View Full Version : I know your answer, but here's the question

26th March 2007, 12:51 AM
Okay guys, long time no see, but I think you're the only ones who might be able to help. I've always had this kind of problem, but now it seems to be getting a little worse.
There'll be times when I feel super great and on top of the world, I can think very well, and I have some psychic stuff going on. I work at a music/dvd store and during these times I'll think of a regular the second before they walk in, I'll know the song the customer wants before they say it, I'll have dreams that come true, see things moving out of the corner of my eye when nothing's there. All that sort of stuff.
Then when I start getting used to it I just crash. I feel tired, my thinking is clouded, I get headaches. It's like I get short circuited. Then after a week or two of that I start getting back to the high levels til it tops off and I crash again.
My question, do I need to start doing NEW seriously to better manage this sort of thing to avoid the constant ups and downs or would that just give me higher ups and lower lows cause I'd have more energy to waste?
Or does this sound too much like some sort of manic depression that I might want to consult a doctor about?
Any help is appreciated.

26th March 2007, 01:00 AM
Sounds to me like you have some natural abilities that meditation and energy work will help you develop, and regulate. You may choose to see a doctor about your feelings if they're bothering you that much, but even if you choose to see a doctor I would suggest you continue with meditation and energy work. I used to be that way, and now with regular meditation and energy work I feel happier and healthier, more energetic, and more aware all the time. Good luck!

26th March 2007, 10:22 AM
Maybe you experience the highs while you have the energy to support the things that are happening to you, & the crash comes when you run out. I think you need to try NEW & build energy & see if it helps support your psychic events.

26th March 2007, 12:21 PM
Sometimes there are patterns which we ourselves are exposed to. Maybe patterns grander and greater than our normal selves. This is basic to human existence. Some are "in your face"-like, like seasons. Something like yours is more subtle, but still - you recognised it!

Whether this is or not is the case, recognising such patterns can help prepare for them. Building some practise may help build reserves and emotional strength when the patterns leaves you and changes from tide to ebb.

Good luck,

26th March 2007, 12:44 PM
I have had those kinds of patterns all my life- moments of precog abilities and exceptional intuition, followed by nothing. I also would exhibit psychic abilities when in the company of psychic people, and none when I'm by myself, except for when I'm having an 'on' moment. I decided that most people are like that, they just don't realize it. When I got old enough to realize I was astral projecting, and that people wrote books about that, I was amazed, but at the same time it also happened cyclically, and I didn't know how to control it.
Of course everyone knows the punchline, through MAP, NEW & AD I reached some sort of control (not completely), and I think the energy work is what helped the most, so I think that all of the above is good advice for your particular talents, energy work being essential to keep levels up and avoid exhaustion, and meditation to hone in your psychic abilities and also to maintain the awareness of what's going on not only 'out there', but also 'in here', and the relationship between them.

27th March 2007, 02:53 PM
Nate, I couldn't get from your question whether you are doing any kind of spiritual work at all on a regular basis. I think that is the key. I don't think it has to be NEW - although, why not, if you like it? :) - but I do think the key is to have something regular, something you always do come what may. 6 months to a year of something regular tends to lift the whole system - peaks are higher, so are troughs, and the whole thing gets grounded better so the swings are not so wild.

I would be very surprised if, as a result of commiting to something regular, you did not find your abilities coming more predictably. In addition if you value them you might invent some exercises to try and lift them consciously. In my experience, announcing to the universe that this is what you intend to do, and then doing it, produces excellent results.

Spiritual progress is never really linear to start with, whatever you are working with/on. But regular practice in one's life always results in a moment when you look back and realize how far you have come. If one has only been 'trying things out', the universe never gives more than the person gave to the practice, so when a practice is committed to more strongly, the universe responds and the unevenness gradually dissipates.

Hope this helps, best NN

27th March 2007, 03:47 PM
cycles are natural. ebb & flow. the energy work you might want to be looking at would lean towards yin-ning yourself. integrating the feminine. the feminine being all about getting in-tune with cycles. if you don't discipline...some kind of 'pace' to it all then you're gonna crash more then is necessary.

i wouldn't say you need to do any intense energy work, sounds like it's more an endurance thing. like running. you can go full-out in spurts, but then you have to stop and recharge. if you set a nice pace to it all. it'll even out.

then...there's a whole other concept out there, where some people believe that our psychic abilities, as well as our abilities to AP, OBE, etc. are due to the idea that we are actually riding the abilities of our attachments, or exterior energy sources. on others coat-tails sort-a-speak, and that it's not a natural condition of earth-bound human beings. i'm not saying i agree or disagree, but imo it would support the idea of getting worn out quickly & crashing. just that you may be utilizing something available to you that isn't really of your own making, thus your energy reserves deplete at times...when you step (or fall) off.

but, anyone here that does a lot of work psychic work will most likely agree that at best...it's draining. personally i don't think we're completely on-line yet. sort of an alignment thing. that there's certain windows for tuning in, but they're small yet. it's a muscle you're obviously exercising, so there has to be visible improvement over time.

would be interesting i think to get a calender and log the 'up' & 'down' days. track whether one or the other is increasing, or it's just random.

27th March 2007, 07:39 PM
I have had experiences like that too. If you practice NEW, you get headaches less often while you are knowingly and unknowingly practicing your psychic abilities. I have also found that your 'lucky' streak never ends. Ofcourse, while raising energy, you can get really big headaches, too(a big downside sometimes).

30th March 2007, 12:18 PM
Oh, BTW, Nate, in response to your original post - it does not sound manic depressive in a clinical sense, though I am no doctor.

But perhaps you could contain your excitement about it to help you cope with it. I see you pretty much enjoy it, and that's no wonder, but I guess this makes it much more harder to live without these wonderful abilities when you experience a "psychic ebb".

Furthermore emotions, I think, can fuel any activity with energy. Like aggression can become the fuel for martial arts like Karate (can - of course). Or the passion of love can give a pair of dancers presence and style.

But if you look at this specially with energy in mind your emotions can fuel your abilities as well, and then comes exhaustion. Emotion is in itself energy, and energy must come from somewhere. In this case you may draw on something what could very well be your "emotional reserve" you need to have to deal with the ups and downs of every day life.

So detaching a bit emotionally could never hurt with such abilities, it could even make them more accurate as less emotional distorsion of psychic information is possible. To me that's "grey theory", but maybe it could be a good thing to you?


3rd April 2007, 03:50 AM
Seeing a doctor is always a good safe measure.

As an additional measure you could try energy cord work. Have you heard of energy cords? The concept is that we are all connected to a greater or lesser extent through streamers and energy cords.

There is a Hawaiian Ho'oponopono ritual that Robert is highly recommending. I would be interesting for you to try this. There may be people you are connected to that occasionally have large stresses and drain you of energy. Will post the ritual below. You will need to repeat it lots until it becomes a powerful experience for you. The more you practice the better you get at it. This is a ritual that used to be done by the great Kahunas so show a deep respect for it please. If you chose to do it.

Ho'oponopono healing ritual:

Ho'oponopono means 'to make things right'. Haleakala Hew Len Ph.D. is famous for using ho'oponopono to heal and entire ward of criminally insane patients. You can Google harpooning to learn more about it.

Here is the guided meditation:
1. See your self filled with infinite love and light.
2. Create a stage in your mind in front of and below you.
3. Invite the person or thought to the stage that you are not in
alignment with.
4. Say, "I forgive you please forgive me."
5. See the infinite light of love pour over the person onto the stage.
6. Cut the aka.....Release with love and light.
7. Then cut any cords you want to disconnect from that person using your imagination. Don't worry you can always reconnect and will later when you think about them. The cutting just reduces cord size and energy exchange between people.

Aka- sticky stuff,shadow. Think of Aka as all the negative things you have thought towards this person. Everything you touch or think about makes an aka connection. Negative thoughts or emotions keep you from seeing the divine within and without you. Cutting the aka allows you to release the person you are healing from your own perceptions. If you chose to create a new connection, it will be healthier because you have left them filled with love and light.