View Full Version : Wierd Sensation

29th March 2007, 11:58 PM
Since I have been dabbling in OBE and raising energy, etc. I have, almost constantly, a sensation of tickling type across my forehead at the hairline. Starting at my widow's peak around to above my temples at times. mainly about 4-6 inches in length at the center. I had a chakra clearing, and actually felt release in the two areas he told me afterwards that he found to be dirty. This solidified my believe in the energy body and the metaphysical. But, it only pronounced this sensation. After the clearing, I went to a Reiki circle, where the owner of the establishment, and a master, was the one who gave me directly healing energy. Still this sensation is evident, even while writing this. I am in very good physical health at 6 foot 4 235 pounds, with a slim waist and muscular build due to exercise. I don't think this is a physical problem. Any ideas?? :?:

Robert Bruce
28th April 2008, 11:12 PM

What you describe is a natural symptom of brow center activity. This is quite normal for a sensitive and creative person, particularly if you meditate and do energy work, etc.

I get this same sensation a lot myself. It is quite natural and a good sign.

The sensation itself is commonly called 'cobwebs'

It is caused by the flow of energy over the skin in that area. Its also common in the whole facial area.

To help reduce this, if its a problem, I recommend you get an earthing setup for your bed.

See http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=10 for the article on 'sleeping earthed'

This will help as it normalizes em levels in the body and should, theoretically, reduce excessive cobweb sensations.

Try this and let me know how you go....workshops@astraldynamics .com
