View Full Version : Energy blockage in right middle toe - what does this mean?

8th March 2007, 02:10 AM
Hello yall, back with another question.

Recently in doing regular NEW stimulation of my feet and hands, I had something peculiar happen. It began to feel like a spider was crawling on my right middle toe - that's the closest I can describe the odd tingling feeling. From what I know, I am thinking it was an energetic sensation, probobly indicating a blockage. It lasted for several days, off and on. Now it's gone, but I've noticed that I have a much more difficult time getting energy to flow up and down that toe compared to the others on occasion, so I'm thinking there is still some difficulty there.

I'm really interested in seeing what kind of problems this block indicates. I figure that determining what emotional or energetic problems a block is indicative of is a skill I'll be using a lot now that I'm doing energy work. So how do I do that? As far as metaphysical skills go: I can't astral project at will, and I don't lucid dream very often any more. I have however practiced breath meditation daily for two years now. Sometimes this meditation turns into an insight meditation, but not always. The meditation has been difficult as of late because of some RL problems (lost a couple good friendships recently, and I've felt very hurt, and so it is more difficult to quiet my mind.) But, I can still do it. So a way of telling that uses meditation would probobly be most effective for me, although I'd definitely appreciate learning about any techniques. =)

Also, are there any problems that blockages in that area are typically indicative of?

9th March 2007, 12:02 PM
The toes are the endpoint of some important energy lines in the body. E.g. the right big toe "terminates" the liver channel.

See http://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/liver_meridian_graphic.

Generally the toes and the "Bubbling Spring" point (in the middle of the frontal third of the foot) are important energy exchange ports, you may know from Robert's NEW energy work. In Qigong it is believed these are the entry points of Earth Chi, which dominates the lower body, while the upper body is dominated by heavenly Chi.