View Full Version : anyone having any BEE dreams?!?

24th April 2007, 09:59 PM
something that's being discussed at another forum. just curious...

i've been having a lot of bee dreams. getting stung by swarms in strange, affirmative ways...not angry...getting the feeling it's more about consciousness work.

so far there's a few others in the last week that have had bee experiences.
anyone else?

25th April 2007, 04:32 AM
Hi Muse :D,

I haven't had a run on bee dreams recently but if I went searching through my journals I'd certainly find some. One particualrly comes to mind. It was quite symbolic. A bee fought with a spider on my arm. I flicked them off and they continued to fight. It was a clear message about how I was meant to handle a particular situation that arose within that week. Unfortunately, I allowed somebody's duty lecture to pull me into that situation. My involvement wasn't in my best interest and, ultimately, nothing really changed for the better as a result.

I have been stung by wasps in several dreams and the sensation is quite real. Again, it hasn't happened for a while.

Interestingly, Graham Hancock writes that getting stung by wasps and bees in the astral is a common shamanic experience.

25th April 2007, 09:31 AM
Whenever I have insects in my dreams, they're out to get me.. I'm wondering if I'm missing out on awesome bug-metaphors of some kind due to my fear of them.

25th April 2007, 01:27 PM
thanks guys. it's a subject of interest over at the radiorbit forum...in regards to the bees that are missing all over the place.

it's taken me a long time to get to where i'm at as far as 'attacks' go in the etheric. and i know i get flack for this in regards to negs, but it's the same exact perspective for me...and it's been a very important one.

i've mentioned it a few times, but it gets buried in these forums, and i forget to keep mentioning it, but out of my 30+ years of experience the most profound thing i've learned is to not to fight back! i fought tooth & nail, lock, stock & barrel, head-to-head for the first 10 to 15 years. and it all got very hairy, and continued to get 'worse' during that time. i never shared my experiences with anyone (up until the last 5 years or so). i didn't have any elders to explain what was happening. i had to figure it all out on my own at a very young age, with all the regular conflicts of life still going on on top of it.

it wasn't easy. it's secretly dictated my life...i like to think at this point it's been for the best.

anyway...everything changed when i stopped fighting back. i've been attacked enough to know the results. basically battling brings little to no results...except exhaustion. there are still some things i have a problem not reacting to, but...all i can say is 'try it'! you might like it.

some of my most profound experiences have come from letting snakes consume me, letting sharks, lions, bears eat me, allowing bees to attack, and spiders to bite, and all of that. the outcome can't be explained, but it's very much 'transformative'....in that 'shamanic/initiation into higher things' way.

to allow oneself to be eaten by a sacred energy pattern/image/animal, digested, and born anew...is really the most profound & life changing thing one can do while out of body!

25th April 2007, 06:55 PM
I dream from time to time that a couple of bees circulate me in a very obvious yet complicated pattern, as to alert me for something upcoming, usually insight or a good situation. In real life I'm kinda scared when they do that aggressive flying around seemingly out of control thing, but in the dreams it's always a "fun" thing, I always wake up feeling very joyfull and happy.

26th April 2007, 11:27 AM
some of my most profound experiences have come from letting snakes consume me, letting sharks, lions, bears eat me, allowing bees to attack, and spiders to bite, and all of that. the outcome can't be explained, but it's very much 'transformative'....in that 'shamanic/initiation into higher things' way.

to allow oneself to be eaten by a sacred energy pattern/image/animal, digested, and born anew...is really the most profound & life changing thing one can do while out of body!

Yes, I believe that. But maybe these things aren't really negs, as such. Maybe we perceive them as so because something is happening and the nearest thing our experience of reality can equate it with is being stung, dismembered or consumed.

If I recall correctly, in Kurt Leland's Otherwhere, he takes tours in the afterlife. At some stage he is in a tour group with entities from other dimenions. He witnesses the soul of a human man that died young because he denied and suppressed what he truly was (to gain approval) and so generated a life that didn't fulfill him or develop him spiritually or help others to develop spiritually. When this soul is purfied of his life personality, Leland perceives this as a dragon blasting him with its white-hot flame. He then perceives what is left after this process as a finger-sized gold ingot (the man's core identity).

So Leland asks the tour guide about what he and the alien entities have experienced but when he asks he mentions the dragon. They are all surprised that he perceived it as a dragon when all they witnessed were different types of energies fulfilling different functions.

27th April 2007, 12:19 PM
yes, wrote about that in another thread (just now)(synchronisity?!?). ;)

i can't stress the urgency of actually breaking the mind free from this conditioned 'neanderthal' (victim, slave, powerless) mindset. in the past i would only hint & suggest a squinting of the eyes for a different 'view', but the time for that is over. it now has to be a somewhat painful *force* of determined energy to break-FREE. sort of a...

"i'm mad as hell and i'm not gonna take it anymore" mode!

as humans we're all reacting aggressively to the wrong things, wrong energies, wrong signs & signals. i'm not big on that word, but have to use the language of the 'people'. i guess. they are not negs!

if anything...we're the negs!!! we're the enemy that we should be leery of!
we're the ones holding us back, curtailing our power, etc. all the things that we believe to be wrong, dangerous, debilitating, etc....we should be questioning them all the time now!!! our ideas about death, illness, prison, monsters, bad guys, predators, etc. we've all been taught what it is we *should* FEAR, and we've never stopped to contemplate it! and as fear...it dictates our lives...everything we do. or don't do! it RULES us, and we need to begin DECONSTRUCTING it all! our lives depend on it. our future depends on it!!!

it's all very serious stuff.

28th April 2007, 03:42 PM
I've had a bee dream sometime in the beginning of March.
I was walking or running by the swarms of bees, I felt that it was supposed to bring healing or good luck. At some point the bees started stinging my arms, leaving nasty-looking blisters.
There were two particularly big and disgusting blisters on the other side of my elbow. I decided to squeeze them out, and when I did, a huge hole has formed in their place. I could see straight through to the bone, but there wasn't any blood or anything. Actually, there were no bones either, instead there was an artificial mechanical joint. A part of it broke off. I wondered if the arm would still work without that part. It did, but it was flimsy, unstable, and looked just plain weird. I decided to fix it, but I don't remember whether I succeeded.