View Full Version : Crossing the Atlantic

David Mustardseed
20th March 2007, 12:42 AM
Dear Robert
I hope all is well with you. I am presently in the process of getting ready to cross the Atlantic on a 38 ft sailboat. I expect that the trip will take me north from Antiqua bypassing south of the Azoers and then on to Gibraltar. I expect a month at see will do.

I have read a very interesting story of Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail alone around the world in a small sailboat. South of the Azoers he had a OBE experience and was helped by a man who called himself the "pilot of the Pinta"

The story is here

http://home.nycap.rr.com/sailingalone/w ... bdoc8.html (http://home.nycap.rr.com/sailingalone/webunz/webdoc8.html)

My question is this . Is there in ytour opinion more or less spiritual activity at sea than on the solid ground?. Somewhere you said that the environment is crowded in certain locations, and I am also wondering about the salt that is so prevalent in the very air you breathe at sea.

My experience is that when I get out at sea, it is very easy for me to have OBEs , as far as Lucid dreams they are almost daily (nightly) it may just be me or my own conditioning but what fdo you think.

Another question is about the banishment rituals that Christians use. It is custumary to cast Demons into the deepest part of the Ocean. Have you had any experience with that. I realise that the ocean is part of the physical realm, and as such a demon would have to be cast out of proximity, but still wonder.

I would also appreciate the prayers and energy and good wishes from anyone who feels lead to send them my way. Actually I am quite scared about it, but then again as someone said: courage is not absence of fear but conquest of fear.

Regards Mustardseed

Robert Bruce
28th April 2008, 10:45 PM

Given the date of this, I expect you returned safely from your trip.

I am way behind in my posts here, and have promised myself to do better.

Spiritual activity on the ocean is different, but no less active.

There is a distinct lack of negative entities at sea. This is because the biggest cause of human problems come from earth elemental type entities and earthbound spirits, ghosts, including the various demonic types.

The ocean environment is highly detrimental to earth type neg health.

To cross an ocean, an earth type neg must hitchhike with a sensitive human. The person use for this 'shields' the neg from the energies of the ocean.

See my articles on sleeping earthed and running water here, including science videos showing how running water works as a countermeasure, eg, it 'grounds' and earths static em fields.


OBE's and Lucid Dreams do seem to be easier to have at sea. I think this is partly due to the lack of human population static, and partly because of the relaxed atmosphere in general.

Traditional banishments into the ocean make sense, if you consider that the ocean 'salt water' is destructive to earth type negative entities.

I hope you had a great trip!
