View Full Version : Opening Chakras

31st January 2007, 10:54 PM
Hey :D
I've been practicing energy works for about a month and yesterday decided to try opening my chakras using awareness hands. I began from the base chakra making my way up to the crown chakra. The base chakra didn't seem to react in any way, so i ignored it and went upwards. As i was tearing though each centre, i was an increasing pulsation. The more points i went through, the more of them were pulsating, and for the first time i realised it certainly wasn't my heartbeat, because there was no rhythm in those pulsations, they were all strobing independently, and some were weaker than others.

Does it sound like a healthy result? and how can i use open chakras to my advantage?

5th February 2007, 01:26 AM
Is this your own technique you used for opening the chakras with your awareness hands?


5th February 2007, 03:43 AM
If I may offer a note of caution, please take working with your primary Chakras seriously and slowly. Make sure you are also working with what I believe Mr. Bruce calls the secondary system as well. You want to make sure that the energy circulates throughout all of your body. Similar to pluggin a water hose of energy into your body at specific points. Not a problem if that water can flow around in you, and outside of you. Just be sure to try to circulate that energy often.

That being said, it sounds like your having some good results. Keep up the good work. Invoking energy can become quite useful for several purposes... Lucid dreaming, projection, healing, and many others that are off topic. The more you 'generate' that energy, and send it out, the more open you will become at 'generating' it at will. Just take it slowly, you don't want to blow a gasket.

5th February 2007, 11:40 AM
thanks for the feedback, hermes and yes i do work with my secondary system, before i do anything else.

Tigerzen, no, Robert describes this technique in the energy raising tutorial.

6th February 2007, 03:47 AM
Thank you for pointing out that it is in the tutorial. Until now I didn't realize opening and activating a Chakra were the same thing.

Now that we are on the same page... here is some additional info for your questions:
Since it sounds like you are following the tutorials your progression should be fine and appears to be healthy so far. Robert gives a lot of cautions and good information to help you have a safe trip.
As for advantages, as you continue your development the advantages will make themself known. There are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual advantages to give you an idea. Some are hard to miss while others are much more subtle.


6th February 2007, 05:08 PM
I never got the tearing action correctly. Or at least it was not effecting me too strongly.