View Full Version : Monroe "Routines"
10th April 2007, 11:01 AM
I'm currently rereading Monroe's books, and in the 2nd I have again stumbled over something that always fascinated me, the exchange of "routines".
Monroe describes it as a compressed unit of knowledge, experience and skills that can be directly given to others in the astral. I always wondered if others have done this and how much skill is required.
I furthermore wondered about the following: RB wrote about his key experience that helped him recognise the mind/body split for what it is, as he had a telepathic loop between his astral and physical self, with an extremely strong telepathic feedback, which as by-product served as an instant download.
So I thought whether it is possible to facilitate the download by creating a "one way link" in the astral. Thinking about routines I thought whether it would be a good idea to visualise a ball representing a routine containing the preceding experience and "throwing" it at your own body, preferrably the third eye... If this works at all I believe it could help create a better download than RB's reentry techniques, as it is a high-level abstraction of a telepathic exchange, something which the other layers of self execute.
Then again this could be exactly the reason why it may not work, as experience is not lost anyway, I think, but stored in layers of our "consciousness" we have no direct access to. Tart believes the subconscious can be made conscious in the long term or in altered states, but as long this is not so, maybe download remains what it is with RB's techniques.
Are Monroe tapes better in helping memory download? What do you think about Monroe's personal experiences like with routines?
10th April 2007, 01:21 PM
Are Routines the same as what he calls a Rote?
10th April 2007, 01:24 PM
Maybe, never read the English version, but in German a "rote" is a "Routine". But according to my knowledge "routine" exists in English as well?
10th April 2007, 01:30 PM
A rote is a routine, but if I remember correctly Monroe used rote as in 'memory bundle'. I may have to look that up, though.
10th April 2007, 05:39 PM
So by this theory a "singer" could download his abilities into another? Is that the basic idea?
10th April 2007, 07:18 PM
I'm not sure it is. I would think that someone else could have the memories of having sung or written a song, and would learn how to do it. However, artistic ability is a whole different thing, I don't know if that's downloadable.
For example, I can draw but can't do arithmetic. I don't think you can download the ability for me to do it, although some sort of hardwiring might do it. It's a mystery....
10th April 2007, 08:57 PM
I really like your idea. I don't think you can give the physical body a routine though. I would think it would need to be filtered through the etheric body then the download would happen from there to the physical mind. I think no matter what the download must happen. Otherwise the routine would be lost to the subconscious I think. Because the etheric body is closer to the physical maybe the memories would be stronger, more vivid? Just throwing ideas out there... let me know what you think.
When you asked if Monroe's tapes are better for memory download, did you mean better than Bruce's Brainwave generator? If so I think that is more of a personal opinion for each person. I enjoyed Monroe's tapes because they were voice guided. Robert's and Brian's Brain Wave Generator with using MAP I think would be better for developing more accurate memory download. Without MAP though, I'd probably go with Monroe's tapes instead of just the BWGen.
Monroe at one point talks about how someone will give him a routine and he would save it for later and not go through it at that time. That just seemed crazy that he could store this routine somewhere and project days later and then read/absorb/experience it. :shock:
From the glossary of his book...
A term created by Robert Monroe that means "Thought Balls". R.O.T.E. stands for Related Organized Thought Energy which is transferred from one soul to another.
(Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong) I think a rote or routine is more of just passing a memory or thought to someone. You could take the experience of your first kiss and put it all in a Routine. You then would give the Routine to someone else and when they took it, they would experience the first kiss just as you did. You can include as much or as little info and details as you would like. It could be so detailed that you would feel like you were actually there and experiencing this first kiss just as the creator of the Routine had experienced it. Make any sense? For a singer they could send you a time when they sang a beautiful song, but when it was all over you couldn't sing like them, you would just remember what it was like for them to sing it. You experience what they experienced.
I wrote this all then saw this is what CFT said! :oops: I agree with her, I don't think talent is transferable.
10th April 2007, 09:20 PM
Oh, I think a skill could be transferred, as it is learned. Talent not, creativity not, as these are traits, not skills. They are not learned. But Monroe's words in his 2nd book give me the impression that he meant he could transfer things like his whole study time as an engineer as an usable skill to another person, not "just" as an experience to relive.
I believe the main problem is that the information would need to be placed into the mind in a way it remains accessible, and I do not know whether Monroe's capacity for R.O.T.E. exchange was only possible because of his enormous natural OBE lucidity. I just thought a process similar to the R.O.T.E. could be used to establish a one-way telepathic link between the split entities - etheric body and physical body are one conscious entity, and the astral is the other one.
I wondered whether Monroe's tapes were better for download I wondered if you OBEd from a Monroe tape you have better recall than with any MAP method or vice versa. If you listen to a Monroe tape throughout the guided exercises you will notice that every exercise is enhanced by matching signals, so they possess more depth than BWGen sessions for sure. A typical Gateway tape mixes more signals than the BWGen sessions, I have noticed this while going along with it. Some of these enhance energy body phenomena, while others produce "other effects"... Like his separate self-hypnosis CDs. These have additional signals for a state conducive for self hypnosis.
10th April 2007, 09:27 PM
snick wrote:
A term created by Robert Monroe that means "Thought Balls". R.O.T.E. stands for Related Organized Thought Energy which is transferred from one soul to another.
(Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong) I think a rote or routine is more of just passing a memory or thought to someone. You could take the experience of your first kiss and put it all in a Routine. You then would give the Routine to someone else and when they took it, they would experience the first kiss just as you did.
So I did remember right.
10th April 2007, 11:46 PM
I haven't experienced a rote where someone that I could see in the astral threw a rote ball at me. But, I have experienced downloads of information, or rotes while OBE. I've never known where they came from. I just always assumed they were either from my OverSoul or from Source.
With my limited exposure to them, they seem to be experienced to me as a large volume of information that included not only the information, but the experience of the information. It's something that I can comprehend in full while OBE, but afterwards, it's way too much information for me to remember the specifics. It's like my tiny human brain just can't go there without exploding. Seriously. :shock: The biggest rote experience was of being Source, and knowing everything at once. There was no receiving of information per say, I just became. Later, it's like a dream that you know you had, that the information was important, but you can't remember the details. I can't even comprehend right now knowing everything. But, I know it happened. And, it almost fried my brain.
I've had smaller type rotes, which didn't fry my brain, thank God. But, mostly I've had telepathy experiences while OBE, which I don't think would really by classified as rotes. Just normal communication without verbalizing. In other words, not a big lump of information that you get all at once.
In English, I wouldn't call them "routines" because that has a completely different definition, and could be confusing to English speaking people. Just a suggestion. :D
Regarding how much skill it takes, I wouldn't know. These kind of things seem to happen to me without any warning, or any planning on my part. So, I guess you could say I'm very unskilled at it.
11th April 2007, 12:16 AM
CFT you had it dead on. You just type quicker then I :wink:
I think Monroe developed his NVC Non-Verbal Communication first, then with that skill, was able to use R.O.T.E.? It seemed that the two would be related. It's been many years since I've read his books... I have read of some people though like Tempest that have just had downloads. Some had no previous experience or skill in these sorts of abilities.
Tempest just answered my questions of accessing ROTE while awake after receiving it in the astral. Had to rewrite my post now... :D
I still think you are on to something though Korpo. Starting out small you might be able to develop or train the mind to receive the ROTE type one-way link. It sounds possible. If one did accomplish this, would it solve the astral feedback problem? I wonder...
Korpo, what you said about the tapes makes me understand why I would like the gateway program better.
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