View Full Version : MAJOR HEADACHE!!!!AH!

19th March 2007, 01:31 AM
Yesterday, while I was raising energy through my legs and into my sub-navel storage center, I felt a sharp pain in my left legs. I thought it was a physical one, but it was only when I raised energy through it. It was so bad that I had to stop! Right when I got up, I had a major headache. It hurt so bad that I was crying! What could this be? I don't normally ever get headaches or pains while I'm practicing NEW. This has happened twice, so I have stopped working on NEW until the problem is solved. So what is it?

19th March 2007, 04:28 AM
Maybe you have energy blockages. It seems you've overloaded your energy body.

Taking a break is a good thing when this happens. Some nice grounding activities you can do are take a nice walk in nature, stroke a pet, run with bare feet on the earth.

Don't be in a hurry when you return to NEW. Start with limbs, stop if the pain resumes. If you do the full circuit, don't forget to sink energy into the sub navel area.

19th March 2007, 08:13 PM
The weird part was that I have been practicing NEW for almost a year now. After a minute of raising energy(after I was done warming up) through only my legs, it happened. So how could it be overloaded? :?:

19th March 2007, 09:32 PM
Hello, I have several suggestions:

First of all, which visualisations/techniques of NEW are you practising? Some are softer than others.

When you practise consistently over a long period of time it should be natural that your capacity to feel stuff deepens, and that this could coincide with encountering a blockage on a deeper level than before. Though your experience seems to have been very intense and have surfaced abruptly, and this makes this less likely. But blockages can feel very intense, and they can be interlinked in different locations in your body (headache - leg pain). This can be in an arbitrary manner (holographic in nature, where many places represent the same blockage) or along an energy line, where relivening the "wire" will trigger nerve sensations along the nerves that are supplied by that channel.

Usually when you do NEW style energy drawup the energy is drawn upward through the legs. Upward currents have the potential to strain the nervous system. An involvement of the nervous system is likely because of the intensity of the pain and the following headache.

The capacity to handle nervous system strain is wired into your body, and drawing energy upward does not create capacity as fast as it increases energetic current. If you reach the point of strain of your nervous system you risk "burn-out" of the associated nerves as you draw more "current" than the "wire" is laid out to handle. Having done NEW work for a year you should have had a fair increase in "energy throughput" already.

Bruce Frantzis for example recommends practising downwards energy flow first, because this trains the capacity of the nervous system first and has a healing, soothing, cooling effect.

Do you sit a lot, maybe on the job? Our modern sedentiary culture weakens the legs, as we sit more and exercise the legs less. This leads to increased blockages in the legs, less energy throughput, weaker nerves, and could be a reason why strain showed there. You may have triggered your weakest link, and this may be an early warning sign of nervous system strain.

What are your other activities regarding energy work? Do you project? Some other energy-related practise? Do you only store energy, or do you "use it up" sometimes as well? (This is again a matter of capacity, as projecting can have an effect on this as well, I'd expect a positive one)

19th March 2007, 09:35 PM
Have a look at this forum (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=1149) - there are numerous techniques for dealing with headaches. The ones that concentrate on meridian or acu-points would possibly be most useful in your situation.

21st March 2007, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the link journeyman! Korpo, I project on a weekly basis and raise energy everday. Other energy work I do is healing and I am working on seeing auras. NEW techniques I'm practicing are the techniques described in part two of Astral Dynamics. Thanks for all the suggestions.