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View Full Version : Something moved in my root chakra!

15th March 2007, 05:49 PM
A few nights ago during meditations, I unexpectedly got imagery of a piece of silver being tucked into my root chakra. I don't know what that was all about, but my energy immediately went wild in the first 3 chakras, and it was the strongest sensation I have ever experienced. Considering that I've often felt like I was literally on fire during some meditations, this is saying a lot. This happened again 2 days later, but this time something moved in my root chakra.

I'm the kind of person that generally writes these things off as imagination (a bad habit I'm trying to break). But I cannot write this off as imagination or even as a normal twitch. It was far too strong. Therefore, it's troubling because the only thing I can associate this with is a kundalini raising. I'm not sure if I'm in a position to have a life-altering kundalini experience right now. My energy is tensed and in the late afternoons and evenings, I have to be very careful not to focus too much on certain chakras because they'll just go nuts and make it hard to function normally.

So given that, is there anything else that can cause that kind of movement? Can normal kundalini spikes do that? I have only ever heard of people like Robert talking about the "snake" that pushes up through the root chakra during a kundalini raising, and knocks internal organs out of its way.

Aunt Clair
16th March 2007, 01:06 AM
A few nights ago during meditations, I unexpectedly got imagery of a piece of silver being tucked into my root chakra. I don't know what that was all about, but my energy immediately went wild in the first 3 chakras, and it was the strongest sensation I have ever experienced. Considering that I've often felt like I was literally on fire during some meditations, this is saying a lot. This happened again 2 days later, but this time something moved in my root chakra.

I'm the kind of person that generally writes these things off as imagination (a bad habit I'm trying to break). But I cannot write this off as imagination or even as a normal twitch. It was far too strong. Therefore, it's troubling because the only thing I can associate this with is a kundalini raising. I'm not sure if I'm in a position to have a life-altering kundalini experience right now. My energy is tensed and in the late afternoons and evenings, I have to be very careful not to focus too much on certain chakras because they'll just go nuts and make it hard to function normally.

So given that, is there anything else that can cause that kind of movement? Can normal kundalini spikes do that? I have only ever heard of people like Robert talking about the "snake" that pushes up through the root chakra during a kundalini raising, and knocks internal organs out of its way.
I believe, personally , in a global alchemical contagion . Meaning that as a stage opens up across a large enough populace that it triggers that vibration like a tuning fork bringing up all those close to that vibration . So hanging with people of high vibrations has advantages because it raises your own and hanging wtih people of low vibrations can bring you down . But this is at a massive global scale .

Saying that , in syncronicity , this week my peers and I in circle experience a silver or akashic being also . It was giant in stature pressing upwards from the hanged man in the Tree of Death below to the magician in the Tree of Life above . Its arms and legs were pinned to its side and it was unable to move . This was inserted almost shoved into a golden , amoris , metal grid of a sleeve . Then the silver being was able to move the heavy limbs and we got bitten on the forearms by cobras . I feel this next stage then is about further manifesting the energy centres on the limbs thru kundalini energy etc.

So I would suggest record your experiences , confirm and validate them with peers . If I am correct , then you will be developing your energy centres in your arms and legs now and you will have dreams and visions to confirm that if it is a correct interpretation.

16th March 2007, 01:48 AM
Interesting, Aunt Clair! So you think this may be some sort of resonance, and not necessarily indications of imminant kundalini raising?

I should point out that the silver in my imagery was just metal, not an entity.

Aunt Clair
16th March 2007, 04:27 AM
Interesting, Aunt Clair! So you think this may be some sort of resonance, and not necessarily indications of imminant kundalini raising?

I should point out that the silver in my imagery was just metal, not an entity.
Both actually , I feel that these symptoms are syncronistic resonating with those of my peers and that they herald kundalini entering the limbs . In time I expect that you will feel energy rush into and up your arms as will we . I expect that it will come inot the palm initially and that in time humans will take in the quickening through each capable energy centre on the body .

This will be the first kundalini event that we have witnessed that was not particular to the spine . Yet I feel that it will be pulled from the heart and the from the spine anyway . By that I mean , I predict that the human energy body heart and spine remain the incipitent force which will manifest the current of the cobra whihc will enter the palm and when joined to the heart will rush into the spine to continue its work .

17th March 2007, 03:15 AM
Thanks, Aunt Clair.

Any other opinions? I am seriously wanting some ideas about this. It wasn't just a little twitch, it was as if a living being was moving around.

27th March 2007, 10:46 AM
Ok, I'm going to bump this one last time before I give up and assume that no one has any answers or ideas for me.

27th March 2007, 02:00 PM
I don't have anything valuable to offer, I just wonder if you had any significant dreams or other experiences in the next few days after your experience? I would think (but really don't know) that a significant K event would cause some sort of change in your everyday processing.

27th March 2007, 03:52 PM
Good point, CFT. Yes, I did have some powerful dreams in the days following the experience (which is still going on, BTW), but that has been the case with me since childhood! One seemed to specifically reference my energy body.

27th March 2007, 04:22 PM
One seemed to specifically reference my energy body. I would focus my meditations on that specific reference, if I were you.

Robert Bruce
30th March 2007, 07:32 AM
G'day DSmoke!

What you describe does appear to be kundalini related. However, please do not worry. You are not actively trying to raise kundalini, so I would not expect sudden massive activity during normal meditation. But it would be wise not to focus your awareness directly on your base chakra for the time being.

However, if you are in the early stages of spontaneous kundalini, which appears likely, then there is nothing you can do to stop this, not that I know, beyond keeping yourself very grounded. If it happens, this would be a natural phenomenon, and hence will happen naturally when it is ready. There are so many ways this could occur that it is difficult to predict. But in your case I sense that it will be fairly gentle.

Regular prayer asking for healing and guidance is the best advice I have for you.

Kundalini is an evolutionary energy mechanism built into everyone. This is a natural force of nature. It is developed and triggered by mental, emotional and energy work beyond the norm. This produces a need for evolution of consciousness, and of the energy body, which profoundly elevate consciousness and intellectual activity, and spiritual and psychic activity.

Take care, Robert

ps, when energy sensations become intense, grounding will help. Take a shower, eat a heavy meal, drink a glass of wine, get in some walking, etc. This really helps.

A few nights ago during meditations, I unexpectedly got imagery of a piece of silver being tucked into my root chakra. I don't know what that was all about, but my energy immediately went wild in the first 3 chakras, and it was the strongest sensation I have ever experienced. Considering that I've often felt like I was literally on fire during some meditations, this is saying a lot. This happened again 2 days later, but this time something moved in my root chakra.

I'm the kind of person that generally writes these things off as imagination (a bad habit I'm trying to break). But I cannot write this off as imagination or even as a normal twitch. It was far too strong. Therefore, it's troubling because the only thing I can associate this with is a kundalini raising. I'm not sure if I'm in a position to have a life-altering kundalini experience right now. My energy is tensed and in the late afternoons and evenings, I have to be very careful not to focus too much on certain chakras because they'll just go nuts and make it hard to function normally.

So given that, is there anything else that can cause that kind of movement? Can normal kundalini spikes do that? I have only ever heard of people like Robert talking about the "snake" that pushes up through the root chakra during a kundalini raising, and knocks internal organs out of its way.

30th March 2007, 05:04 PM
Thank you so much for your reply, Robert. I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. I'll take your advice and continue asking for guidance. Diet really affects the energy, so I'll continue to experiment with that.

I should add, for anyone who is confused, that I only recently learned that some people use "root chakra" to describe a chakra below the feet. When I was learning about chakra, root and base chakra were interchangeable terms. Here, I'm talking about the base chakra in the perineum, not the one below the feet.

30th March 2007, 05:37 PM
I enjoyed reading about your experience and have absolutely nothing to contribute lol. However, I agree there are strange and wonderful things afloat and have also been having wild experiences pop out of nowhere in my meditations. For about a month now, I've been waking up at 3 am every night during a peak in my energy cycle. Sometimes the energy is washing back and forth from my head to my feet so quickly I feel like I'm vibrating. One night, I did begin to hear the sounds of a very strong vibration and saw a large orange merkaba swing into place in two giant triangles around me. I could hear it vibrating all around me - whomp whomp whomp whomp. It was a very intense experience! On other occasions, I have felt like I went part-way through a death experience. Very intense, and very strange. At any rate, it seems there are changes going on affecting all of us, doesn't it? ~P

30th March 2007, 06:12 PM
Interesting, Pilar! I find it fascinating when symbols come of their own accord during meditations or dreams. Perhaps their is something "in the air" so to speak, for those who can feel it.

That makes me wonder if there are cycles for such things. Like right now, people like you and I are going through changes because we share some common ... something? And perhaps in 8 months time, another group of people will begin their strange experiences while ours die down.

30th March 2007, 06:40 PM
You mean it's going to die down??? :shock: That might be a great thing, if it truly is moving in cycles, because things get so intense during these night meditations, I could use some time off occasionally! :D I've also been pretty heavy into qigong lately, so meridian-dredging is stepping things up a notch in my energy experiences, I think. What kind of meditation are you doing that's bringing on your new experiences? ~P

PS-the merkaba wasn't just a symbol in this situation - it was a vehicle! It was fully powered up and ready to go somewhere! lol I totally chickened out! I remember thinking - I have no idea how to fly this thing!! :D

30th March 2007, 07:32 PM
Pilar, judging by what others have told me, the intensity does die down and is cyclical. It's not that it goes away, but I've been told that it isn't always "AAAAGH OMG!" :) Maybe it's like Robert's NEW system - at first, you get really strong energy sensations and then as your body gets accustomed to it, they lighten up. I don't know.

I am going to my second qigong class this week :) After the first class, I did one of the exercises in a lucid dream and wow! Talk about intense. But most of the time I just do my own variations on NEW. I have also been doing my own variations of shamanic journeying lately, too.

Aunt Clair
3rd April 2007, 09:50 AM
Persuant to the topic of kundalini opening the limbs uo ,
a few things occurred this month which follow on from that ;

1.A medium visting from England saw pads like energy centres on the fingers of a few people in my community including myself and a lady who is not in my circle but known to me . We confirmed this in circle but were surprised that a stranger found them on a person not in our circle ,The lady who had the pads is a strong healer , medium and channeler . The pads like fingertip energy centres allow us to pull negative energy away from and out of patients . It is clumsy and not particularly effective yet . The energy comes to the pads like strings and good energy comes out with the bad so far . But I am sure it will work better in time .

2. Many peers across the world on diverse forums have complained of pains in the arm from the elbow to the fingertips . A few have complained about similar pains from the knee to the toes .

3. A few dreamers from across the world have had dreams of cobras biting their hands , coming out of their palms and going into their palms . One from the oneline circle who lives in Serbia had a dream of rainbow snakes coming out of one arm and rainbow fish going in the other one .

4. There has been a change in the look of the palm clairvoyantly . Many have a 3 ringed coiled oval looking like a gas burner . It has rainbow colours and is oval in shape extending across the palm longer from the finger to the wrist than across .

5.A few sitters have had talons of dragons or in a few less cases demons appear clairvoyantly on the toes these are curved and about 8 cm long .

6. My own dreams have been about sleeves removing a core from the inner arm and this being replaced by a higher energy core which is then wrapped in an outer sleeve of higher energy silver in the middle and gold on the outside .

7 . I had hoped that we would have conclusion this full moon but that was last night for my part of the world and there was no change yet however , my mates in circle and I report strong kundalini spiking in the hips . So I think this will open in the next 2 weeks by the new moon .

4th April 2007, 12:12 AM
So basically, it is only going to get more interesting! :D

4th April 2007, 04:35 AM
Aunt Clair, I've had intense sensations in the hips for quite awhile, but none of the other things you describe. Interesting!

10th April 2007, 10:28 AM
ps, when energy sensations become intense, grounding will help. Take a shower, eat a heavy meal, drink a glass of wine, get in some walking, etc. This really helps.

In Gopi Krishna's book "Living With Kundalini" he states that eating heavy meals always made matters worse for him at the beginning stages of his experience, leaving him bedridden for days on end. So much so that for months he was barely able to eat mere morsels of rice and milk for fear of triggering the adverse effects he was experiencing. Then later (years IIRC) he went from eating little to eating more than normal. Personally I have found that eating a heavy meal also makes matters worse for me but also eating very little doesn't help either. I think the best approach is what Gopi did, which was to eat small meals frequently (every 2 to 3 hours) rather than having the normal 3 big daily meals. He also claimed drinking plenty of fresh milk helped if one is not able to take in too much food. He definitely seemed to have to concentrate on his diet and how much he ate during his whole experience.

Alcohol(*note), or any other mind-altering substance, IMO, is a definite no-no as far as Kundalini is concerned if you are trying to calm it down. For me it just intensifies it and makes it rage even stronger, but then I am used to it, so each to their own.

I agree a shower or warm bath might help but walking, for me personally, only tends to excite the energy involved. But that may be because I am not as physically fit as I need to be so that is why I can get adverse effects sometimes that way. Laying in a soft bed in a quiet atmosphere or with soft music playing certainly helps me* and if all else fails (and the surge is too strong for me to handle at the time) I take some of my emergency supply of valium (it being the only mind altering substance I find helps to calm the snake). :wink:

How to tell if you're experiencing Kundalini? It feels like you have 100,000 volts of spiritual electricity coursing through your mind; you can feel the unmistakable power of it raging through your very core and emanating from you - and more than likely so will those around you (although they might not quite know what it is they are feeling, you will most certainly have a noticeable "presence" about you, :lol: ). After all, you're manifesting your Higher Self, and that is extremely powerful - "too powerful" immediately springs to mind :lol: For me this often tends to come out as me giving off extreme heat (sometimes called the Shaman Heat) - so much so that the windows on my side of any car I am in become steamed up even on warm days (this happened a week ago while I was in Spain). Centering and balancing exercises are very helpful when encountering energies this strong. The Kabbalistic Cross and the Middle Pillar Exercise I have found helpful in that regard, as well as the "four fold breath".

While praying might help some, I find chanting to be more helpful to me personally, but if it is too strong for you then sure, pray to yourself and tell It to "TURN IT DOWN!". :wink: Or you could take charge of the energy rushing through you like surfing a wave (if you're able to keep your balance), master it and use it to heal yourself (or others) of any ailments and do a general cleanup of your aura etc. I'm not quite able to master it that well just yet myself but I'm working on it (it still knocks me for 6 every time it happens and is very hard to stay balanced, especially when I'm in crowded places!).

oh! Playing a flute (or harmonica) helps too, as does swaying from side to side (or back and forth) - those Indian snake charmers are onto something. :wink:

*I think it important not to overstress what might have worked for someone else will work for others as though they are absolutes because every persons experience of this is going to be somewhat different, although there do appear to be certain guidelines that help.

Btw, Gopi mentions in his book that one Saddhu told him he was being attacked by evil spirits in combination with his Kundalini experience, but he seemed to dismiss this outright. Which is a shame because it looks to me like that Saddhu was right from everything else Gopi wrote in that book about his experiences. I'd be interested on your thoughts about that if you've read the book Robert?

*note: LINK (http://altreligion.about.com/library/texts/bl_arundale2.htm)

"It is clear that nicotine and alcohol definitely act in some way upon Kundalini, the former interposing a barrier between the general force of Kundalini and its operation in the various vehicles of the individual concerned, while the other seems to act as a direct stimulant, stirring the Force in wrong directions, or in some way wrongly intensifying it, and in any case doing these things in connection with an individual far from ready for Fire-development. All narcotics, drugs, stimulants, clog the system and interpose a deadening miasma between the individual and all larger consciousness."

12th April 2007, 02:12 AM
Hey McArthur,

I have heard mixed reviews about that Gopi Krishna book. Some people say that he had an atypical experience because he was being pretty rough with his energy practices. Other people say that it's a great book. I haven't read it, so I can't comment!

I personally have a very restricted diet due to necessity, so alcohol and milk are moot points right now. However, I concur with you that heavy meals are best avoided and that diet in general must be closely scrutinized. I'll keep your advice in mind! I'm still having extremely intense sensations (100,000 volts, indeed!), but they mysteriously stop at the sub-navel in most cases. It hasn't reached my crown yet. I have experienced that heat you mentioned, enough that other people have commented. Crazy!

12th April 2007, 05:05 AM
Dear Dsmoke,

What likely set this all off was connecting with high vibration people in your Qi gong group. As we talk with and connect energetically (just happens as we interact with others) we are affected by their energy. They end up raising our energy. That is why it is helpful to hang around happy uplifting people.

YES! Thinks can be very intense when the lower chakras start giving way and opening up. Part of the reason is that the lower chakras have a much lower vibration and we can feel strong pulsing and throbbing. The lower vibrations tend to hit us like big long waves versus the higher chakras which can generate high vibrations that are almost numbing they are so rapid in frequency.

The first major spike I had I got pretty worried. The energy movements were so intense. Big waves! Some energy did rise into my higher chakras and my mouth went numb like the dentist had frozen my mouth. I had a hard time talking. Really flipping intense stuff.

With time and experience, the fear factor decreases and the intensity while still high seems normal because the rest of your body vibration has had time to catch up. There is less of a discrepency so the feeling of the event is less intense.

I would recommend physical exercise. Eating solid healthy meals very regularly. Protien such as in eggs is great. Oddly jumping up and down (not kidding here) and stomping the feet can help. Cheese is good too but sounds like dairy is out.

I am not one for alcohol but admit I did use it to slow down my vibrational rate during one event. It was less than half a glass. We are not talking getting even remotely close to tipsy. Just little sips. Almost like you are taking medicine. It does work but if no alcohol is an option then I recommend you get a Jacare elestial quartz or Elestial Smoky Quartz crystal. The Jacare is really strong for grounding. Place it over the over-active chakras. And try to listen to very grounding sounds. My favorite is Alan Watts - Buddhist Monks - Sacred healing chant. The chant reverberates in the lowest tone range. Very grounding. If you wish to acquire this please give me a PM and we will figure out how to get it to you.

Very Best Wishes,

12th April 2007, 08:10 PM
Hi Violetsky,

The people in my chi kung class aren't advanced, but I imagine being in a room full of people all focusing on their energy probably does help stimulate energy. The exercises are somewhat similar to Robert's NEW and other energy work I've done over the years, thought not completely, but combining them with physical movements is a new experience.

The lower vibrations tend to hit us like big long waves
Yes, that's what it feels like. It's not so much scary as just extremely intense. I feel like I'm hanging on for dear life.

I would recommend physical exercise. Eating solid healthy meals very regularly. Protien such as in eggs is great. Oddly jumping up and down (not kidding here) and stomping the feet can help. Cheese is good too but sounds like dairy is out.

Good to know about eggs - I also eat some (not too much) poultry and fish, as they are one of the few foods I can eat without getting ill. I will try jumping up and down if the energy gets too intense, LOL! I've never heard of the Jacare quartz, but I'll see if I can find it in one of the pagan shops.
