View Full Version : following the energy of the sub navel center

19th April 2007, 12:31 PM
In the last week, work on the subnavel center has become quite different. In the past it has been a building of energy, this possibility still exists but now its like I'm being invited to follow the energy into "its" realm. When I go in the visualizations and imagery become very vivid, very fast accelerated energy and my mind gets "swept" into it, kind of like going into a waterfall. I'm only able to stay with it for about 4 minutes or so, before I'm also forced to shift back out, but each time I'm able to stay longer. My intuition says that there is no harm in exploring this, it feels like the energy here is inviting to show me something. Now, I'm sure that others would have experienced this before so if you're up to discussing this I'd sure be up for it.

19th April 2007, 12:39 PM
Hello, mack.

In the meditation manual "Relaxing into Your Being" it is mentioned that there is a quality of mind called Mindstream. It is your connection back to Universal Consciousness, and contains all your experiences. The author described the relationship between your awareness and the Mindstream as one of the singer and the band. Sometimes one is louder, sometimes the other. I cannot comment that much, having not experienced it yet.

But I can hint you the following: The author suggested that "submersing" into the Mindstream and connecting to it is done most easily at the centerline of the body, on which the three Tantiens reside, and that these Tantiens again are the strongest connection points, like amplifiers or gates, to the Mindstream.

The Tantiens are multi-facetted enery phenomena in your body with many aspects regarding health, energy storage, raising and transmutation, and awareness.


19th April 2007, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the tip Oliver. Is that BK Frantzis' book? I'd always overlooked it as I thought it was just standing practice, but it sounds like a good read.

What you've said seems to correspond to my current experience in that after experiencing this with my sub-navel I've been able to duplicate it at my other dan tiens albeit with a different flavour. "Mindstream" I like that term, although "mind waterfall" would work well for me too. :D

I'm also getting from this that the more I "jam" this other muso, the more comfortable I may get to let 'em play a long solo lol

Thanks for sharing Oliver, that will give me some good things to experiment with.

19th April 2007, 01:39 PM
Hello, mack.

Yes, it is the one.

There are two meditation books from him - "RIYB" and "The Great Stillness", and together they contain several modes of meditation - standing, moving, sitting, lying down and during sex. These two books contain at least something about all of them, though the initial progression is standing, moving and sitting down.

These are generally good, detailed books and could be helpful. Personally I'm at beginning of this, but I think there may something in there for everyone. If you want to know more about the Mindstream and nothing more, you can still visit Amazon and use the "Search Inside" feature on the books' pages respectively for "Mindstream".


20th April 2007, 04:44 AM
Thanks Oliver, I found a book store in my city that has it in stock so I'll do a bit of heavy browsing over the weekend.

20th April 2007, 04:47 AM
You're welcome, mack. :)

It is a bit of all over the place in those two books.
