View Full Version : Repeated dreams of person

4th May 2007, 05:32 AM
I apologise as this can only be boring to other people, but over the past 10 years I have had several really intense dreams about a man I have met only a few times, but with whom I instantly formed a strong connection. . . in the dreams I feel totally blissful; we often remark to one another how happy we are to be together - nothing really happens as far as "plot" goes, just this sense of euphoria at having found a soul-mate. Sometimes I wonder whether this dream connection can be a 2-way thing - I'm not in a position to discuss this "in the body", so to speak, with this man, as we lost touch a long time ago; I would also be embarrassed to do so! Just last night I dreamed very clearly that he had come to visit, but slept for a day & night in a locked room; he was due to leave shortly. Now I have a feeling of foreboding. . . . .
Would anyone have any insights to offer, please?

4th May 2007, 02:06 PM
First off, it wasn't boring. It reminded me of similar dreams. I think the strongest feeling of love I've ever had was in a dream where I held hands and watched the sunset. Same feeling of bliss without any plot. I really don't have much insights to it. Could be a past life soul mate? What are your thoughts on it.

In my experience I found that the other persons are having dreams about me also but not always. IMO you shouldn't feel embarrassed to talk to him. It always nice to hear that someone cares for you even if they don't feel the same.

Well anyways, thanks for the post as it brought back memories of those euphoric feelings for a moment.

Rain, iF
4th May 2007, 06:27 PM
I agree with snick. It wasn't boring. It almost brought a tear to my eye because I used to have similar dreams about someone I once knew. In my dreams she was my soul mate and I was always so happy and overcome with emmotion that I would wake up crying in happiness.

I can't explain why these dreams occur. As snick suggested maybe it's a past life soul mate appearing to you as they once were. As far as I'm concerned if it's something you enjoy, I would just live in that moment. Ah how I wish I could have one of those dreams again. Thanks a lot for those memories :) I hope they keep happening for you.