View Full Version : Astral Divination

8th September 2005, 08:17 PM
What is the general beleif going around now?
In the astral, is the foreseen future more probability or what ever senario has the most energy and will placed to it prevails?
Is the further you go up into the astral planes or the further you go up into higher dimension will have more accurate future details?

10th September 2005, 09:46 AM
well, to answer your question I can only rely on what I've read from those who have experience in the matter. Apparently there is a "probability future." Which, in plain english, as far as I can understand, means that anything could happen, but it's also probable that it might not. :lol: please excuse me if I've misinterpreted this. :wink:

12th September 2005, 02:11 AM
Those who are experienced in remote viewing say the same thing. Anything could happen, but most things probably won't. I think that's as far as us mere mortals can know for now.