

Do you mind to share the dream? You do not need to, if it is too personal. You be the judge. :)

Take good care,
Oliver I just wanted to add that a great deal of OBE and LD work results in increased self-awareness, and improved dream recall, and it's possible that you are now becoming aware of your dreams- it's possible that you always have dreamed these dreams and not remembered, and now are becoming aware of them.
(Which is sort of what Korpo said, in a diff. way. :wink: ) But I do like to add my .02. :D

4th May 2007, 01:08 PM
it's possible that you always have dreamed these dreams and not remembered, and now are becoming aware of them.
(Which is sort of what Korpo said, in a diff. way. :wink: ) But I do like to add my .02. :D

You see, I have my own translator and interpreter in CF - who'd have guessed? I supply the same service for journyman161... ;)


4th May 2007, 01:11 PM
There's a little weird visual, Korpo... :P

4th May 2007, 01:15 PM
:?: :shock: ;)

* Overload *

Come again?


4th May 2007, 10:09 PM
well for the last 2 nights since I started, I have been remembering an average of 5-6 dreams whereas before it was more like 0-1 if that

So perhaps I HAD dreamt them before

4th May 2007, 10:28 PM
Have you found yourself in a dream-place where you know the person you're talking to 'from before', but know you've never met them in waking life, or in a place you recognize in the dream, but not when you wake up?

5th May 2007, 11:47 AM
That happens all the time (people I feel I "know")
In almost every dream I feel like there is always someone with me just behind me...we are both observers in the dream. I feel safe with this presence and I think it helps me detatch myself from my dreams...Even "nightmares" don't scare me because on some level I know I am dreaming

Palehorse Redivivus
7th May 2007, 02:09 AM
Hi Shannanigans,

I've found too that if I do energy work before bed, my normally low dream recall goes through the roof. If I raise even more energy, I can have AP exit-related phenomena happen. Makes me wonder what would happen if I spent a bunch more time on it and then tried to sleep... maybe I'd just end up too wired and lay there all night like this: :shock: . Heh.

Interesting symbolism. Random impulse that occurred to me about the chick dream -- feeling like your attempts to be kind can get, err... crapped on? I don't know. Good site with a searchable dictionary of dream symbols that I use sometimes though: dreammoods.com.

I can relate to the "childhood home" thing; I haven't lived there for 12 years, but it still turns up in dreams more than any other place I've lived. I'm wondering if maybe since we live there during our formative years, its the place that leaves the biggest impression on our subconscious. I've also had a lot of dreams where I go back to that house, not realizing I don't live there still until I go in and really freak out the people who do, lol. I've wondered if I'm periodically haunting some poor family. Oops. :P

7th May 2007, 03:16 AM
Yes my dreams have been so numerous I had to stop last night so I could sleep! I was waking up every hour it seemed to record another dream

They are starting to become more structured now, with actual sequence of events

I wonder if shift work has an effect? I have very abnormal sleeping patterns and have to do my energy work at different times all the time

7th May 2007, 06:38 AM
hello there..

Ive always had wierd dreams, but lately my recall has improved a freakish amount. i keep odd hours due to the fact im involved with a guy on another continent and the 8 hour time difference has played havoc with my sleep (luckily i work at home too)

Im tending to nap in the day for a couple of hours and sleep maybe 3/4 around 3am; in reality i end up sleeping randomly when i can/when i feel like it. Thing is , now i recall pretty much everything, and the dreams all seem to fit together. So i definately think abnormal sleeping patterns have something to do with it.

7th May 2007, 01:39 PM
I'm so similar
I work nights and graves so I sleep when the sun comes up...but on my days off I am up early, nap in the afternoon then go to bed around 6 or 7 am
So really, I sleep at least twice a day

Perhaps it is that there is more opportunity to dream?
The only problem I found before I started my energy work, was that sometimes I would be too tired to dream/remember dreams. Now since I have started I feel rejuvinated every time I wake up

7th May 2007, 01:51 PM
I have found even short sleep (~ 5 hrs) to be refreshing and rejuvenating if I did energy work before. This is the dose I have to do with often during week-/word days, because sometimes I cannot "come down".

Since dreaming and recharging the inner batteries while sleeping seem to be linked, this could make sense, or not. ;)


7th May 2007, 02:08 PM
Actually now that I think about it, every time I have had OBE symptoms or lucid dreaming, it is when I am in "short sleep" mode
Usually a nap because I am overtired

7th May 2007, 02:14 PM
Robert wrote something about rising too early and going to sleep again (maybe 2hrs before needed) to improve dreaming experiences and spontaneous OBE, if I am not mistaken...


Palehorse Redivivus
9th May 2007, 02:09 AM
A while back I was reading the book Seth Speaks which goes into this concept -- scattering shorter periods of sleep rather than getting all your sleep in one big block of time every night. According to the book, one can feel more rested doing that and getting 5-6 hrs in a day, rather than 8 all at once. Its said to really boost ones dream recall, and help to bring out one's natural psi abilities. Some of the reasoning has to do with the fact that this is more "natural"; animals don't schedule specific times to sleep or eat; they eat when they're hungry and sleep when they're tired.

I haven't adopted this as a lifestyle myself and thus can't completely vouch for it personally, but IMO it makes some sense. The times that I've slept like this for a day or two, I've often had more than average recall. I've also had a lot of mornings where I'll wake up after about 4 hours thinking its time to get up since I feel good and rested, but I'll realize I have a few more hours, go back to sleep... and wake up more tired than before. So there may well be something to this, and I plan to try it more once my schedule permits.

9th May 2007, 04:03 AM
Usually on my days off this is more doable, and actually is my sleep pattern whether I want it that way or not

Naps are great because it is one more opportunity to dream or have a chance to AP

As a child, that's how I slept though...I would get up, have a full morning, and by mid afternoon my mom would make me take a nap. Interestingly enough, it was around this age that I had most of my psychic experiences. (they have all but disappeared thanks to growing up with fear and needing to become normal...but that's a whole other topic!)