View Full Version : Physical Exercise & energy body?

27th January 2007, 10:33 PM
Hello everyone, I'm curious about the level at which the different systems that make up the human body affect eachother. The source of my concern goes like this: A few weeks ago I injured my knee in athletics, and as a result I've not been able to do any cardio exercises for the reason I'm not allowed to run, jump, cut, etc until the inflammation is gone. I've noticed in the weeks since the injury that I've become lethargic, (unsurprisingly, any change in activity has that result) but I'm also concerned with the effect it's had on my energy body and mentality. I've been doing middle pillar raising pretty much every day, though there have been a few times I've been inconsistant, due to my schedule. Whenever I tried to raise energy or chakra stimulation, the sensation is much weaker than it was previous. I realize that sensations decrease as your energy body develops, but what concerns me is that it takes *forever* to get my chakras to produce the powerful sensation that I constantly experienced 3-4 months ago.

Of course, I'm also aware that lack of exercise alone may not be the only problem, so I'll list other things that may be suspect here. The method I've been using to stimulate the middle pillar is like this: Either I sit in bodhisattva and raise energy to the base chakra directly, alternating between raising energy to the chakra and a clockwise stirring motion, then working my way up, alternating direction of stimulation (clockwise base, counter-clockwise sub-navel, clockwise solar plexus, counter heart, etc) or I raise the energy through my legs first as according to NEW.

Then there's my trouble on the mental level. In my seeking for an answer to my problem, I took up meditation, and, looking around the internet for tips, came across one of Aunt Clair's forums, from which I followed a link to a site (64 meditation tips?) and did some research on hindu and buddhist meditation. Had I been lax in my religious matters, this would have been of little consequence, but I being a faithful (not zealous, faithful :) ) christian, had to attempt to reconcile these two belief systems which which were clashing in my heart. It would be so easy to let go of my christian roots, but my instinct tells me not to. God has helped me so many times... I know that God Is. I cannot so easily forget the times God has pulled me out of the fire... at the same time the hindu and buddhist teachings have thier own logic that is readily present.

Those are my three assumptions at the source of the problem: Lack of exercise, perhaps a faulty method of energy work, and spiritual conflict. whether it been a single one, or a combination, I don't know. I also realize that this is my problem, and the wieght is on me to solve it, but the drowning man cannot throw the lifesaver to himself. So I appeal to you: If you can help me, I beg of it. If you need to know more to diagnose the problem, please ask me.

27th January 2007, 11:53 PM
I can't help with the belief system side of things, that (to me) is up to you to work out. Your Reality is yours not mine.

The physical, mental, astral & spiritual are linked; they have to be because they are all a part of you. Whether or not that means a lack of physical activity will lead to a lessening of the other levels I don't know.

What I do see is there seems to be a discrepancy in when your chakra sensations faded & the date of the physical injury which stopped your practice & exercising. Your injury happened 'a few weeks' back, but then you compare your sensations/experiences now with 3 - 4 months ago. This suggests the sensations faded before the injury happened. Is that the case?

28th January 2007, 02:20 AM
Have you tried MBA? I injure myself a lot in due to my martial arts class, but usually can get injuries (even pulled tendons and ligaments!) healed up in no time flat with the use of MBA. To refresh your memory, the technique is to move your awareness (composed of three parts, feeling/sense perception, knowing, doing/being imho) to the location of injury. What follows is not a miracle persay, or all problems removed immediately as if by magic, but rather, rapid healing by your own body in natural order.

Hope that helps?

7th February 2007, 05:00 AM
Your injury happened 'a few weeks' back, but then you compare your sensations/experiences now with 3 - 4 months ago. This suggests the sensations faded before the injury happened. Is that the case?

(Sorry I took so long to get back, even though I was the one that posted for help)

Yes, the sensations had begun to fade before the injury, but I didn't really pay attention to it until I really needed to do energy work i.e. healing. I have a hunch now that the lack of belief connecting with this fading may have weakened my attempts to heal the knee. In the last week I didn't respond I found something that may help the problem.

Have you tried MBA?

Yes, that is generally the method I use to heal myself when I sustain injuries, and when I dislocated my finger severly in early december I had fantastic results with it -it was almost back to normal within a week- but when used on my knee, I'm unsure of the effectiveness. The injury felt pretty severe, but the MRI a few weeks later (and a 5 or 6 30 minute healing sessions later) only showed minor inflammation. I'm not sure if the injury only felt severe or if I managed to heal it.

The third part I'm posting just to see what you think and maybe help others in a similar situation to mine. The something that may help I mentioned earlier is something read about on this forum from violetsky- grounding. I used a cross between visualization and MBA to ground myself and within a few minutes felt a lot better, but I've yet to duplicate the effect. I'm unsure why, but sending energy out of me (in the source of love and admiration of nature) helped alot and I felt some good chakra activity. I'm a little more confident now, and I think I'm back on the right course, so thank you guys for your help. I apologize for taking so long to respond.

12th February 2007, 07:47 PM
Just a thought...

About bodybuilding procedures you (of sure) has already heard of a principle termed Overload.

By reference look at:


Procedure mixed with RB's NEW technique should be:

1 - Exercise near exceeding your limits.
2 - Go to bed.
3 - Start raising energy to your subnavel storage center.
4 - Let to sleep during raising.

Like to apparently miraculous recovery of diseases/injuries (as RB told to us at its tutorial testimonials) would be reached. Recovery from diseases/injuries are not distinct from recovery when overload principle is used during bodybuilding.

Think about it.


12th February 2007, 07:58 PM
Just a thought...

About bodybuilding procedures you (of sure) has already heard of a principle termed Overload.

By reference look at:


Procedure mixed with RB's NEW technique should be:

1 - Exercise near exceeding your limits.
2 - Go to bed.
3 - Start raising energy to your subnavel storage center.
4 - Let to sleep during raising.

Like to apparently miraculous recovery of diseases/injuries (as RB told to us at its tutorial testimonials) would be reached. Recovery from diseases/injuries are not distinct from recovery when overload principle is used during bodybuilding.

Think about it.

As logic dictates, you should always use care when doing any kind of exercise that challenges you. Always stop when there is pain- pain means tissue destruction, and always know your limits. Do not follow the "no pain, no gain" mentality. This will result in injury, and injury will result in training interruption.

12th February 2007, 08:21 PM
One thing I'd like to add is that when you are exercising you are breathing more. This draws in more energy and helps to clear out blockages. There are breathing patterns from Yoga (pranayama) you might want to try, but there is a more popular approach if you have the right partner for it. I can't really talk about it in a family-oriented forum like this, of course. It involves a lot of heavy breathing and is good aerobic exercise. It triggers the release of chemicals which can enhance your mood, too.

12th February 2007, 08:45 PM
One thing I'd like to add is that when you are exercising you are breathing more. This draws in more energy and helps to clear out blockages. There are breathing patterns from Yoga (pranayama) you might want to try, but there is a more popular approach if you have the right partner for it. I can't really talk about it in a family-oriented forum like this, of course. It involves a lot of heavy breathing and is good aerobic exercise. It triggers the release of chemicals which can enhance your mood, too. That's what pm's are for. :)

12th February 2007, 10:13 PM
CFTraveler wrote:

As logic dictates, you should always use care when doing any kind of exercise that challenges you. Always stop when there is pain- pain means tissue destruction, and always know your limits. Do not follow the "no pain, no gain" mentality. This will result in injury, and injury will result in training interruption.

Hi CF..!

I'm all right with you, CF. Bodybuilding trainers allways alert about need of to avoid of physical pain status and to stop exercise when pain sensation starts although mildly.

By other hand RB has not wrote about "How energy raising contributes to selfhealing" mechanism. But is evident that energy raised drives biological processes speeding up them.

Bodybuilders train muscle groups in session programs like (example very simple):

Day 1) Chest muscles - Arm muscles
Day 2) Leg muscles - Back muscles
Day 3) Chest muscles - Arm muscles
Day 4) Leg muscles - Back muscles
Day 5) Chest muscles - Arm muscles
Day 6) Leg muscles - Back muscles

A "day of exercise followed by day of rest" modus operandi is evident. Skilled trainers points about fact of training effects happens at day after (i.e.: rest day). Since such modus operandi suggest existence of a biological process and since NEW techniques can speed up such mechanisms, then sequel about reliability of bodybuilders training in conjunction with NEW arises naturally.

Of course, this is object of coarse speculation. Allways, experimental validation of such thesis is needed under controlled conditions.

My best regards...

13th February 2007, 07:11 PM
this little quotation may help:
"I've been to heaven, I've been to hell, believe in neither but fear them as well"

13th March 2007, 02:08 AM
Thanks for all the posts... as for the increased healing rate, now that i've gotten back to working out again, I've experienced an increase in healing rate that seems ridiculous to me. Unfortunately, I've also been slacking in my energy work, but when I do find the time to practice, i've found a much more powerful sensation in my chakras, especially middle pillar.

Astral Exorcist
13th March 2007, 04:27 AM
I had a very nasty knee injury aswell. I avoided ripping the joints apart from the position I fell once I took the blo. The tendons holding the knee cap were teared inside not outside. The inflammation was visible. Some of them were not. So that's what kept it together. Still bloody painful whenever I run. My Tutor at the army course told me to keep running and work it off. The tendons got worked out after the injury enough for the body to stitch it back together. So the recovery process speeded up.

Dude my face is just gone sower thinking about it. :lol:

My advice don't go hard while exercising. Intuitively get the message when your body had enough of the abuse is the time when to stop. Take it slow and run around fields. Don't do any tight turns that will un align the knee cap. Gradually speed up the running Intuitively.

It's painful but it's the best way to work off the damage in the knee cap.

The exercise fluids produced will saturate that area and should do it's healing job. Im estimating about a 3-4 weeks of this will heal it up to 60-70% Nice figures.

Exercise and Energy work?

The two things I know in the relation to it.

It strengthens the root chakra. What I call it is the grounding chakra or the ego chakra.

Endurance Sports
Strengthens Lung Capacity.

Very good for breathing in prana for people who practice breathing yoga's.

This is the benefit of endurance exercises in relation to energy work.