View Full Version : Cannabis and energy

7th April 2007, 12:29 PM
Some two or three years ago, I tried meditating with some buddhists in my town, followers of the Diamond Path. Those people were some of the wisest and also happiest folks I've met, but I bailed since the meditations had strong effects and I was so energy-sensitive at the time it became overwhelming.

Anyhow, after each mediation we would just randomly chat, and one day marijuana came up as a subject, this is what they said:

"As little as one sip of a joint will block all your energy channels for about three months, this is why many drug users become apathic and can't feel anything after a long use of the drug"

I have friends who have smoked pot (we all have, even if we don't know it lol), and they could say how they entered a state the following period after smoking of "stability" where they dindn't care too much about problems and stuff, and they were like emotional nutshells, nothing came out, nothing came in, if they wanted to cry, they couldn't, if they wanted to become angry, they couldn't. Then after three months when the blockages loosened up, the flow of energy and built-up emotions was so strong it usually threw the sensitive ones into depression. It's proved that THC triggers the gene which carries schizophrenia, and with this energy-related stuff it all makes sense imo.

Also they said that once you get "enlightened", once your are the Buddha, it will feel in a special way that could be felt when taking LSD, although they didn't recommend taking the drug since it has sever side-effects. Shortcuts usually do...

Just a word of advice, coming from some Buddhists I know.

7th April 2007, 04:43 PM
Transpersonal psychologist Charles Tart described in his theoretical work "States of Consciousness" (not the "Altered" one), how discrete states of consciousness (SoC) are attained, broken, and how changes between happen and feel. It's quite an impressive read.

About psychodelic drugs like LSD and Mescalin he wrote that they are extremely good at destabilizing the SoCs, but that it takes training and guidance to stick with another state one finds, else one winds up just tripping wildly between SoCs and nothing useful is done. Shamanic drug use usually seems to focus on that aspect, where the aspirant is guided into the new state. Carlos Castaneda who learned from a Yaqui shaman was once tripping wildly on his first dose, and scolded by his teacher that he did not put use and concentration into this.

Tart reports from Cannabis smokers that these also alternate states, though the problem is the same - it has to be willed, and usually either one finds out the hard way or is told it by another one, more "experienced".

Having said that I still think that today, with all the great tools available (Monroe tapes come to mind), we don't need the drug crutch, so better stay away from that. But no one is arguing that case around here anyway. :)

7th April 2007, 05:14 PM
It is true that entheogens can be used with positive benefits but from what I have experienced and witnessed in many of my old friends is it doesn't evolve you in the slightest except perhaps being overly conscious about bd things like war and violence. But these same people often gravitate to music and art that displays these things because they still continue this inside of them.

There are a few like trained shamans and people like Alex Grey who have chanelled there abilities with the help of mind altering substance.

I personally don't recommend them as I've seen too many people grow apathetic like you said.

Schizophrenia and pot is a little bit more rare, although i am definetly one who fits in that category of 1% of the population who can't go near the stuff.

16th April 2007, 02:20 PM
There are too many threads about the same thing- Please let's keep the same theme in the same post. Thanks. http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight= (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=4588&highlight=)