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View Full Version : Roll Your Own Holosync

24th February 2007, 09:30 AM
This will possibly read like an advertisement but I have nothing to do with the company, I do not get kickbacks or advantage in any way from them. My only contact with them is as a customer.

Mindfield's MindMachine
A couple of years back I found online a site that offered a method for using binaural beats for brainwave entrainment. I have been using it irregularly since, mainly because I lacked a focus of what to be using it for. I figured there couldn't be anything wrong with bringing both sides of my mind into tune, but I've long suspected there would be a real use for the technology.

More recently, from my studies & this site, I am beginning to get an idea of just how useful it might be in assisting me to open out my perceptions & to get my mind/being working the way they should be.

With this system, you can make your own sessions. They provide pre-configured sessions that can give pointers on how to achieve certain things, (such as creativity, learning or relaxation sessions) but most importantly, you can make your own sessions to do exactly what you wish.

The method used is basically to make a graph of the frequencies you want. These work just fine in Synchronised mode, but there are also Difference & Complex modes to play with.

How does it work? The system is a set of glasses, a little like sunglasses except you can't see through them, with LED's on the inside. The program generates signals that flash the LED's to each eye at the required frequencies. Also, it generates the more standard tones, separated by the frequency you've set for the session, so sound is added to the session.
(The ear can't hear below 20Hz, so to get (say) 3Hz, it feeds (say) 30Hx to one ear & 33Hz to the other. The brain follows the difference between the two, so the entrainment is to 3Hz)
This combination of sight & sound is very powerful.

So, you make or open your session, don the headphones & glasses, get comfortable & close your eyes.
(Note: you do NOT have your eyes open for this. Not only does it work better with eyes closed but these are Laser devices - low powered to be sure, but I wouldn't want even low powered lasers directly on my rods & cones)

The best part about the system is you can overlay (or underlay so it's almost inaudible) both music & voice tracks on the binaural tones. That is, you can use meditational music to help create your mood, PLUS add your own voice giving you instructions on what to do once you're in the level for which you've programmed the session.

This can also be used for learning. Record the lesson or download WAV or MP3 format & set up a session in Theta or even Delta, & you have a system better than sleep learning.

If you download a program like Audacity (free sound recorder) you can play your session through it, record it & save it as WAV or MP3 etc & copy it to a portable device for playback. So, you could make a session to put you into Alpha (good for concentration & learning) and go to the library & run the session while studying. Or run a session good for calming & destressing while going through (or before or after) some stress situation.

To investigate for yourself, visit: MindField (http://www.mindfield-biosystems.com/)

IMHO, this is a better & MUCH cheaper system for holosync than any of the 'pre-prepared' systems out there. It takes a little study to work out what effects are generated by the various levels & shapes of graphs, but it is soon repaid.

24th February 2007, 04:02 PM
This seems interesting. Can you give us an idea of how expensive this system is?

24th February 2007, 05:17 PM
Hey, I like your old title of "Roll your own". :lol:

25th February 2007, 12:05 AM
Ask & you shall receive... http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/77.gif

The model (with red LED's) I bought cost about $130 Australian. The new ones Are either white LEDs or do multi-colour & are a bit more. Prices quoted are Euro 139 & Euro 239 respectively. There's a note onsite that buyers outside the EEC get 16% off. So that's about E118 & E201.
To convert to local currency, you could go here (http://www.xe.com/ucc/)

25th February 2007, 05:39 PM
So, if 1.00 AUD = 0.792016 USD , then $130 australian is about $103 not counting daily fluctuations in exchange...Not bad, actually.

25th February 2007, 05:43 PM
Centerpointe, the company which makes the holosync brand, specifically says that it is not a good idea to combine binaural beats with visual entrainment methods because if they are not lined up perfectly with each other they will conflict. They just use the audio binaurals beats and people here with BW Gen can probably just find a preset to start at high alpha and go down to deep delta over 20 minutes and hold for 40. That's how holosync is set up. The main thing about the program is that it lowers the frequencies used to create the binaural beats over 13 levels which are very expensive and purchased separately. They then tell you that it takes a full decade and then some to get through all 13 levels safely so you aren't spending very much on a per day basis.

25th February 2007, 07:20 PM
That's the point of the Mindmachine system - they are synchronised because the same engine is producing them. I can reach trance state faster & deeper with this system than any of the downloaded ones - & that includes Centrepoint ones. I can also program in what I want as an overlay to guide myself in the meditation.

Horses for courses I guess; I happen to think learning to know yourself & then reacting to what you feel & see by altering the program is a better bet than running a generalised program that is unchangeable. What works well for one might not do anything for another. The MM system both encourages you to learn about what is going on as well as provides an easy & adjustable system for best results. Pre-recorded simply can't match that IMO

15th April 2007, 05:24 AM
Hi Journyman,

I agree. I used my audio software to add some of my own stuff to my (purchased) pre-programmed hypnosis mp3 file.

I added some favorite 60 beat mind altering classical music to the beginning and ending of the file, and some of my own affirmations. I even cut out a very small portion of the file that was useless.

The new technology is allowing us to get really creative with this stuff. I've been listening to tapes for years. But am just beginning to experience a high level of satisfaction. With all the new websites springing up and more info coming around on frequencies, which i'm very interested in, and audio programs like mine, and more advanced information available. It makes for faster accurate results, and better learning.

I'm going to check out the MM...thanks