View Full Version : Some visions / dream imagery

23rd April 2007, 08:20 PM
(these are some exerts from my MAP journal. I feel I would like to get some interpreting here, since they are not dreams that come from my mind or are about me, you can sort of always tell if it has anything to do with you actively. That makes you, in a way, the only one who really can interpret your own dreams. This is different, I feel like these visions / images just jump at me for some reason, and I feel for the person, I am always the observer, never do the people in the vision look straight at me, as they would in dreams, it seems they aren't even aware anyone's watching, and it doesn't feel like a "scene" only an informative snapshot, although both visual, mental and emotional, and strongly symbolical. These images always appear during energy work / mind taming meditation, and / or just before I fall asleep, they are very clear, come on strong, stay for a while and then fade. When I was younger I used to joke about it, tell my friends before we went to sleep that "today's image is..." and it could be anything, a casket, a bouqet of flowers, a flame, anything really. anyone else experience this?)

*I recieved an image of a boy standing on a huge pile of small grey stones, in like a city dump area, and the weather was very dark and stormy, he looked hoplessly sad and he was standing here high up on the ghastly grey mountain of sand / stone, with the stormy dark clouds behind him. I think this was an image of how a kid I know is feeling, he is in trouble and has both mental and emotional issues. I think the image was shown to me either by my subC or something else, to remind me to look into that matter.

*I got one of those strong images again, they come to me when I do energy work, and just before I fall asleep at night. I won't write here what I saw, but it wasn't too easy to interpret. Ok whatever I will write it down :) It was a guy I know, a model who's living a very "rough" life with a lot of partying and stuff, and I saw him, naked except for a blueish tie around his neck, (although I only saw from his stomach and upward), he sort of stretched out his arms in a very self-aware and proud way, as if telling everybody in the room "see, what do you think of that?", bragging sort of, like a spoiled prince welcoming his guests to his castle. with his arms spread out and that conceited / smug smile on his face, he leans back, sort of throwing himself back into a pool of furious waves, as if he thinks he's throwing himself back on a sofa, but then the angry ocean swallows him whole. Interpretations are more than welcome.

*Today's image: I see a brunette young woman, she actually looks a bit like a little 8-yr old in my class (I teach languages), but then again not at all, perhaps, she would look like this in the future, in her 20ies. anyhow, I saw her standing up in a room, looking over to the left somewhere, or just standing there sort of in a hazy way, as if she isn't awake but still present. She's wearing a white but "old" and "used" so it has more of a yellow touch to it (bone-white) - night blouse / gown, like the one the ladies slept in during the 18th/19th century. the night dress is stained on the lower edges and some stains around her genital / stomach area, also there's blood on her stomach. I get the feeling the has miscarried, but is to "gone" to even care or notice. I felt sorry for her. Oh now it pops back to me, I got the feeling she was in a very classy old world luxury hotel.

These images are almost systematical now. No random stream. just one clear vision every day.

30th April 2007, 11:03 AM
Were the second one a dream, I would interpret it as your worry about the model's lifestyle swallowing him while he thinks he's going to get a soft landing no matter how far he jumps.

Given the usually "high" lifestyle big models sometimes have, I wonder if the woman is someone the model knows or will know and might get involved with.

Could the little boy be the young image of the model?

I'm coming at this from a dream interpretation standpoint, but maybe this will get your mind going.

30th April 2007, 11:37 AM
Yeah I see. Well the three 'visions' came on three separate occasions, maybe I forgot to mention that, sorry. The model part was exactly how I saw it too, I worry for him, he's constantly travelling around the world, he literally told me last time I met him at a club that "I haven't even landed...", but I don't want to start preaching since I also live a life in the fast lane, and since I feel he has to learn from his mistakes.

About the boy, I am pretty sure that was a kid in my class, he feels really bad, but when I've asked other teachers they told me "he is just like that, he wants attention", but I really don't feel like this is the case, there is a lot of saddness and anger within the child. I've been giving him much more attention, and from day to day I actually see a smile coming from him, even laughter.

About the girl with the miscarriage, I have no idea. That's the one that seems to be the farthest away, I don't recognize the woman, the scenery, the situation, nothing.

Thanks for the help so far! :)

30th April 2007, 10:25 PM
Visions are a bit more tricky to deal with, I think, than dreams, which is probably why I have a hard time with this one. I'm usually better with symbolism and picking up on feelings than things that could be partially or completely real.

I think that's why I'm having a hard time with it. I've just met you and haven't met those involved in the visions, so it's hard to grab on to anything.

1st May 2007, 02:16 PM
Ok, I have a dream filled with symbols, I think you're going ecstatic when you try to "read" this dream!! Good luck ;)

Me and a friend is walking on a street near my house. It's night, but everything is shining brightly from within itself. It seems as if the world is empty, but a group of bikers ride by, not paying us any attention, a girl in the group perhaps turns her head to watch us while she's passing by, but other than that they don't notice us. Everything looks pretty normal, except for a shower-curtain that is hanging in the air, closing off the street and the sidewalk, but it's not very high up and you can see through it. In the dream of course, I didn't find this to be out of the ordinairy. Anyhow, me and the friend (alhaalim here on ad.com) walk further down the road, and at this point in the dream, for some reason, the shower-curtains just stop "hanging" in the air and fall down on the street, all curtains as far as you can see. again I don't care. so we get up to my house, and here we meet up a mutual friend who just came with a car, and a boy who is in my class (I'm a substitute teacher). this is where the dream starts to get magical. I notice how it all looks similar to the real world, but there's so much more flowers and nature around it. the road is left, in concrete and all, but instead of a small parking lot just beside my house, there's a lawn with a bench and a fantastic tree. it's night but everything shins bright anyhow. I see huge flowers develop and grow, they are perhaps 1.5 m high and 50cm wide, and they grow and open up as I walk past them, mostly violets, tulips and other purple / white / yellow flowers, no roses though. I keep looking around at this incredible gigantic mass-blooming and I am so amazed to see all the giant flowers fold out around me, a bit further away in the park-looking area (that is a parking lot IRL) I see the branches of a tree with white flowers, happily growing, twisting and turning up towards the starry night sky. My friend alhaalim goes "what the **** are the flowers doing?" me and the other people say unison, as if alhaalim is stupid "they're doing spring, stupid!". we keep on walking up to my house, all amazed by this blooming except for alhaalim who just seems pissed off. we walk up to the bench and there we see a small but very long snake, trying to suffocate a huge toad, we watch it and start cheering for the snake to kill thefrog, when the two of them, seemingly scared of us, sort of levitates / blinks up unto a tree, on which several other huge toads are sitting, minding their own business, not really caring about their pal being consumed. on this tree (looked kind off like a Jew Tree), there is another, thicker but shorter and faster snake, it looks like a python's head and a tail with no body, a 20cm long thing which blends perfectly into the color of the trees, and this other snake moves incredibly fast all around the tree, and I say "that's a python, right?" and the little boy says "No, his name is Python", I say "yeah, python snake, it's called that", but the boy insists "No, it is named Python". I give up arguing about this, and we keep cheering for the first, long and thin snake to eat the toad, but the thick and short head-tail snake consumes the smaller snake, alhaalim goes "awww god damn it!" and we all head up for my house to rehearse, practice or do whatever we were going to do (this is where my recollection of the dream abruply ends).

So we've got shower curtains, bikers, nature, violets and other flowers being gigantic and blooming at a magical speed, snakes, toads, a jew tree and what not. that's symbology for you :) enjoy :P

10th May 2007, 10:14 AM
Well, I’m not getting a lot from this. All I can grab at is you see yourself and your view of the world as different. Perhaps not all that different from the next person, but you feel you and your view are different enough to make you and it special. Lately things have been changing for you – either because of your own efforts or simply because the people around you are growing and changing. (Or both.)

Given you are a substitute teacher, I wouldn’t be surprised if some/most/all of the flowers represent the people in your classes. As a teacher, you get the privilege to not only watch but encourage precious lives to grow. There are always bullies and victims in life (snakes and frogs) though, but it’s part of live. There have always been and there likely will always be the two contrasting.

Unfortunately, you don’t have quite as much control as you might like to have (Python vs. python snake), but you don’t let it disturb you, nor do you let any of it on the whole take you away from your goals and responsibilities (you all head to your house to do what you were going to do – original goal).

That leaves off a few of the symbols, but it’s all I can grab on to.

10th May 2007, 10:31 AM
Ok, thank you a lot!

Lately things have been changing for you – either because of your own efforts or simply because the people around you are growing and changing. (Or both.)

This dream was like a month and a half ago, but the interesting fact is that it occured in the same week or just a couple of days before I started the MAP program. Which is quite cool indeed.

Given you are a substitute teacher, I wouldn’t be surprised if some/most/all of the flowers represent the people in your classes. As a teacher, you get the privilege to not only watch but encourage precious lives to grow.

Makes a lot of sense. But in my daily life I am much more active in solving the conflicts, in the dream I just observed this thing, feeling it was a very natural process that was going on. The fun thing is that the fat toad didn't seem to care, it knew that the tiny snake wouldn't eat it after all, neither did the other toad buddies in the tree seem to care. Anyhow the protector of the tree, mr Python, ate the tiny snake so it all turned out for the better. Not for the tiny snake though. hehe.

Thank you a lot for this! You'll find a more detailed response in your PM inbox.