View Full Version : Terrible sleep/energy work

22nd February 2007, 09:31 PM
I've been working w/ energy and attempting OBE for going on 8 months now. Recently started MAP and am on day 18. My sleep has been terrible lately and last night/this morning I awoke at 6am and realized I was having repetitive thoughts and imagery in my sleep. It was making me SICK. I wasn't REALLY asleep though and realized this when I got fed up w/ the imagery/thoughts. I then got a migraine which I get a lot in the spring or when cold weather suddenly warms up. I stayed up for about an hour and then hit the hay hard for 5 more hours. I normally sleep late 'till 11am or even 1pm some days because I'm a musician so waking at 6am is a mean feat for me. Another important note is that I was doing the full body bounce in bed as I fell asleep. I've read of other people's problems w/ sleep in the beginning and just thought I'd relate mine. Any suggestions or just "yeah I get that too's" much appreciated. Also I'm assuming that I must be doing well with the energy if this is happening however I'm not getting much sensations when raising/bouncing... not even a tingle. I am however much better at REALLY feeling every part of my body that I'm pulling energy through. Does this sound like I'm doing well to anyone or....not. Cheers :?

22nd February 2007, 10:10 PM
Doing a lot of energy work before trying to go to sleep isn't really recommended. It has a tendency to rev you up, which makes it difficult to sleep. A lot of people report problems with sleeping in the beginning. With some time, you should settle down and begin to figure out what's best for you. Sounds to me like you're making good progress.

26th February 2007, 02:24 PM
When feeling over-energized before sleeping, try to relax. Use breathing, try to keep breathing smooth and long, but don't force to much. Focus on your breathing, don't simply drift away, but stay for it quite a while.

After a while you may feel a slow-down, or like your head expands, or something which feels relaxing and soothing. Now you can let go and go to sleep, and your sleep should now be better.

Try not to do energy work before bed time, because it can stir you up quite a bit. Breathing/relaxing work and trance work should be better at this time, but please do not simply let go at the first opportunity, or you may get into the habit of falling asleep when relaxing, which would be at cross purposes with MAP training. Perhaps sit in a chair without head support, it helps. :)