View Full Version : Funneling into body

5th February 2007, 03:59 AM
As of the past week, I've been having this wierd sensation when coming out of my dreams. I begin to funnel back into my body, more specifically, the center of my head. (Think like a tornado -- wide at the top and pointed at the bottom.) I feel that every ounce of my consciousness becomes concentrated in the exact center of my head. I'm aware of my surroundings as this happens, but they're very disoriented. When I no longer feel this funneling feeling in my head, I feel as though that I've come back to normal consciousness. What could this be? Could this be related to the crown chakra or brow chakra?

I would also like to add that I am a voice teacher. As I'm teaching and listening to my students, I can literally "see" what their throat is doing, where the sound is going, how everything is moving, and their thought patterns. Sometimes I even see things that I just don't understand at all. Despite that, this ability has been improving greatly as of lately. When I use this ability, I also feel my consciousness shift to the center of my head/skull, similar to the funneling thing, but it doesn't feel anywhere near as concentrated as the funnel. Could the development of this have anything to do with the funneling I'm feeling?

Thanks a lot.

5th February 2007, 01:48 PM
Sounds like you're developing clairvoyance at a rapid pace. Are you doing lots of energy work?
(The funnel thing sounds like crown chakra activity to me.)
I recommend you keep on doing it, making sure to shield and work on all your chakras, to keep you balanced.

5th February 2007, 08:28 PM
I haven't been doing any energy work as of lately, surprisingly, however, I have found myself to be inadvertently slipping into meditation often. Also, last night when I actually planned out a meditation, I began to feel a knocking/throbbing at the small of my back/base of my spine. I tried to pull that up through my body, then felt something turn or twist in my heart. It's the first time I ever felt something like that.

Edit: On second thought, maybe I am inadvertently doing energy work due to the nature of how I listen to music and sing. When I sing, I open up myself, specifically my heart and mind, to the universe and pull energy into my body. During that process, I allow myself to harmonize with the universe. I always associate an intense flow of energy through the body with singing; once I stop singing, I slow down that flow. When I listen to music for studying purposes, I center my consciousness in my head, the same place where I feel the funneling originate. When I listen to music for enjoyment, my consciousness splits between being in my heart and in my head simultaneously. Would any of these count as energy work?

6th February 2007, 02:49 PM
this sounds like a very traditional form of energy work except the use of music, if you do this often i can well imagine that it leads to a quite good development of the energy body.