View Full Version : Energy Armour

19th February 2007, 09:08 PM
So since i havn't started a thread in ages I thought I would give it a go. Just a few minutes ago I created a relatively weak, but still powerful energy construct around my body, some Energy Armour. Just to see if I could and it feels wonderful. A sense of peace of comfort has fallen on me.
All I imagined was fancy, fantasy-like armour, glwoing gold, form around my body and encase me in warmth and love.

I just wanted to know what people make of this.

24th February 2007, 12:57 PM
William Buhlman mentioned this technique in 'The Secret of the Soul', a book that Robert Bruce recommends highly to judge by the back cover.

I do this every day and I think it's really great technique. Anything that makes one feel warm and secure is a good technique IMHO!

Best, NN

25th February 2007, 12:49 AM
Whatever gives you comfort and helps you stay relaxed is great. There is a method I find good success with. First I do all the deep relaxation exercises, tensing and relaxing my muscles, then I use body awareness to start energy up from my feet, through my legs, and through each energy center up to my head. I do what Robert describes as the full body circuit I believe. Once I've gotten this going, I flick back down to my feet. I add something I discovered on my own, which is kind of abstract but maybe someone else can benefit from it.

I've found that the energy sensations are much stronger if when I flick back down to my feet, I imagine that the energy from my head criss crosses, and goes to the opposite foot. For example, say you're flicking two streams of energy from your crown down to your feet to repeat the energy circuit, I've found that if I intentionally cross their paths, and send the streams to the opposite foot, right stream to left foot, left stream to right foot, that I not only get better results with raising energy, but that it works better with the following technique.

I have used some of Robert Monroes Hemi Sync cd's and in them you are suggested to create an "energy bubble" around yourself. It could be considered a protective shield. When I criss cross the energy as I flick from my crown to feet, I find that I am more easily able to create this energy bubble, that it forms almost naturally. Anyway, that's a technique I use, if anyone else tries and and experiences positive or similar results let me know.

25th February 2007, 11:45 AM
I've found that if I intentionally cross their paths, and send the streams to the opposite foot, right stream to left foot, left stream to right foot, that I not only get better results with raising energy, but that it works better with the following [protective] technique.

... that is weird because occasionally I have found myself doing something similar, and you are right, it made it easier to visualise shapes around me. What I think is that criss-crossing of any kind starts to make one more laterally symmetrical and then one's space awareness is easier.

It is something to do with left=yin/magnetic and right=yang/electric. It makes it easier to occupy one's aura with evenness, that was what I found... haven't done it in a while though.

I didn't mention also a great protective device I got from magical practice, which is to tie a thread or rope around the waist under the clothes, with the intention of feeling protected and closing oneself off from interference in the aura. I didn't know how it worked at first but someone who practices qigong recently told me that the waist has an energy channel around it called the belt channel, which does indeed have a protective function.

Now what I do is put my 'armour' on when I put my waist-thread on! I think protective bubble-shields are great too but I like the armour because as well as its protective function it tends to make a nice golden feeling that infuses into the aura.

Anyone else out there with some cool protective stuff?

Best, NN

25th February 2007, 09:13 PM
I just wanted to add, that I don't believe Robert recommends William Buhlman's works.

26th February 2007, 04:23 AM
I just wanted to add, that I don't believe Robert recommends William Buhlman's works.
I checked on amazon.com, and as Nnonnth said there is a quote from Robert Bruce on the back cover. Go here (http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/006251671X/ref=sib_dp_pt/102-5202386-0533767#reader-link) and click on the "Back Cover" link.

26th February 2007, 02:18 PM
Well, why wouldn't he recommend it? It's a cool book!

I love it when people in the same field give a tip of the hat to one another, because tragically I think one of the things that is holding this earth back is the dislike that different traditions have for one another. So many people think their way is the best and only! Especially highly-achieved people in a big old tradition. I could name names... but I won't. I will say - it can get pretty serious. Not as serious as Northern Ireland, Iraq or Palestine as doctrinal disagreements go - but serious.

I have always made it a point to mix everything I read and learn up into a big pot that I take what I need from. I want to practice something universal, not something that takes all its ideas from an insular tradition. This is something that Robert also does which I think is great, insisting on finding new names for things that don't reference the old cliches of spiritual days gone by. This has the effect of opening all his concepts up to anyone, whatever 'beliefs' they may happen to hold, making it free for everyone to use. I'm sure Christ and Buddha tried to do the same mind you! It's just that everything tends to become hardened into particular categories with time, and it takes someone like Robert to come along and show everyone another way to think about it.

I got part of my attitude from my first spiritual teacher, the late great ninja and kundalini master Glenn Morris - I'd add rest in peace, but knowing Glenn he probably isn't, 'cos he wouldn't want to! Anyhow he always used to say - "If anyone comes to you and says, I am the way the truth and the light, follow no-one but me - RUN!" Words to live by...

I'm very inspired by anyone who's determined to be independent of the categories that even spritual culture has thrown in the way of effective discourse. Bill Mistele, a magician, once told me that when higher-ups of big traditions get together they mostly just talk about their own traditions and don't listen to each other... that's annoying to me! :x

To take another example, I like a taoist teacher by the name of Michael Winn, who has worked with the Dalai Lama, visited shamans in Lapland, etc. etc... and now teaches a Mantak Chia-influenced Taoism but has brought alchemical traditions from the world over to bear upon it and is also learning western alchemy from a disembodied teacher!

I think that's really the spirit of the age we're in now. Everything mixing. Both Robert and Buhlman would seem to agree with me - eg., Robert is saying somewhere on this forum that the new edition of 'Astral Dynamics' will pay less attention to previous religious ideas than even the original did. And Buhlman says, 'God doesn't care about our religious beliefs' - etc. etc. Look around the world today and you see why this is important!

I like Bob Peterson's book on OBEs too, and I like that he gave a quote for Buhlman also on that same back cover. I like that these people are prepared to talk to each other, 'cos they're all quality people and when quality people don't talk to each other we're lost. Not talking to each other being the problem.

Just my thoughts... best NN