View Full Version : The Universal Constant

29th November 2019, 09:30 AM
m = pqr/t

p = price
q = quantity
r = the realised universe ("eck") = 1.5

The factor "m" ensures that passion has something reliable to do.

If I have $5 worth of bananas x 3, I get 5x3x1.5 = 22.5 mins in total to consume them!

29th November 2019, 02:20 PM
I heard about another universal constant, called Omega. I was told that it even doesn't need any equations, it's infinite, and have something to do with god. I heard also about the opposite constant, called Alpha, and that it has something to do with primitivity (particularly alpha male). :)

29th November 2019, 04:09 PM
I am avid about my alpha and omega precepts. Alpha is my will, omega is the ultimatum. This makes it very simple, now. "I want x, and that will be mine own." 8)

29th November 2019, 05:54 PM
This makes it very simple, now. "I want x, and that will be mine own." 8)
It sounds like the ancient Greek science, particularly logic science. I always knew that it's something more than what we were taught in schools... now you revealed this hidden ultimate solution to the universe, ruled by the hidden universe constant. This one was called implication in the Greek science I believe (I want -> will be) 8)
And centuries later people who didn't know about it created an inferior science mathematics, called it the queen of sciences, and created an infinite number of equations... to be only found out that all of them are produced just by a single infinite constant :)

29th November 2019, 07:13 PM
It sounds like the ancient Greek science, particularly logic science. I always knew that it's something more than what we were taught in schools... now you revealed this hidden ultimate solution to the universe, ruled by the hidden universe constant. This one was called implication in the Greek science I believe (I want -> will be) 8)
And centuries later people who didn't know about it created an inferior science mathematics, called it the queen of sciences, and created an infinite number of equations... to be only found out that all of them are produced just by a single infinite constant :)
Philosophy births physics births chemistry births nothing. What gave birth to philosophy? I.

29th November 2019, 08:00 PM
Philosophy births physics births chemistry births nothing. What gave birth to philosophy? I.
What gave birth to the I? Chinese say it was Nothingness, also called the Void. The void gave birth to the I, and the I gave birth the philosophy. Who have birth to the Void?

But I see this point: implication is a trap, it assumes the birth (effect - cause) concept. :)

29th November 2019, 10:51 PM
I like the primordial eternal evolution theory: Evolution created evolution... question is, how the heck do you live by that! Dizzolving...

3rd July 2020, 07:37 PM
When in the point where nothing can be saw or heard, there are no limitations... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaknUbHezSM

4th July 2020, 02:41 AM
The best song has suffered violent silence - where do they? The music portrays dreamspace...

m = pqr/t