View Full Version : Do you have a telepathic - power of thoughts - experiences?

22nd November 2019, 07:15 PM
Any telepathy usage, intended or unintended, experiences?

Have you noticed some impact of your thoughts that they have on others?

Do we manipulate others all the time?

How does actually this mental part of the world work?

I'm becoming more and more suspicious about it, that most of people are really missing the point: they act like their thoughts were their private, while I'm constantly receiving lots of "mental income" to my mind on the regular basis, both negative and positive. People think that their judgements which they do all the time stay only with them... well.
But more importantly, the thoughts seem to have really a direct impact on others. I don't know how and which my random thoughts "work", but I'm pretty much shocked sometimes when thinking of other person and then meeting him or her physically. Like something happens in between - in a purely telepathic way, like my thoughts seem to change other people minds - influencing them all the time.

I also receive "mental stuff", sometimes not sure whether something is for instance just my desire, or it's actually something coming from the other: I "feel" it as "mine", but it's not in reality.

I try now to be very conscious of what I think, basically trying to cleanse my energy and mind regularly, and watch what I think and how I think it, trying to be in the conscious control. There are many, many strange coincidences recently that I recognized the fact that my thoughts have impact on other, unaware people. However, I think that there is no "control" of others by purely telepathic means, it's always other's choice... the thing is that unaware people seem to be very vulnarable to telepathic influence...

...and this makes me wonder: who is using the power of thoughts on masses deliberately, then?

22nd November 2019, 08:30 PM
Most people don't understand what "collective consciousness" means.

23rd November 2019, 12:08 PM
I must say I also do not have a "touch" with the collectiveness. I feel myself as a very distinct individual. My theory, based purely on observations, is at the moment that we "produce" energetic and mental "stuff" all the time, and in the moment when it is produced it may be "picked up" by others (via the resonance), just like the air we breath out to the universe.

26th November 2019, 07:23 PM
If you for a moment think of your surroundings less of an 'air' and more of a liquid, and think of what happens when you make a ripple in the water, of a pool, let's say, think of how long it persists, bounces against something, and how it comes back to us. We think in terms of time- a ripple comes off my body as I move, it expands, it interacts with another body, and it comes back to me, changed, where it's then absorbed by my body and bounced back out, once again changed by my body-and the medium itself. If we think that eventually the ripple goes away or is absorbed by the environment, where did the information carried in that ripple go? Did it stop existing, was it encoded in another thing in the pool, and if it did, doesn't it mean that the connection or information still persists there? At least while there is water?
I think of it that way.

26th November 2019, 08:09 PM
Interesting point. It reminds me the scientific thesis that energy never disappears, but only changes its form.

Your point also suggests further exploration. For example, if there is earth, air and water type of reality - not physically, but conceptually (and physical air or water are said to be just manifestations in physical reality) - we are missing just one yet, fire type of reality. Each of them has its own nature, and we may typically live in all of them. And mostly are aware of the "earth" element.

Removing the time aspect of our reality - where "everything" is "everything" (every possible form) simultanously, and we are not aware of this because of limited perception - might be beyond our comprehension.

Physicians say some basic stuff in this subject, like that we are alive and dead at the same time (when trying to explain some consequences from the theories of quantum physics). I see 4 (or 5) elements as those which correspond to the time-space reality, by co-creating it (and hence comes the idea of keeping the balance - in both macrocosm / universe, and microcosm / human being system). Elements are, of course, types of certain energies, as it is taught in alchemy. If there were no elements, there would have had been no different types of realities as well, or their perception (water-type, air-type and so on). Each element was just one universal type of energy, having all the forms at the same time: fluid and rigid, warm and cold, wet and dry, light and dark, and so on. (In Chinese philosophy this preliminary state - before the creation of the universe, including time-space - is called tai chi, wu chi / void, tao...).

Perhaps transcending (at least mentally) any duality, like a dimension (going in one or the opposite direction) - time, space, and others - assumes that everything depends on the perception and pressumptions.

This also says something about the eastern (and medieval / ancient western) medicine and astrology: elements inherent in the birth chart say about our perception of reality and others. Having fluid element (water) narrows the perception to see us more within the collectiveness, while having solid element (earth) do the opposite: in our view in this case one's "shape" is very strictly distinct from the surroundings.

15th December 2019, 06:17 PM
Today I was thinking about one of the projects on natural medicine I'm working on. I was analyzing the poor - in my view - service of copywriters. This included the copywriter I'm working with for quite a long time. I was giving her many instructions how to write better. She was positive and polite, but the texts still didn't quite meet the quality I was expecting.

Thinking of this today resulted in... the email from this person about resignation. Interesting coincidence. Seems like some unconscious telepathic exchange occured between us, which I haven't identified, busy with other things.

15th December 2019, 07:23 PM
Today I was thinking about one of the projects on natural medicine I'm working on. I was analyzing the poor - in my view - service of copywriters. This included the copywriter I'm working with for quite a long time. I was giving her many instructions how to write better. She was positive and polite, but the texts still didn't quite meet the quality I was expecting.

Thinking of this today resulted in... the email from this person about resignation. Interesting coincidence. Seems like some unconscious telepathic exchange occured between us, which I haven't identified, busy with other things.
Mental telepathy could be the truth about success, which is when creative people go UP, destructive people go DOWN.

18th December 2019, 05:52 PM
Mental telepathy could be the truth about success, which is when creative people go UP, destructive people go DOWN.
Going up is quite straightforward I guess. What does it mean to go down, I wonder? Could you provide some "viable" examples of how to go down with the mental telepathy :D

18th December 2019, 07:14 PM
The telepathic creatives go UP, and by some devious means all of those destructive non-thinkers go DOWN - as though the universe was doing a quantum flux experiment. :idea: A generation of stars, you might believe.

14th August 2020, 06:59 PM
I had 10 years ago glimpses about what mind can do. It can do anything.

People are trained and restricted so that their version of "anything" is very limited. Untraining your mind and widening it expands the abilities - your beliefs on what is possible for the mind.

It takes frequencies control to manipulate the reality. Some call it mental power, some call it magic, some call it a paranormal phenomena. I call it a natural ability that can be obtained. It is possible to develop for actually anyone. However, one needs then to decrease his or her limitations - and most of people consider it an inner struggle, because the only area that needs change in order to expand is yourself - i.e. your mind needs a change in how it works.

One of the visions that I had on what is possible was that the energy system (including the nervous system, which is very related to the energy routes, called meridians in TCM) can be influenced by thoughts. Actually, I had a vision of influencing others' systems / physical organisms. I didn't do that, so I don't know, however, if a healer can heal by use of energy and mind, I can bet there is a possibility to do something opposite as well with energetic systems and physical bodies of other people. It's benevolent that with the level of society that we have now, it is limited and unaware of their abilities of their minds.

Anyway, I succeeded in influencing my own nervous system. The nervous system works because of electrical impulses - which, in turn, are based on energy (qi or prana). It required quite a long (something like 1000 days) training to get to this level, however I'm sure it may take less, because I didn't develop this ability just per se, it was a side effect of increasing consciousness.

By just focusing my mind when in alpha (or sometimes a deeper) state, I can create enough energy so that it is transformed into a pretty strong electrical impulse so that body reacts physically and quickly to it when the impulse flows through the nervous system. It is something similar to how scientists experimented in the XIXth century e.g. with dead frogs, sending through their bodies (through frog's nervous system) electricity, which caused automatic body reactions, like the animal's legs budging. Same happens to me when my focus is strong enough.

Of course, this is just one of many examples how this ability can be utilized. Another is influencing the cells, for example; another is providing energy of a type that is needed in certain situation (for instance, if you are in a situation when adrenaline is needed - you do not have to depend on fear, you can create it purely by use of your mind - I did it too).

Any ideas?

4th September 2020, 08:22 PM
Any ideas?
Yeah. :P Improved even more by these last 3 weeks this ability.

Actually, it is a function of time:

f (t) = result

Time is energy, therefore:

f (e) = result

Energy is effort, and effort is amount of thoughts involved and their power, therefore:

f (th * x * p) = result

th = thought and quality, x = quantity, p = power - a changable constant. What is a changable constant? That is a constant that can be changed - if you work on it. Power of thoughts changes when developed, in short. This is real ability - the more you concentrate, the more power of your thoughts you gain.

i.e. the more I focus, the more nights I spend on it, the more energy and thoughts involved (not just mental "chatting", by thoughts I mean particularly anything non-verbal), the more abilities are developed.

This could work with anything. Still exploring.

5th September 2020, 09:41 AM
Yeah. :P Improved even more by these last 3 weeks this ability.

Actually, it is a function of time:

f (t) = result

Time is energy, therefore:

f (e) = result

Energy is effort, and effort is amount of thoughts involved and their power, therefore:

f (th * x * p) = result

th = thought and quality, x = quantity, p = power - a changable constant. What is a changable constant? That is a constant that can be changed - if you work on it. Power of thoughts changes when developed, in short. This is real ability - the more you concentrate, the more power of your thoughts you gain.

i.e. the more I focus, the more nights I spend on it, the more energy and thoughts involved (not just mental "chatting", by thoughts I mean particularly anything non-verbal), the more abilities are developed.

This could work with anything. Still exploring.

Yes..thoughts shape reality...therefore it is crusial to have positiv thoughts...
