View Full Version : Death?
5th March 2007, 11:09 AM
Hi everyone. I'm very new to all of this, but, am hoping I can have a fear of mine relaxed with knowlege. I have a terrible fear of death. The thought of dying puts me into panic attacks. It has lead me to become a hypochondriac. I cannot rest with this on my mind. I'm terrified that death is the end, and I will just, not exsist, be in black. Its horrifying for me. I was wondering what everyones views on death are here, and, if anyone has any experiences, thoughts, views, anything to help me understand death, and believe that life, wether in spirit form or energy or whatever, goes on after I die. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out.
5th March 2007, 12:46 PM
imo, having a obe takes alot of the fear of death away. silent meditation will also calm your fears and give you more peice of mind. of course the proof is in the pudding(with candy sprinkles) and i suggest getting roberts book astral dynamics, learning to project and see what happens. dont give up!
Don't fall into the trap of believing whatever someone tells you to ease your fears. Learn as much as you can, and decide for yourself what the truth is. The best way to do this, is to learn from your personal experiences. If you practice meditation regularly, and attempt to project, you may find these experiences help you overcome your fears.
Aunt Clair
6th March 2007, 07:44 AM
I was wondering what everyones views on death are here, and, if anyone has any experiences, thoughts, views, anything to help me understand death, and believe that life, wether in spirit form or energy or whatever, goes on after I die. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out.
You can search the archives here for keywords
*Gates of Death
*homes of the deceased
*afterlife realms
When the body dies , the spirit and the soul depart like rainbow coloured jewels lifting up from the body . They may be seen leaving thru any of the stones coming out of the brow centre , mouth , heart etc .
The spirit released experiences great joy and freedom. There is elation and anticipation of the journey back home to spiirit lands and closer reunion to Godhead . A tunnel of light will be seen into which the spirit is irresistably drawn . At the end of the tunnel are deceased spirit relatives waiting for reunion and welcome . Angels are present but not always seen though they may be sensed . The spirit rises up to the higher planes and comes to a sorting ground realm called the Gates of Death .
A low vibration soul dying in fear , violence , drug affected etcetera may see a dark void open instead and feel lost and abandoned . The movie GHOST has an apt description of the two paths of Death which some call Heaven and Hell . Another option is to remain on Earth bound to business unfinished or trauma not healed .
Robert Monroe, Edgar Cayce , Alice Bailey and Dr. Joshua Stone wrote about Death realms and experiencing them while alive . Many of these authors have works online which can be googled . Reading these particular authors views and experiences on Death will probably be of a great comfort to you . For example , I have been to the homes of the deceased and they are aptly described in Robert Monroe's work .
A human can project and see for themselves , the homes of the deceased and the Gates of Death and Summerland and even the lower planes Hels.
Their homes are visited by relatives in projection .I have seen my own home there near my father and paternal grandmother .The deceased socialise , travel , learn ,read, watch Earth instead of TV, create and serve . The spirit has activities to witness the live ones , visit the dead ones , learn about love and spiritual development and work .
I believe as the Egyptians did that there are many parts of the soul /spirit /consciousness . I believe as the Hindu and Buddhists do that the soul reincarnates but as the Christians do that the spirit which is the personality of this incarnation remains eternally in the afterlife . The soul carries forward karma and lessons from the previous incarnations and is reborn with a new body and new spirit and personality .
In this manner a deceased grandmother may appear as a ghost to her beloved relatives even though part of her has already reincarnated as one of her own great grandchildren .
The Gates of Death is a realm which a mystic may attain in meditative trance and projection of consciousness . There are 4 main gates and diverse others ones . The centre of the Gates is a pillar of light which has faces of all Godhead , female and male and in it the spirit will see themselves too in their own connection to Godhead . Above this pillar is Kether .
The Red gate is the Gate of Love and Unfinished Business
Raphael and others take the spirit back down to the Earthly plane to see their funeral or interact as best they can with relatives left on this plane .
The Green gate is the Gate of Healing and leads to a place called Summerland where spirits who are confused may tend to injuries in their energy body . For example someone who died from a shark biting them in half would find either that they are whole and understand that they are deceased but the spirit is not injured or being linked too closely to the physical due to a low vibration they may actually think that they are alive and need to have a leg or a prosthesis attached to heal .
The Yellow Gate it the Gate of Truth and Light and the path for those who are ready to move on it is attached to the Tunnel of Light humans perceive when they die or have NDE.
The Blue Gate is the Gate of Justice and a place of judgement and consequence . Here the person may see their entire life on a circular wall of larger than life panoramic images of self like a cyclorama . One may go up or down there according to their vibration , their acceptance of forgiveness and their personal responsiblity . Fear , rage , anger , grief , depression and anxiety lower the human vibration . The key to a happy afterlife is forgiving self and forgiving others and simply loving the best you can in this life .
Above this realm is the Elohimic . This is an angelic realm and one of ascension and lightworking paths .
Below this realm of the Gates of Death is the Sea of Lost Souls who swim in a maelstrom of energy and who are constrained there by their own thoughts . These hapless souls can easily lift their vibration and leave that trap but it tends to be contagious and their sorrow binds them to each other more . The film What Dreams May Come is excellent in its description of this and other afterlife realms and experiences .
Below this realm of the Sea of Lost Souls are the Lower Planes which are numerous but include various planes called Hels in the Norse belief . These can be visited in the company of angels during Qlippoth lessons and I have been there . Most every soul in Hell or Hels is not constrained there but by their own vibration and emotion . Love and light is the way to leave .
There are pillars of light all around the Hells which allow one to enter to go to ascend to higher planes . But those of very low vibration can not see each other or angels or the light pillars . So soul rescues routinely help them lift their vibration and SEE the lights .
There is nothing to fear but fear itself . What another can endure so can you . There is life after death prepare for it now by learning and loving and living a full and happy life of service to others .
Om Shanti
6th March 2007, 09:42 AM
wow, thank you so much for the replies. i got such a sense of calm and peace while reading your post aunt clair. it made me feel like i wanted to forgive all my enemies, and, know there is a greater picture than life on earth. how did you learn all of this stuff? can you really experience all this through AP, or is this something that was taught to you? i know you mentioned you have been to the Lower Planes, but can you visit all of these places? wow, i need to read that post over again a few times. it almost sounds like something i WANT to experience. not in a suicidal way, but, when i'm old and its my time, it really makes me feel comfortable. now considering most people aren't familiar with all these gates and areas, aren't the souls lost and confused when they first leave the body?
6th March 2007, 10:49 AM
May I recomend the movie "what dreams may come "with our favourite actor robin williams. for internet movie database info.
That movie is such a beautefull illustration of life after death, and in my opinion one of the most accurate descriptions of this subject.
Let go of your fears and trust in yourself and your ability to look beyond the veil. You will se that death is only the beginning.
7th March 2007, 04:53 AM
Great post, Aunt Clair! Several years back I was reading a study done on Near Death Experiences. It would seem that the "Tunnel of Light" is a cultural thing. Many Asians report crossing a bridge to a garden, rather than the tunnel. It makes sense to me, given the importance of gardens in some Asian cultures.
Twisted, Aunt Clair is a dedicated mystic with a lot of astral experience. So, she does travel to these places. There are others on this site with similar experience, though I've never seen anyone describe the afterlife in as much detail as Aunt Clair. With practice and experience, it's possible for you to go there, also, verifying all of this for yourself. Have you seen Robert Bruce's tutorials on astral travel?
7th March 2007, 05:36 AM
I haven't seen it yet, but, will be looking to start practicing this very soon. I am swamped right now with lots of stress, so, relaxation is hard to come by, lol. is there any way i can visit these places, and awaken wrong, or, if theres a loud noise outside my room, get like, trapped or, have something bad happen while i'm doing this?
Aunt Clair
7th March 2007, 11:52 AM
... how did you learn all of this stuff? reading ,studying with mentors , meditation , mystic projection , lessons with ascended masters and angels and OBE
can you really experience all this through AP,
no there are various forms of projection AP is to the middle realms or Astral Planes and may include etheric or monadic planes in some definitions . The Afterlife Realms are in the lower and higher planes . Earthbound spirits may "haunt " the RTZ or Earthly plane or visit it . To attain the lower qlippoth realms or the higher sepiroth realms is done in meditative trance and projection of mystic consciousness and also in dreamstate .
or is this something that was taught to you?
the method was taught to me as were many esoteric lessons . I study Hermetic Magic, Alchemy , Kaballah , Ancient esoterica and contemporary metaphysical authors . And I work in circle with students , teachers and peers .
i know you mentioned you have been to the Lower Planes, but can you visit all of these places? Yes I have been to these realms with peers . Robert Bruce has written about RTZ , Etheric , Astral , and the Akashic Records in the Higher Planes .I know he has experienced these realms too.
wow, i need to read that post over again a few times. it almost sounds like something i WANT to experiencenot in a suicidal way, but, when i'm old and its my time, it really makes me feel comfortable. .
I dont think age is a criteria . Very young people project nightly in dreamstate and can enter medtitative trance to recall these journeys . But I do not look forward to leaving the body in any case . Life is precious . I look forward instead to returning again when I leave this life .
now considering most people aren't familiar with all these gates and areas, aren't the souls lost and confused when they first leave the body?The gates are not a function that concerns humans . Angels and vibration pull the deceased to the place they need to be . There is so much more freedom than we imagine . In the lower planes , so many are not confined at all . It is only their vibration that constrains them . I feel that the spirit returns effortlessly generally . It is only in traumatic sudden deaths expecially associated with fear and grief that souls become lost and need to be helped by human projectors in soul rescue and by angels .
9th March 2007, 09:54 AM
thanks for the movie suggestion Mekiel. i have it next on my list from blockbuster online, lol.
and aunt clair, thanks again for the in depth reply. i really don't mean to be a skeptic, but, its more of me wanting information on something new. so i apologize if i seem like i'm questioning your information. you have given a great deal of information, and i do appreciate it. but, how do you know your not day dreaming, or in a state right before you fall asleep? i tried relaxing myself the other night, and, i was thinking of what AP would be like, and, i got into a day dream, then fell asleep. now i'm sure that if hundreds of people are experiencing the same things, there has to be some truth behind it, but, how are you certain your not day dreaming, or, dreaming?
also, if everyone has the ability to do this, then, how come it hasn't gotten the recognition i would imagine it would get? this is basically proving life after death, a question that has been unanswered for as long as people exsisted. this can change the world. put organized religion to rest. change the world in all aspects. so how come it is quietly kept in forums and online and to a select group of maybe a few thousand people who do this? (maybe more, i really don't know).
9th March 2007, 06:09 PM
If you present these views to someone who is not ready to recieve such wisdom, they will not understand it. Where we percieve reality, someone else will se psychosis. The knowledge of life after death has been known to be real for thousands of years. And there have been manuscripts, and texts that describe this to very fine detail. But presenting this material to the masses would not do one bit of difference. Because to understand this sort of wisdom one needs to be ready for it, ready to accept it.
When I had my first spontaneous astral projection it changed my whole perception of life. I used to be a disbeliever. But when you have seen the other side there is no turning back he he.
When you are ready the knowledge will come to you. That is why you are reading this right now.
At least that is how I percieve it.
Blue Mage
11th March 2007, 11:00 PM
The first time I had an OBE on purpose, it was an experience that was a turning point in my life. I set up an experiment to look at something out of body and then validated what I saw, making me realize that at least some of what mystics say is true. Besides that, it gave me this incredible feeling of elevation, from then I have not been in the slightest afraid of death. I wasn't particularly afraid of death to begin with, but after that experience I just felt like, I can't wait until I die! Not in an urgent way like wanting to kill myself, just feeling like it'll be fun when I get there some day, and that it is so silly that I did ever feel uneasy about death. I don't want to leave my loved ones behind soon, but other than that, I look forward to experiencing the after life. This is even though I don't know much about the afterlife besides what other people claim; During that short OBE, I do not remember communicating with anyone or anything, but nevertheless, I got the message loud and clear that death is nothing to be afraid of.
It's very natural to ask, if there is so much to see and experience, why is it not taught in school or in the media? Sorry, but the truth is, in all sorts of subjects, conventional wisdom is just plain wrong or incomplete. Information is spread to the general public mostly by organizations with agendas of money and power, not people trying to inform you out of the goodness of their hearts. If a person really wants the truth, they must question authority. Doctors give bad advice, and are ignorant of so many useful things that are "alternative medicine", the news media is controlled by special interests, making society focus on certain issues and ignore others. History books are full of agendas, trying to make certain countries look good or bad. Don't let it get you down, but the truth is that much what society tells us to think is mired in utter bullcrap, even the stuff that is supposed to be science or "common sense". Sometimes the "crackpots" that are made out ot be extremists or crazy are right. Society always look back to how people used think and say, "oh we were so dumb back then but now we know everything!" I don't think it will be different 100 years from now.
Society teaches us that spirituality is all about blind faith, even many religious people won't disagree with that. But the truth is that there are sooo many things to see and experience for yourself. Everyday people talk to god, and have other contact and experiences that is derided as psychosis by skeptics. But these are regular, sane people, so assuming that is not a reasonable thing to do.
There is this false dichotomy between science and spirituality, but to me anyway, they are basically the same thing: they are both about trying to learn the truth. There is also a false dichotomy between faith and reason, but they are two ends of the same tool. Faith is not about believing things just because an old book says so, (or it shouldn't be), it should be about having a state of mind that allows wisdom to flow in, having the will and courage to think for yourself, to not be swayed by ignorance even though it is all around us, and reason is about extrapolating from the wisdom we recieve from faith. For example, most people take it for granted, but it is merely faith that when we see something with our eyes we know it is real.
I don't claim to be an expert, this is all just my opinion: but I think good advice for you is have faith that your fears are unfounded. Every time you feel that fear or have thoughts about it, don't take it seriously. Just think, "Whoops, I forgot there is nothing to be afraid of. Silly me!" You don't have to spend a lot of time meditating and trying to AP. Everyday when you are sitting around doing nothing, standing in line, driving to work, falling asleep, wonder about the truth. Strive and lust after it and wisdom can come to you anytime, anyplace. There is so much wisdom to be gotten from your own brain, all you have to do is want is enough. Divine inspiration and messages aren't just for special chosen people, they are for anyone who sincerely wants it.
I dunno, but it seems like in the beginning many seekers get freebies just to get the ball rolling on their path. Like I can't OBE on purpose, I've only had 4 experiences in my whole life that I can remember. But that first time it happened it was only my second try or so. I just took a nap in the middle of the day with the intent of OBEing, and it happened, maybe that could work for you too. Try to experiment with different things, like trying to see auras, or dowsing, something that can be experienced by you, or validated scientifically. That will build your faith, changing your mindset, and making you more open to more wisdom.
There's lots of books out there but personally, I haven't found them nearly as useful as the wisdom that I just "received" while half asleep or even drugged up (but just say no to drugs!). People who write books sometimes have agendas too, they write what readers want to hear so they can sell more books: political correctness, downplaying or avoiding ideas that make people feel bad, dumbing-down nuanced ideas... Or they are limited by their biases and prejudices. Different people disagree, so most likely some of what they are saying is not true. To me, books have been useful for making me realize that not everyone thinks the same thing.
Here is a great article about questioning conventional wisdom:
Once you truly realize that ideas that get the most recognition are often not truth, the world is so much more illuminated. On television or something when there is a real psychic or someone with special powers or proof of anything supernatural they instantly have reporters knocking down their door and scientists wanting to kidnap them and put wires into their brain, but that's not how the world works! A UFO could land on the white house lawn and it would NOT make the headlines.
You say this proves life after death, a question that has been "unanswered", but that is just an assumption you've made, something society has told you to believe. As long as there has been humanity, for many people there has been no unanswered question of whether there is life after death. It's just that modern society today dismisses a great deal of wisdom from the past and present. You have to question your assumptions.
People across time have believed in the afterlife, much of what unrelated cultures say overlaps, so I assume there is one. Even if death means oblivion, obviously you would not be stuck in darkness since there would be no "you" to experience that anyway. So even if there is no afterlife, that means no suffering so you shouldn't be afraid of it anyway!
14th March 2007, 02:00 AM
great post Blue Mage! just one question for you though. you say "I set up an experiment to look at something out of body and then validated what I saw, making me realize that at least some of what mystics say is true."
well, how exactly did you do this? like, i'm picturing you throwing something on the floor with your eyes closed, like a few stones, then seeing how they landed during your OBE and then validating it when you checked for yourself. are you talking about doing something like this, or am i way off? lol.
Blue Mage
14th March 2007, 12:45 PM
Just use a deck of playing cards. Shuffle and pick one or more out to view.
11th April 2007, 05:24 AM
Hi everyone. I'm very new to all of this, but, am hoping I can have a fear of mine relaxed with knowlege. I have a terrible fear of death. The thought of dying puts me into panic attacks. It has lead me to become a hypochondriac. I cannot rest with this on my mind. I'm terrified that death is the end, and I will just, not exsist, be in black. Its horrifying for me. I was wondering what everyones views on death are here, and, if anyone has any experiences, thoughts, views, anything to help me understand death, and believe that life, wether in spirit form or energy or whatever, goes on after I die. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out.
I understand where you're coming from. 2 years ago during summer break I came to grips with what I "preceived" as my mortality. Even thinking about it made my sick to my stomach but after 2 months of non-stop comtemplation I got over my fear of death and it no longer bothered me. Of course, for me atleast I always accepted the possibility of a state other then complete nothingness after death, curiously this set me on a path of discovery.
If the other posted replies didn't give you a answer consider finding an anwser within yourself or atleast overcome your fear, trust me it will be great to no longer have that sickening deep in the pit of your stomach feeling when something reminds you of mortality (physical atleast).
11th April 2007, 01:53 PM
Don't be scared. Death isn't the end. Without death, there would be no life. Death is what forces us to live. In a way, we need death to live. If you have read Astral Dynamics, then near the end you will see the higher planes where people move on. Robert says it is a very happy place. I've only been to these higher planes once, and I was filled with so much love when I visited that I nearly cried when I found myself back in my body. :cry: So don't be scared. Death is just the next great adventure. :D
21st May 2007, 04:40 PM
I'm terrified that death is the end, and I will just, not exsist, be in black.
I don't think death is the end. I think Out of body experiences prove that. I cannot imagine there being NOTHING at all after life.
I am pretty certain death is not the end, It is a Middle
23rd May 2007, 03:02 AM
This... is what made me get over the fear.
If there really is nothing... give existence an infinite amount of time, and whatever random processes created us to exist in the first place - the chance of this happening again is 1/1. And the time this will feel like to us? Absolutely nothing.
So don't worry too much, you'll get a much needed break if this is the case. You will get to experience true peace. :)
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