View Full Version : Energy Work Causing Wierd Sensation?

20th March 2007, 03:13 AM
While doing energy work, I have been getting a weird sensation, sometimes now spontaneously during they day. Along my hairline, to the front of my scalp/top of forehead, it is like I am wearing a "ring of fire." In other words, I am getting a very pronounced tingling sensation in like, the position the rim of a hat around my head in the front area only. I am finding this is tough to describe. It is definitely toward the center front of my scalp/top of forehead and then rings backwards (as if a hat rim) about 3-4 inches each way.

Any idea what the heck this is?

20th March 2007, 05:06 AM
Crown chakra opening/awareness. When doing NEW or other energy work and working on the secondary energy body system, it can activate the primary centers (chakras). I have similar sensations to what you described. Good progress!

20th March 2007, 05:56 AM
OK, that is what my intuition was telling me. But, I sometimes notice it when trying to work the 3rd eye. I am excited that this Friday, I go for my second opinion, sort of. I have another past-life regression session with a different guide. One that I trust, and hopefully, what is trying to bubble up or the blockages that I feel I have, will be handled.

20th March 2007, 12:13 PM
Last night, I again have no conscience recollection of exiting, although I think I may have had a ton of lucid dreams that I can not recall and/or remember. I think I have gotten too dependent upon the hemi-sync CD, because I tried without listening to anything. I fell asleep instead of waking inside myself, which usually happens if I am not listening to something. But, that sensation of what you believe to be the crown chakra was definitely there and pronounced. I think I am going to have to work on my downloading ability as suggested in the book and the site. I really feel as if I may have to work on my heart chakra, because I am unable to feel any sensation in that area. I read that this is vital and I have felt the astral heart going nuts on an attempt or two in the past when I had the most vivid/strong experiences.

Any tips on stimulating that?

20th March 2007, 01:09 PM
I would say that keeping your chakras balanced should help all the channels flow freely to wherever the energy needs to go- I wouldn't concentrate on any specific chakra, I would advise to work on your base center very thoroughly and then work up from there.
I definitely agree on the 'downloading' work- I consider having a dream journal a great asset to any consciousness exploration.

20th March 2007, 04:21 PM
Essentially the more volved we become the more chakra's are activated. Presently the overall average for humanity is 7 chakra's. 2 thousands years ago or so it was around 5 chakra's. Old yogic texts state this. for example the eyebrow and crown chakra were once one large head chakra.

Some people today have more than 7 chakra's and many of them are placed differently. Of course everyone is unique. 9 seems to be an emerging number as well. That would include an additional chakra above the head and one below the feet.

So this would be why you can feel the crown when stimulating the eyebrow. You'll probably feel the eyebrow when stimulating the crown as well.

If you look at a diagram of the inside of the brain the pineal gland (related to eyebrow chakra) and pituitary gland (related to crown chakra) are very close together and are the roots for each chakra essentially. So unless you are stimulating with very small precise awareness actions you'll most definetly stimulate both centres at once. :)

21st March 2007, 02:16 AM
Yep, that is pretty much what is happening. When I am trying to focus on the brow, that ring lights up, so to speak.

What the heck, I am going to throw this out there, since the people on this forum seem much more intelligent on these subjects. I have a word that I found triggers an immense flow of energy for me. I discovered this under weird circumstances that I feel may be tied into my past life quest. If I say/chant the word omni, kind of in a guttural way, while outside on mother earth only, and especially while walking, I get a tremendous flow of energy that almost overwhelms me.

??? weird eh?

21st March 2007, 02:34 AM
Well that contains Om... obviously that has meaning.

Omni: All (god?)

All caracteristics of god:
omnicient- all knowning
omnipotent-all powerful
omnipresent-all present (everywhere)

without judgement ;) (From a Tool song called Merkaba)

21st March 2007, 02:35 AM
Yeah Zach, I kind of got that part already. I was more wanting to know if any experienced a "trigger" word like that?

21st March 2007, 03:42 AM

I've experienced this crown chakra burning. It went away after a week or so and it did seem to be a crown chakra activation of some sort. Freaky feeling, isn't it?

I do not have a trigger word, but I do have trigger imagery (silver).

21st March 2007, 04:00 AM
Yes, and I just experienced something truly amazing. I read a little bit about contacting this spirit guide dude or dudette. I used the bwg with self hypnosis deal to relax me etc... I asked again and again to meet with this spirit guide..... I asked and asked.. then I kind of came too... I felt a presence strong enough that I opened my eyes... and with my eyes open and lucid but relaxed.. it felt as if this... presence entered my body.... every hair on my body stood up and I felt almost electrified sort off. I closed my eyes and followed my intuition, and I asked my spirit guide to remove this blockage that I believe was placed on me in a past Atlintean life, or at least that is what the past-life regression session revealed. I don't know yet if it worked, but as I type, the sensation that I feel in my face is that more of taking off a cast then the pressure of a tight band. Anyway. very weird.. very hokey pokey.... I think I am going to go baker act myself ... but not until tomorrow, because right now, I would resist myself, and the last time that happened it was a big mess... lol...

Anyway, driveled off... I feel a little... happy... I am going outside to talk with Sirius and see if it is possible if I can get some more guidance and freedom. Anyway... someone tell me I am not losing it.... (at least lie to me)

21st March 2007, 04:08 PM
Your not losing it and I'm not lying!

Perhaps the trigger word is something you have used in one of these past lives? Words and mudra's or hand signals are ways of accessing stored energy in what are called astral batteries. One can either create their own secret sign or word or you can use one tht is commonly used. For example a yoga mudra such as forefinger to thumb is one that calms the nervous system.

Secret societies have their own secret and often complex signs that are activated though rituals. If outsiders knew the right way to access them then they can draw on this energy that the group worked so hard to build up without any work. Perhaps omni is a wor like this? I'm not saying it's got immense secret power because it' a common word and people would be stumbling upon it al the time in common speech. But it might have something to do with the gutteral way you speak it?

27th March 2007, 03:36 AM

After having my chakras cleared, which I felt in my energy body, I am having that sensation a lot more. Almost constantly, I notice that sensation across my forehead/hairline. Is it a bad thing to have that almost constant sensation? It gets more pronounced when I concentrate on utilizing my third eye, like for aura seeing, which I can not do yet. Well, I can see the envelope, but no colors or anything else yet.

27th March 2007, 03:46 AM
Justice, sometime in the last few months, I made a post about a similar situation. It was near constant. I did a lot of energy work to clean that area frequently, and now it only comes back occasionally.

27th March 2007, 02:23 PM
As long as you have no pain associated with it and it's not distracting you from your daily needs theres no need to worry. Of course you want to know what it is probably but if it's not harming you be free form fear :)

Ask Robert, I bet he migiht know something.