View Full Version : Strange dreams

30th October 2019, 09:50 AM
It was quite a surpising dream about the future...

Tonight when sleeping I was clearly in some astral area, looking at the world's map. I was complaining that other countries (I named France, UK, Italy, Germany, and even Russia) have all better economic relationships established with China. I sensed there are at least 2 or 3 beings next to me, but I couldn't see them. One of them commented: "don't complain, China is going to dominate the world economy, and this is for these countries undoing; be glad to be saved from that"...

The interesting fact is that I consciously have no idea about all of that, never being interested in watching the international relationships between countries.

30th October 2019, 02:06 PM
Now that's interesting. I'm glad you wrote it down.

30th October 2019, 05:23 PM
I have had China in my Australian bigger picture recently. I say your dream has some essential truth to it. Things feel different since.

30th October 2019, 07:16 PM
Well, so maybe this one could also interest you. I have from time to time a dreams which don't fit into any category. If you're interested, I may put it here into the forum.

Me and few other people went into something that looked like an elevator - except that it was outside, and it didn't move in space, but in time.
In other words, we travelled in time, to the XXIII-rd century. Then we left this "elevator", looking around on the world how does it look like.
So... I was deeply disappointed. We saw the world under the global government. Everything - literally - was under control, everything sterile clean. In the surroundings there were high glass buildings (and no others - only glass-made), quite similar to those found in XXIth century, just looking more modern and very, very clean. The sun was strongly radiating on them, so that the glasses reflected a strong solar light. There was a significant change in the sky: I think that the ozon hole, protecting us still today, was either absent or weak - and it affected the whole air and the climate.
There were some trees around - all of the same type only, overly artificially green (not like in our nature, but more fair green - perhaps the consequence of the climate change), leafy trees. There was no wild forests no more in the world, no wild nature - like I mentioned, now everything was controlled by people. There were probably no animals there as well...
There were few people from the XXIII-rd century around us who were shocked seeing us leaving this "elevator". They had different than we clothes, more futuristic, and very boring, "unified" I'd say. I had an impression that these people seemed to be mentally "weak" - having no much mental freedom, all accepting the government and the situation without a shadow of disagreement. They probably weren't aware that the Earth could look like differently than it was then. Something so different from what they were used to - us and the "time-machine" - caused a sudden, clear fear in them. Instead of curiousity, they quickly were passing us by, trying to forget what they saw! (Because it was out of their schemes).
I was so disappointed, so when I awoke, I was aware that it was just a single time-line from many other possibilities, and I promised myself I would do anything to ensure that this time-line is not going to become true for the future of the Earth!

7th November 2019, 06:04 PM
Recently I'm aware that some beings, of a mentor-like type, frequently inquire me when sleeping about various things. They seem to attempting to discover perhaps my value or something, or trying to find some scenarios, I don't know. Maybe other people are being inquired too, but don't remember that?
I'm aware of many things happening during the dreams. Recently I was asked about my attitude toward money. They seem to want to know what is my attitude toward spending larger amounts of money. I said I have no problem with both finding a way to earning more, and spending. Telepathic inquire continued, and I was asked what even if I wanted to save some more money, wouldn't it bother me? I was surprised a bit, even if I know most people has such attitude toward money. But I replied instead, trying to reason it logically: isn't it that the only function of money is to be ultimately spent somewhere? Even when I'm investing some, the only goal of investing is having more money to be spent ultimately? Right?
The being didn't bother to reply, but left me alone, confused. It seemed like they gathered by this short talk enough information, not caring to explain me anything.

15th November 2019, 08:19 AM
SeveraI years ago I had a number of dreams related to qabbalah, particularly learning it. But I never did this - I mean I've bought some few books, but it never held my attention for long. It seemed very abstract, and maybe overly intellectual. Although I always thought that there's some important idea hidden in it. I know many other people reacted to qabbalah like me, never actually managing to learn it.

Then I forgot about it, until recently... Few months ago again a book on qabbalah was offered to me in the dream, with suggestion that it consists of everything what is needed to know.

And until this night...

Dream about a "qabbalah-like" game

Before dream I requested to give me some ideas about my life purpose, but the dream surpised me totally... This dream was very symbolic in quite abstract sense.

I was hanged in some astral or beyond-astral realm, being one of players in some big game. This game was supposed to be a part of a process of existence, or something.

The board was very specific: similar to the qabbalah tree, but different in the sense that it had not 2 edges (bottom and top) as in the qabbalah tree, but 4 sides - like 4 world directions. So it was kind of cross, consisting of many dots-circles, inside looking like a light spots (just like spheres in qabbalah), which were the only elements that constituted this board. They were on the edges and in the middle of the cross. Each of those spots was occuppied by one player. And the board was enormously big. I think there was at least a few dozens of players... but I might be wrong.

Except the dots (places), which always stayed the same, in the same position, the game was mainly about the cards. These cards were similar in a look to the major arcana from the Tarot of Marseilles deck. Each of the cards represented something profound in a cosmic sense. Not sure what exactly... but it seemed like representing some cosmic qualities or powers, possibly like spheres in qabbalah or major arcana in tarot...

The game seemed to be not related to the Earth plane, but rather to cosmos - this was my feeling... i.e. it seemed that it wasn't about a particular incarnation, but beyond any incarnations. I didn't have a body there, I only sensed personalities, including mine. Everything was a pure thought there. However, the existence of anyone seemed to be an aggregation of thoughts: so beings (people? possibly) with the strongest personalities had also strongest thoughts, and had biggest aggregations of thoughts... Having no thoughts meant to not existing. I also learnt that having strong personality (i.e. strongest thoughts) there was not the same as having developed personality (wisest). (A comparison to physical bodies could be that the people having the biggest weight are not necesserily - and typically not - the strongest people).

I sensed the other players, their motivations etc. As I mentioned, everything there was a pure thought - so telepathic skills allowed to "see" through others. Nothing could be hidden there - except when the other had not sufficient ability to see you through.

The game wasn't about defeating other players - these were the cards which were in the center of attention of everyone. However, some players intrigued against others, so that they could possess some of the cards. I was barely aware what these cards were actually about... but they were the only valuable thing there: everything was about the cards, not about anything else, in the end.

I was given a position at the left corner of the "cross"; there were also 3 other corners, taken by more advanced players than myself: 2 women at the right and bottom, and one man at the top. And lots of other players somewhere in the middle between these 4 sides of the cross - each having a position in one of those spots. The man at the top seemed to be gentle and wise, like having a philosopher or taoist kind of mentality. The opposite spot, at the bottom edge of the cross, was taken by a woman of which I thought as having a "queen"-like mentality: dominating, possesive and manipulative. She was very good in this game, having probably the biggest number of cards (but this didn't mean she was the best player). She possibly could have the strongest "personality" there (i.e. the biggest aggregation of strongest thoughts from all the players that I identified).

But don't be mistaken by this simplified comparisons: everything seemed there to be quite complex and unobvious in the simple manner that typically a human mind wants it to be... I just make these comparisons to give you the idea what (quite blurred in fact) feelings I just had when experiencing this game... I wasn't aware of the whole board, there were many hidden things, possible to discoer.

Intrestingly, no one knew the rules of this game! I felt that I know virtually nothing about it, I sensed that I was weak in it, other players were more skillful than me. However, it seemed like everyone was just discovering the rules, and the best players knew maybe 10 or 15% of the game. So everything was possible for a perceptive player.

Also, no one seemed to know all the cards and entirely their meanings, despite the fact that all knew that everything was about the cards.

I just started this game, so I was a total noobie, only watching other players. I felt pretty helpless there, but I was hoping to deal somehow with this game. I was given two cards at the beginning - and I underestimated their meaning and this "gift". I didn't even paid attention to what cards I had, more engaged with studying the board itself and watching others...

I noticed one thing then about this game: it was all about awareness - putting your focus, i.e. it was purely mental game. Your consciousness, its range and decisions made were the "tools" which made any changes in the play.

In other words, those who operated best with their consciousness were the best players. And the game seemed to have no end at all, i.e. seemed to be eternal! Perhaps, until kind of "transcendency" happened to him or her? I don't know...

So the strategy for this game was to operate the resources of your own consciouness: if you paid attenation to one part of the board, you lost opportunity to pay attention to another part; if you focused only on one card, you lost opportunity to have idea abot the other cards on the board; on the other hand, if your attention was too disctracted, your thoughts had not enough power to influence the board - and if they did, you might have lost a better opportunity; if you paid attention to other players, you might miss some important cards or positions; if you didn't, you might be manipulated and influenced by others easily (what exactly happened to me then)...This is what I learnt during this game. Everything was related to the strategy of where you put your attention to and thus what decisions you make...

I sensed that the "queen" player was very manipulative and by her intrigue she has taken quite a lot of cards (maybe 7 or so, which was a lot in this game; even having 1 or 2 cards was considered to be special). And she wanted more, so she manipulated others in different ways, possessing more and more power for herself. I sensed that she spotted me - she wanted my cards. I even didn't know when, but I lost my two cards quickly, and then have been removed from the position at the left edge of the cross, mainly due to her manipulations.

Don't get me wrong: nothing in this game seemed to be personal, but everything rather impersonal. No revenge, actually no focus on the other players: winning meant developing yourself, not playing against the others. The "queen" player was also aware of that fact, however it was her playing-style to get easy cards in the biggest amount possible. She seemed to be more aware of what cards I had and their value than myself.

The cards in the game could move from one spot to another (but could not "jump" randomly on the board). In fact I think that they couldn't go too far, so it wasn't possible for the queen to just "take" from me my cards, so she had to plan in much longer term in order to gradually "attract" my cards to her position, which started first moving to the center of the cross, thus being possessed temporarily by the other players there - being probably not aware that these cards are going to taken from them just like from me by her manipulations...

I thought the game was over to me then. But it wasn't: I was just moved to another spot in the middle, closer to the center of the cross. My place at the left edge of the cross was taken by another, more skilfull, male player.

The game wasn't about these spots, but after that I learnt more about this game: that the corners of the cross must be special and give some (not sure what) privileges to players who occupy them - as long as they do. I wasn't aware of that until I lost that position. It seemed that these two cards were having some powers (which I wasn't aware of), and loosing them so thoughtlessly made me weak and unsecured my position at the edge. That's probably I was removed from that cross edge.

I sensed that the cards seemed to only give access to some possibilities (and it seemed like they represented some concepts - qualities which have no definite definition) - but it was up to the level of development of a player to get any benefits from it, in the degree relative to this development level. And since I was a noobie like I said, I had no benefits at all even when possessing potentially powerful cards.

But instead of worrying, I simply tried to figure a new position. I was aware of the fact that everything in this game wasn't granted forever, but was temporary and flowing all the time. So the flexibility was a very helpful characteristic there.

I also understood another rule of this game then: everything was about the range of consciousness. The edges of the crosses were very far from other players, but those in the middle were more "accessible" to various players. Those on the edges could be only manipulated indirectly - like it happened in my case, when I lost that position. The best players range was about just few spots from them; the worst players (like me) had some influence only on the closest spots from an occuppied position.

So it seemed that much in this game was about widening the range, thus having more influence over more "area", which in turn gave access to cards laying in the closest area. I also learnt that the more you focesed on one area or spot, the stronger influence you had: so strengthening your thoughts by focus meant influencing the boards, other players, cards, circumstances... What circumstances? Of having a card available to you.

(To give a comparison, try to imagine few people in a room with telekinetic skills, trying to influence a spoon at the same time: the ultimate effect to where it would move will be a resultant of all the forces / skills involved - actually unpredictable, and the only thing they could do was to use their will power to influence it, or influence something else indirectly then to influence the spoon move. This comparison gives the idea of how the queen could only indirectly deprived me of the cards, by the strategy of manipulating different players and forces around me when I was at that prominent position at the beginning).

Now I was closer to the queen player, being in the middle of the board. I looked at the bottom from myself: I sensed a few also quite weak players around. Now the queen lost interest in me: since I had no cards now and no prominent position, she didn't bother about myself any more - so it was a relief to me. New "boring" position was much safier - as now I wasn't in the center of attention of other players. And I must say that the "queen" was quite terrifying... not sure what she was able to do.

Fortunetely, since she lost an interest in me, focused on further manipulations with the other players, I could start planning my new strategy. In a way being close to that "queen", i.e. close to her range, seemed to give me some advantages - like ability to hiding better, as many other players also tried to avoid her and the area in her range... so being flexible, it made me safier there.

I looked around into the closest spots to me, i.e. being close to my "new" range, sensing some other players and some cards close to me. I was wondering what to do next.

And then one card grabbed all my attention, so I stopped looking anywhere else: I read the title of the card (the only card that I read in the dream): "Immortality". The card was quite close to me, available, and not in the interest of the queen at the moment, and the other players also didn't put a special attention to that card. But I did! In the moment when I spotted this card, occupying a spot so close to me, I became obsessed with it.

I felt that I could try to draw this card to me simply by strong focus on it: perhaps this is a reference to something like "power of thoughts" or "law of attraction". Now I stopped paying attention to anything else. I wanted that card badly! (Even if I was aware - from reading mind of the other player, particularly the "queen" and the "taoist" - that they valued the other cards more - but couldn't identify these cards yet with being too noobie for this game still).

In the short time span of this dream I leant quite a lot on this game. Still I felt that I'm a noobie, only wanting to win "something", until I spotted that card I mentioned, which took all my attention and focus at the end of the dream. Then I woke up.

Any ideas how to interpret this?

15th November 2019, 10:12 AM
One of things coming to my mind is that the 4 directions seem to be related to traditional 4 qualities: the Earth at the bottom (tendency to posses), Heaven at the top (wisdom, but not being possessive), left side to rising energy (I was optimistic at the beginning, yet having no "fundamentals" to get anything out of the game), the right side to contracting energy (an experienced player, who deals perhaps too much with actual circumstances).

16th November 2019, 09:04 AM
Analysis of the dream...
When interpreting the dreams I find most useful to watch the feelings and the context - before interpreting any details. The cross-board hanged in the cosmos and the cards were the context for this dream, which should be analyzed first in this case I think. So I try to not stop at stating that something is quite obvious, but - if worth - throroughly think it through to make sure I don't miss any important points.

The cross board, what does it mean? This may mean many things: a galaxy (with 4 corners), an ancient symbol (crosses or their variations), a specific qabbalah tree, a matrix for the universe at mental level (everything was in the dream made of thoughts), 4 world directions as I mentioned previously...

The cards, to which importance was put so much attention in the dream, could help in identifying it, so they also need to be well understood: their ressemblance to the oldest known tarot deck suggested both - something old or ancient, and the symbolic meaning. This makes things more clear to me: the cards are meant to bring the universal archetypes, suggesting that the board was a kind of structure like in the qabbalah tree. Cosmic mental sphere indicated also an universal (unrelated to a particular earth incarnation) meaning.

The fact that it was presented as a kind of game suggests some rules behind it - that need to be yet discover, and the game itself seems to be an analogy to how we function in the universe: not knowing the laws but discovering them in the practical (for ourselves) sense. Seemingly "win-loose" effect was only our interpretation, as the game was endless. However, the dream seemed to indicate what was the valuable result in playing so and attempting to "win": the development of our consciousness, which in turn helped playing even better.

Four corners of the board seem to me suggest that there are basically 4 "types" or "approaches" to dealing with the universe (represented by 4 elements). None of them is "better" way, but we may have a preferences to one, or a mix, of them. It seemed that left or rather "east" side (related basically in most cosmologoies to male energies) as a kind of energy, as "right" or "west" side was occuppied by a woman. So I'd say "east" side (probably mostly referenced to the air element) was mostly preferred by myself, since I started the play there. I didn't quite like the player at the bottom ("earth") in the dream,being quite obvious reference to materialism / possessing things, which was represented by the "queen" type of mentality. However, this was only my own view, and in the cosmic sense it may not have a pejorative connotation.

I had a feeling that the dream seemed to convey a wide idea on our existence in the universe, because somehow it felt very different from all the others - like I mentioned in the description, it felt very impersonal. The cards were representing some universal qualities, and the dream interpretation bounds to them. The weigh in the dream was also put on our abilities to manage our mind and consciousness, and how it affects "the board" - which is a reference to "framework" in which we operate, the structure of the plane or the universe.

The only card that I read also shines some light on what kind of concepts or achetypes the cards were about. Despite the fact that I know that in many ancient civilizations (like Mesopotamia) immotality was one of things the people were concerned with, I thought always that it has no additional meaning or importance: I just viewed it in a very practical sense. This is something I need to now re-consider where the universal value of immortality lays in. But obviously it's related to mastering the life itself, or mastering life alchemy in the cosmic sense.

The further interpretation is still in work.

30th November 2019, 12:25 PM
Dreams associated with "the future" (or science fiction and time travel) can be associated with a somewhat higher plane than you're used to projecting. Higher energy is symbolized in "more advanced." What you might have responded to is a feeling of unity (expressing itself in the uniformity) that you can encounter on these planes, and the radiant nature of the Source (strong solar light).

This may initially not to seem to match your dream but what happens when any experience with the energy of the planes is had that there is a processing and interpretation through all the filters you possess as a person. This especially true for opinions, judgments, and evaluations you had in your own mental voice about the environment. So this is more a look into yourself and how you define yourself and your individuality, and how this definition of yourself reacts to your environment.

For example you mentioned the layer of ozone protecting us. If you take the sun for the Source interacting with us, we do indeed have "protection" from too much exposure to Source on the lower planes, especially the physical and astral. These planes are in a sense outer planes, more distant from Source. As you get closer you are "less protected" from Source with all effects this brings. So the "future" (a less distant plane from Source) has less of a layer to "protect" you from the Source's light.

This might seem contradictory in that many people define the Source as ultimately good and beneficial but what the light of Source does is that it strips away all that is false and resistant, so people experience discomfort from an equivalent to sunburn maybe up to agony, depending on how close they came to Source and how much their capacity they had to do so, and especially how much identified they were with those parts of themselves. We sometimes identify with our body, emotions, habits, beliefs or similar concepts quite strongly. This strong identification comes under duress closer to Source. You can picture such a relationship as the ozone layer and bright sunlight on a future Earth.

Similar the sterile cleanliness could be a symbol for less human emotional clutter in this energetic environment. If you've ever been to the lower astral you might have seen some really dingy neighborhoods in comparison. (Or worse - it depends on the experiencer. I saw concrete urban sprawl with bouncers in front of night clubs. :lol:)

An elevator is by the way a typical sign for moving between sub-planes at the very least or maybe even planes. Escalators are typical for moving sub-planes as well. These ways of moving represent an almost effortless change between planes. In comparison, hiking up a slope would be more demanding, meaning that the plane or sub-plane is harder to reach.

Your dream is very clear, though, and offers good material for interpretation. :)

2nd December 2019, 05:41 PM
Dreams associated with "the future" (or science fiction and time travel) can be associated with a somewhat higher plane than you're used to projecting. Higher energy is symbolized in "more advanced."
I can see nowadays people tend to interpret a dreams in a very "esoteric" and highly symbolic way like in a modern jungian-like psychology. But sometimes dreams are quite straightforward.

I had many, many, really many dreams about the future: about some changes, about the kind of society we "are" becoming (or rather, we are gradually being "designed" to become so - typically very dark dreams, where technology controlled everything), about prices (houses, stock exchange, gold...) - if you're interested in the latter, all of them clearly indicated that the prices of houses will rise even further, for example in one dream I was joking that they are so high that it's ridiculous now, and there are no space at all around, but the prices in the dream continued to rise anyway, to surprise of everyone around and myself.

So I think that I'm quite aware of what we are going to face quite soon.

I also had dreams - especially when I resisted using Tarot, although the thought in my mind was insiting somehow on me to take it - about having a tarot reading in the dream, always from a woman. Quite surprising.

8th December 2019, 01:32 PM
In the short time span of this dream I leant quite a lot on this game. Still I felt that I'm a noobie, only wanting to win "something", until I spotted that card I mentioned, which took all my attention and focus at the end of the dream. Then I woke up.

Any ideas how to interpret this?
Ok. I think that today's morning insights and the recent events in my life gave we a wider understanding of this dream and how to interpret it.

Universe = board
The cross (as the board's 4 refererral points) corresponds to the 4 universal (cosmic) directions.
The 4 directions emphasis the 4 sun "states" seen from the horizon when on the earth: culminative (south), absent in the lowest point (north) when it's invisible, rising (east) and declining (west).
While we on the Earth usually think of them as inherent to our planet, it is actually the cosmic order: 4 cosmic horizontal qualities. (There are also 3 vertical qualities, in total giving 12 areas known as the zodiac signs in our solar system, but the dream didn't relate to those, so I won't speak of them).

On each level of our being we are shifting towards one of those 4 qualities, having some concepts in our "playground" that attract our attention, moving here or there, toward certain direction. All of these are reflected in the cosmic records, and put into a proper context: the cross reflects this context. (It's important to not judge and compare these 4 qualities, all of them are absolutely equal, these are just we who may value in one time one over the others).

In other words, a lifetime on earth, and the existence beyond it (in the astral soul body), doesn't stay in vain. It has a direct and vivid effect on what's happening in the universe. Our choices from our physical limited perspective seem to be limited only to us: when we do this or that, when we chose this or that, what we do with our lives, all seem to be our independent choices. We don't think about how they affect the universe. But they do. The side-effects of our incarnations go far beyond a single incarnation: they affect the whole existence (the universe, but essentially the other "players")...
Hence that game in the dream presented in the way where "players" were affecting each other.

Our incarnations are just a part of this never-ending (as it was emphised in the dream) "game"...

(And a comment here: the cross is NOT a representation of the zodiac signs circle. The zodiac belt is related to the Earth and the solar system (our local astrological environment). Cross is referring to the universe - the cosmic order.)

Incarnation = game
Before the dream I wanted to know my life purpose. The dream seemed to explain my life in a very wide (i.e. cosmic) context.

The placement on the east at the beginning of the dream surprised me. I recall now that when I was once checking my Chinese astrological data, I had the eastern trigram there. The energy that I have in this life-time seems to confirm that.

This was my birth, and the originally planned way.

The further events and choices in my life have thrown me out from my originally planned life-path. What actually happened, and what cast me off of my true way?

The correspondence with IA56 shined a new light on what happened. The dream explains it clearly: the influence of the northern in quality energies (particularly related to yin and the matter) caused that I've lost a focus on the original two qualities (represented as a tarot-like archetypical cards in the dream). The woman (queen) on the north wasn't a coincidence: this represented women of that material type both in my birthchart and in my life (generally, represented as earth zodiac sign).

Cards = life choices resulting in qualities gained on the higher level
This reveals that there is no destiny as such. There are only "planned suggestions" and "incentives" in our incarnations. We can totally mess this all up, and live totally different way than what was chosen before incarnating into a new life-time.

While dealing with the material world, I got interested in a new subjects. I also moved from intuitive (east) more to logical and concrete (north) approach to the reality. This resulted in loosing my original two cards (archetypes I was willing to develop my personal power - represented by archetypes - in this life time), and interested in another one, which unexpectedly took my all interest recently.

Our minds (egos) are not aware of those pre-birth choices. We have free will to choose the planned life-path - or not, i.e. to do something different from it.

Each important life choice has a hidden universal meaning - the concept or archetype behind it. These life choices are recorded and reflected on the universe's "board", affecting not only our next life-times, not only others' next life-times, but also the existence in the universe as such. They remain with us as the new qualities (powers), which we may (temporary) loose... until we choose differently!

In other words, our life choices do not stay in vain, as I mentioned - in the cosmic sense. Hence whole this "game" with incarnations (roles played - not necesserily exactly the same way as was planned, as is in the theatre), and creating an illusion of time (to be more accurate, actually the time-lines from which we can choose, as our lives go on - and these are infinite in number!).

When we "move" in the universe "board" (the cross), this means that we have cosmically changed our orientation: toward one of the 4 archetypical directions, by making an important shifts in our life-times.
(I wonder whether these 4 directions correspond to the 4 archetypical angels - in brackets I put the directions references found in the internet: Raphael (east), Micheal (south), Gabriel (west) and Uriel (north). In the dream there were 4 figures, each on one corner of the board: I think they were archetypical, symbolizing a pure quality of one of those 4 types, and known under different forms in different mythologies, one of these being 4 angels at 4 corners / world directions)

When we make an essential choice in our life, we are not aware of how it affects (alters) the time-line we then move into. But from such perspective, they do...

Giving the example from my life: when I got more involved into the business and material matters, this was reflected in the cosmic sense - so I moved from my original position at the east into the one closer to the north direction, which represented the material world in the dream.

Our life-time (chosen time-lines in a particular incarnation) depends on our choices in the cosmic sense, and we have the power to change them any way we want to. Lack of awareness of this fact however makes us blind: so we move here or there (reflected as moves on the board in the dream), without understanding the wider context to our lives. I did so in the dream: moving to other spot on the board as a "noobie", not understanding what happened and why did it happen.

The astrological birthchart reflects and suggests the biggest powers playing role in our life-time in the cosmic sense: thy are activated because of the planets' transits, providing mostly this way the cosmic power to alter the time-line (jumping into another time-line - which we from our limited perspective see as an important change in our lives).

The 4 directions (essential 4 elements) and the archetypical concepts act then as a good reference sheet - the criteria against which we may evaluate our lives so far. If we're not happy, we should trust this feeling. The time-line can be changed anytime, and we can start working on this alternate version of our life-path anytime.

My general conclusion is that we cannot make essential life choices blindly. We should first contemplate them thoroughly in order to move into a proper time-line. We cannot base our choices purely on reasoning and logic (as I did in past). We need to trust more our feelings and intuition, as they exceed the restrictions of our daily perspective and go beyond limitations of time and space, as we know them...

14th December 2019, 08:11 AM
It's essential to watch your feelings and the major impressions during a dream. The special dreams, as I call them, have a significantly different feeling than those usual ones.

17th December 2019, 05:48 PM
Today's dream (actually number of dreams tonight, but this one was unique) might be interesting to you.

I was analyzing and thinking about things like soul purpose in the evening, but without any expectations... Just thinking and nothing more. I even didn't do any excercises (which I usually do before sleeping), not using any crystals etc. This night I just wanted to go to sleep and nothing more...

But there was more...

There were at least 20 people in the room. The feeling was that we were a group working on something together but not knowing each other personally, like it is typical in corporations. First it seemed quite informal meeting, but soon it turned out that the goal of this gathering was important: each person was supposed to choose two projects on which he or she is going to work on - one major project and one minor project. There was at least 10 projects to choose from, not in any particular order, so major ones were mixed with the minor ones. They were represented symbollicaly by smaller (minor) or bigger (major projects) dots, all arranged in the line.

All of the projects were globally focused - i.e. concerned the whole planet and the global society. I don't know what criterion made projects being classified to minor or major ones. And honestly, I didn't feel drawn to any of those which we were presented...

I don't remember all of those projects, although in the dream I was clearly analyzing each of them - to some paying more attention though. I remember particularly one project called "China". I saw its red-yellow flag dominating over the world, and there was a work to do about it from the other countries in the upcoming... years? decades? Not sure. I didn't like it. (But one note here: this wasn't aggression or anything, the Chinese influence was supposed to come imperceptibly, very differently from an american imperialism... and it is occuring now).

Some people gathered there had a special position: they were very involved in some of the projects, particularly major ones. For example one blond young woman had found one of those major projects, related to habitants. She silently hoped that me and my collegue who was there would choose her project to support it...

I had some drawing feeling to it and to this woman as well, but I was fully aware of her telepathic unintended influence... I was hesitating, not sure what to choose. Other people were more clear what they wanted, I felt often rather selfish motivations behind seemingly impersonal goals related to these projects from some of those people.

Then informal meeting became formal: each person had to declare 1 major and 1 minor project on which he or she is going to work on in the upcoming time. I was intenstively thinking... Finally I decided that I allow my feelings to choose...

So when my turn for declaring came, I decided to support that woman's project, and as a minor project I chose the one named "Health". Explanation "why" wasn't obligatory, but I explained anyway to all the other gathered people the arguments behind choosing this Health project. I was so convincing in this explanation that I surprised even myself - and I saw people surprised as well: I seemed to convince all the others why this particular project is very important. I felt that some of these people started to regret that they didn't support the "Health" project.

When I woke up, I was even more surprised. I felt a praise and happiness from some invisible non-material beings watching me during that dream apparently... I felt like they thought that I made a perfect choice and were happy because of it... I was confused.

19th December 2019, 04:40 PM
The harshness and little care of higher level beings
I frequently hear voices, particularly one male voice commenting many things. I am often surprised when hearing it - because of many things.
One of those is the fact how they approach the life on earth - or how little care they associate with the humans and their lives.

Look for instance on this dream from the previous month that I had: I was trying to please one girl, pretty - but not in my type (she was of Kate Winslet actress similart type). I don't know her in real life. When she was constantly negative and didn't want to talk at all, and I was wondering what to do, the dream was about to end, and when awakening, I heard clearly the voice commenting the dream: "she is not worth it"...

I had more "insights" like those in the dreams or while sleeping. Interesting.

1st January 2020, 01:49 PM
The last 2019 day dream:

Me and two older women were about to take some precious medicaments from some special pharmaceutical corporation. We were on kind of mission - take and return the needed medicament. There was a restriction: onle one medicament could be taken by one person - hence we all 3 were required. Not sure why... I also didn't then realize at the beginning how these medicaments were important - but indirectly I figured it out in the ending of the dream...

I was many times surprised in this dream. First, the building was a big fortess, surrounded by a moat. As it turned out, only women worked in this company! Despite of this, it was full of the edge technologies, particularly securing and scanning stuff. Infrared or laser devices were scanning us multiple times - each was a kind of test for us whether we can go in further, or not. The last test, inside the building, was the hardest: it scanned through our minds, and the woman who was supposed to finally give us the medicaments, was suspicious toward me - what's more I was also anxious and not trusting myself, I was wondering whether my mind would go astray and suggest me stealing the medicaments, since they seemed to be so precious... but to my and her surprise, we all passed the scanning thoughts test. I wondered: am I that good, or this scanning device wasn't perfect? We were given those precious medicaments and could return them with the mission ending in success.

The first 2020 day dream:

In the sunny summer weather I saw several groups working on some very important globally tasks, sometimes challenging and risky. I wasn't there, so I saw only other people, but with some of them I identified with a bit. Some were related to hiding people, some - most risky - related to work in an embassy, and another was about military things. In the last one I identified bit with a strong black bearded decisive charismatic commander of a 30 or so people special military troop (so it wasn't fighiting in a regular battles), who said to his superior that he leaves, not wanting to participate any more in this kind of tasks. His superior tried to bribe him, which was very tempting, but after a thought, he only repeated his mind, and he left the soldiers, not intending to return to military activities (which was unusual for a person with such a military exterior and experience, as he seemed to be ideally suited for a warrior craft).

EDIT 14th may 2020 INTERPRETATION: I realized that the commander was an aspect of my personality, because I occassionally recieved a thought of participating in kind of wars - but probably not battles - and each time I after giving a thought to that was replying: "I'm not going to participate in any conflicts, I consider myself a pacifist" - I was insistent many times in it.

4th January 2020, 02:30 PM
Universe = board
The question is: who is the player, moving the pawns (people and their souls) on the "cross-shaped" board?

I've just learnt it today: that dream was how things are from the spirit's perspective. Life - in its multidimensional meaning - is actually like the chess game. It brings joy to it when playing this "game", achieving further qualities, developing new ones etc. - as represented by the cards. Spirit is not limited to one incarnation; it is even not limited by time and space.

This means that the free will given to us brings even more joy and delight to the spirit. It achieves its goals anyway: if not through one pawn, then through another; if not in one (life-)time, then in another; if not on one planet, space, level, dimension and so forth - then in another... It is an endless, cosmic game.

This is the spirit perspective. From its perspective, it's fun.

My perspective is the following: to get as much information and necessery skills from the spirit as possible in order to benefit as much from it in the whole life-time as possible. This means making a firm contact with our spirit in order to benefit from its infinite possibilities and powers. Most people in our times don't do that, hence they are a "poor" pawns at this moment, and not benefiting from it much. But to open to spirit means also to be open to develop and transform (change or modify) our personal preferences, thus being open to new ways.

Does spirit want us to participate in this joy? Only if we choose so. If not, the will of spirit is to allow us to having the free will - as well. If we go to failure, it allows us to do so; if we go to success, it also allows us to do so. It's a simple explanation why people like Hilter can be so successful from our perspective - in a way. Experience of success or failure doesn't mean much to the spirit: it's just experience; but it does to us.

Yesterday I read a book on shamanic practices among the native American Indians. How surprised I was when I learnt that this is exactly what these practices were about: to seek out the spirit in order to gain benefits, including sense of direction, any kind of power, skills, and vision from it.

Spirit does not care if we choose immortality, or not - it's our choice; if we chose this partner or another - again it's our choice; if we choose criminal or spiritual life, and so on. The spirit's perspective is that we would learn / gain / benefit from the experience something anyway. This is the idea of free will. It's we - human beings - who choose an achievement to go with, and to the degree to which we want it. For instance, take a total health state (this is not the same as being healthy in the western standards): it's an achievement, and we can develop our abilities into this direction, or to just give up. It is our choice - our free will.

9th January 2020, 06:40 PM
Another strange dream this night that I had. Seems like it qualifies for a new category of dreams: an absolutely mental type of dreams (i.e. without the typical astral involvement).

This had to be occuring totally out of time-space, including out of astral space, typical for most of the dreams. I was not present in the dream in any form. I was only represented symbolically by a... 2 phrases, which reflected my general thoughts.

I was working mentally in this dreams: analyzing and thinking though a different variants of healing, trying to find the best one. There was another being with me - I only sensed "him", and saw his representation by another phrase hanged in the "void". Our phrases had yellowish-brown colors.

Then the third "being" appeared, this time represened by white phrase and strange feelings. I instantly recognized that this being is extra-terrestial, as we call them; having no much feelings as humans have. This being came to me for solving / proposing a solution: to use help for healing from it, or in general from E.T. Further more, I recognized that this "being" was not alive, but created artificially: a mental-level advanced technology, like a mental-level android. It had however some energy of their E.T. creators, but with quite a little consciousness.

In this mental space I was totally safe and mentally powerful (in opposite to astral sphere, which I wrote in the other message on the forum). I checked what this E.T. was suggesting. After a while of trying I had a clear conclusion: to NOT take a help from any E.T.'s on direct healing. I felt clearly where it was going to: they either healed or was just pretending to doing so, but most importantly they tried to identify their "patients" core energies - with an unclear motivations! I decided to stop it and reject E.T. help.

Soon I had an ultimate conclusion what is the best way to heal: it's a combination of use of shamanic powers with the traditional methods of healing.

10th January 2020, 08:04 AM
Interestingly, in a consecutive night I had just another mental type of dream on the healing subject, in many wasy very similar to the previous one. I was again working on verifying different ways of using healing, this time it was specifically about using Ayurveda. However, I was not there... I was totally invisible, and saw a group of people - as energies (not as physical bodies). I was trying to use Ayurvedic methods of healing on them, but was not happy with the results. Finally a straight, bright line moved through this group like through a screen or something - which was meant to be a border (?) , maybe of range. Anyway, this time healing covered the whole group - and it worked.

13th January 2020, 09:14 AM
In recent few months it seems like someone is initiating some experiments with me which I find out about only in dream. I frequently - once in 2 or 3 weeks - am given some texts to read when sleeping shortly before awakening. Tonight I was reading 3 pages of a document on things totally not interesting to me, like on making a make-up for characters like in theatres etc., a thing totally unrelated to me. In other dreams I was given some other pages, documents, books - one of the recent ones was related to life in general, and when I turned the page it had only a headline "new chapter".

23rd January 2020, 06:11 PM
Still invaded by demons, affecting my dreams.

I noticed that when working on crystals it is important to be careful. My biggest crystal that I have - being much bigger than all the others that I have - that I used tonight, typically bring me a random experiences, more than half of which can be discribed as... evil. Before sleeping I was also working on my 6th and 7th energy center to get some more visions, to increase the effect.

The crystal and the mentioned excercises worked - but in a bad way. Seems like it attracted in the night some evil being who got to my mind when sleeping. It affected my dream.

The dream went this way: I was in some newly formed group of few people, we were supposed to do or work on something together. One man was our leader and guide - that was he who was forming the groups. There was a planned development path for us, so that we could advance. Soon I saw more people, from other groups, who were really more experienced in this work than we were.
But in one moment I was shocked - the scenery was like from the worst horror movie: I saw some groups of people... closed in a glass boxes, tightly put into inside of the box. They were vividly knocking and asking for help - for openning the boxes. But no one did that.
I was getting more and more suspicious and nervous in the dream, looking around and wondering what to do. Our leader was just smiling. Next he pushed a button on one of those boxes fulfilled with people, and some advanced engine inside of the box transformed the people inside into a... stack of fresh newspapers! The leader openned the box afterwards and took one newspaper copy, smelling it: "it's fresh!" he said with an evil smile on his face.
I awoke, wondering WTH?! What is that supposed to mean? Soon I heard a clear voice commenting a dream in this wicked way: "A printer!". It took me a few seconds after I understood that it refers to the ending of the dream! Indeed, it used people as material for printing newspapers!
So again I thought: WTH?! Who or what is invading my dreams in this vicious way?

24th January 2020, 12:32 PM
But in one moment I was shocked - the scenery was like from the worst horror movie: I saw some groups of people... closed in a glass boxes, tightly put into inside of the box. They were vividly knocking and asking for help - for openning the boxes. But no one did that.
Today, a day after that dream, when I was out, some unexpected coincidence happened: on my way was laying a big bottle... fulfilled tightly with lots of beetles. Quick investigation revealed that someone killed them diligently: the hole in the bottle was plugged with a piece of branch so that they could not get out. I don't know how many of them there were, but maybe 100 or even more. In simple words, someone commited a murder on those beetles, so much ressembling the people closed in the glass box together killed as well in the dream the day before.

22nd February 2020, 09:35 AM
I often had a "school" dreams, where I was a student on a lesson, and almost always I was unprepared, had bad grades etc. There was no just one subject, but many: frequently it was math, english, geography, music, even communication, and others. I know that, interestingly, other people have also similar dreams about school. I was thinking then: I am really critisized by having not enought skills in my dreams like in anything.

Tonight was a dream in which was a simple test from English grammary - out of few students only I was good in it. The teacher was praising me. But the test was so basic and easy, that I was totally astonished by it, its low level and weird reactions of the teacher.

I thought after the dream: the guides must be really sarcastic, giving such a basic grammary test topic in the dream.

11th March 2020, 09:08 AM
This dream (not sure if it was a real dream, after all; the feeling was unusual) was unlike any other, I've met R. A. Monroe (for whom I use RAM shortcut in next paragraphs) - or an energy (being) similar to him.

We weren't in the physical bodies. He was showing me around, we were travelling like in something R. Bruce calls "real-time zone", with exception that the places tended to be rather strange. Mostly everything was dark, we were e.g. in a cave where people (or their projections, maybe?) were appearing and disappearing, like in a flash. If they were not projections, then they must have been just "sleepers". I was conscious, they not necesserily; we were talking with RAM about those people.

We were going to many places, one of the last which was a city seen from the top. We moved through the walls into a big white european-like stylished building in which I saw many elder tourists (above 60 years old) from the western Europe. I don't know if they were living (probably), or sleepers.

RAM was tutoring me on many things which for a physically living person (me) are totally unrelated and abstract. There were so many of these things, that I can't remember what I was learning, however I was very curious about the stuff he was talking to me about. I remember e.g. a two combined candlesticks with 2 small indigo candles in them which was somehow important, as he was referring to it. In the end he gave me an unusual handbook (non-physical, of course) with the summary of everything that I learnt in this quite long journey with him. I viewed it quickly and thought: "too much of material, I won't remember this!". Then he suggested to go to the last page, which turned out to be a glossary with all the important terms, including reference to that candlestick which I mentioned. I viewed it again quickly, and was certain that when I awake, I won't remember what they were about. Indeed, I was right...

Note: I don't pay much attention to R. A. Monroe and his stuff, and I use only 2 of his meditation tracks (like yesterday) only for other than OBE purposes.

5th April 2020, 07:28 PM
I had recently two dreams about cities.

Tonight I saw a (near) future city: very, very high sky-scrappers (more than 100 floors), and nothing else around. No other buildings were built anymore! The territory around them almost wild, not used. No cars anywhere - everything has been re-built on the Earth. Everything controlled by advanced technology. When you wanted to move, you used kind of tunnels, I think - which probably moved you at speedy pace to certain goals such as super-big malls (being part of the sky-scrapper buildings) The Earth itself looked differently, I didn't see any green, only rocks and mountains, and the dim sun, so it was not too sunny but dimmy.

In the other dream, on the first day of this month I was in New York City - actually in its surrounding area. It was some kind of an old warehouses area. No people at all, almost no cars, nothing - just few cars passed by. It seemed like a "dead" area. I was a passenger next to a driver - a very impatient man driving a beautiful, dark red sports car. But I wasn't entirely happy with this car, and especially driver, tried first to convince him to slow down a bit and be wiser, but he didn't listen at all - he was like a macho type "I know everything better!". So I was looking for another car in this empty area, but haven't found any better, so I was stuck with that driver.

24th April 2020, 06:38 AM
I occasionally meet with celebrities, mainly musicians, in dreams for many years now, despite the fact that I never had interest in celebrities. For instance I met Paul McCartney (interestingly, my least favourite "Beatle"... :roll:), Jerry Cantrell or Hilary Duff, and many others. They are very realistic in terms of personality, energy, behaviour, or intelligence. I've never had met any of them personally. Some of them even taught me things like singing (btw learning things in dreams is very typical to me: from mathematics, to music, to qabbalah, and others). That's really something odd to me.

30th April 2020, 07:36 AM
Another very mysterious, very short dream.

I saw a man's hand placing completely white blank cards in 4 vertical rows: in first it was 1 card, in second 2 cards, in 3rd - 3 cards, in 4th - 4 cards, like this, where each card led to the two next ones (sorry for the dots, but it's the only way to make some spaces - read from the left to the right, ignore the dots):
.......................... =
.............. = ->
...... = -> ........... =
= -> ...... = ->
...... = -> ........... =
.............. = ->
.......................... =

I heard myself asking: "So what are these cards about?"

The man replied: "Choices"

Just after hearing this, I suddenly woke up.

8th May 2020, 05:19 AM
Strange dream in the context of the virus.

I don't watch horrors at all, in fact I don't watch movies. But the dream was of that kind: maybe not terrifying, but rather thrilling like some modern gothic horror.

It was dark, I was hanging around in the residentials.

There were 2 types of people there: normal people, and "monsters" as I called them - they were former people who were infected somehow and mutated. The latter could not be touched, so I was beware of them.

The mutation was seen partly physically - they had some small ugly details of their look which mutated, like pustules on head etc., but also psychological - they seem to not fear anything no more, like being not humans. Their ugliness - physical and psychological - was not straightforward, but it was becoming obvious when longer looking on them. They seemed like no more being independent individuals, only partly, but somehow mentally connected to a negative powerful "source" for their mental activity, and thanks to that telepathic or mental kind of support very confident. They also were somehow, at least partly, aware that they are not humans any more, and had only one mission: to convert all the other people into their kind. I was, then, obviously avoiding getting in touch with them - they were not recognizable at first glance, but their presence and behaviour quickly gave idea about their real nature... The mutation, as I felt in the dream, just "happened" to them - not because of their intent. But since they were infected, they were no more the same any more as before - it was an inner psychological "disease-mutation" which, as stated, could be also physically observed to a degree, but mainly in their behaviour.

19th May 2020, 09:12 AM
I was talking to an old friend in the dream who to my surprise recommended me a new, revolutionary book written by some renown authority, where he claimed that DNA of birds is not related in any ways to mammals and humans in particular. The hardcover of the book was nicely designed, it was dark blue, and had only a rather symbolic picture of red and yellow bird in the middle of it.

19th May 2020, 05:49 PM
I thought everyone knew that birds come from dinosaurs.

19th May 2020, 05:54 PM
I believe that this dream might refer to the idea that all living physical beings on Earth - animals, dinosaurs included, and humans - are currently thought of having all the same DNA origin. But the fact is, I'm really surprised to have such a dream on things that I know virtually nothing about and had no interest in.

24th June 2020, 05:55 AM
I have a lot of strange dreams recently, here is another one that may interest some.

I went to a basement belonging to a well tanned 55 years old man. I wanted to borrow from him a bike, but I doubted that he would give me it - however, he agreed without any problems. But finally I didn't take the bike, because I got interested in something else in his basement: it was a small stack of printed A4 papers. They were looking non professional, like printed in an office for internal use.

The first paper I took was simply a list of skills to learn: each had a title in the bold, some tags below it, and a very short description: 1 or 2 statements. Although it seemed bit like a game, everything was real: these were skills that I felt I may put some time and effort into learning them. But I wasn't thinking of them too seriously.

I skimmed through all the skills descriptions on the 2 pages, but all of them seemed very ordinary. None took my bigger interest. So I viewed 12 other papers very quickly with printed paragraphs, but seeing nothing interesting there.

Then I looked at the last, 14th, paper, which took more of my interest. On the 2 pages again I saw some skills listed, this time visually grouped in a smaller lists, in total a bit less than on the 1st one, and they were not that ordinary: some related to witchcraft, wicca, magic and alike stuff - but nothing beyond a typical new age things. I felt that these are skills which seems only extraordinary, but actually they are for masses.

But I was looking for something else. So I skimmed the 2nd page to the end, and finally found something that took my interest: the last group on the bottom of the 2nd page had 3 skills, all with short description:
- counteracting death and aging processes
- achieving eternal life
- using the power of the dreams
The last one was actually not about lucid dreaming etc., but about influencing the world (universe) from the deeper states of mind and psychic exploration.
The 2 first skills on that list made me wondering in the dream: I tried to figure why there are actually 2 different skills which seemed to me to refer to basically same things? So are they really different? Then I woke up.

10th July 2020, 12:52 PM
In the dream I went to two grocery shops, and did not find what I was looking for: vegetables. In the 2nd one I saw 3 last vegetables, but the prices were so absurd (25-30 times higher than should be), so I didn't buy it.

I went to a book store next, I found few books, particularly 2 volumes of old, ugly-covered brown book on astrology. These books were old, but unique, not available on the market any longer - they probably did not know what they were selling. I decided to take them.
The man who was owner of the shop spotted it and asked me - in context of astrology - whether the marriage may affect the financial situation. I guessed that he was getting divorced, and after consideration, I replied: "yeah, of course it may!", but the man suddenly was not listening to my reply - it seemed like I replied to myself.

20th August 2020, 06:13 AM
Strange coincidences happen for the recent months to me. Like this week, I again have been haunted by a powerful manipulative being. In the morning I heard "ghost" for a number of time, then I saw a split water looking like a typical ghost with two spots as eyes, and then the same day my sister's son, who barely talks, drawn something scarry - when asked what it is, he replied "ghost!". No one knows when he learnt the "ghost" word, and he never spoke before and after about ghosts.

This is just one example. Coincidences haunt me everywhere, every day.

Yesterday evening I worked on my energy and felt that I can finally succeed with higher vision with which I'm struggling for the several months now. I used amethyst for this purpose, which always has a significant effect on my mind - however, not always positive.

This night I felt especially strong influence of the crystal on my visionary skills. However, after a negative dream of obvious manipulative type (the being tried to manipulate my mental convitions, emotions and idea about the whole situation, trying to act as sort of mentor), still in the dreaming state, I was moving non-physically above the forest, looking for highest state of mind and energy there. I felt the energy hightened, but the whole area around was covered by so dense clouds above, that everything seemed foggy, dull and gloomy. Although I felt this time that I was not weak (https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?31234-Subconsciousness-weakness-vs-consciousness-power) but empowered, and my shen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shen_(Chinese_religion)) energy was strong, the cover made by something or someone (definitely not just one being) was affecting my visionary abilities greatly. I barely could see anything. This is after a very sunny day yesterday with enormous work of planes which covered the whole sky with chemical dust all day long.

I started to wondering: is there a connection between the governments' planes polluting the skies agenda and the human psychic skills, which no doubt rely on the highly charged quantum energy that come to the planet - obviously - from the Sun and the rest of the cosmos?

26th August 2020, 07:22 PM
Another surprising, strange dream.

I was king on a medieval (rather small) castle. Except I was the only habitant there.

But I left it and went for a quest: to fight with a group of enemies in another castle. A team of medieval, strong soldiers helped me - and although it seemed like I was their leader, I felt also equal (not superior) to them. They even questioned myself when I said something seemingly unappropriate.

We won the battle and went back to the (previously my) castle, and then another strange thing happened: now it was sort of realistic video game (like virtual reality) that we were in. Except that everything was real (not any 3D visualisation or anything), we have been marked by a graphical blue light spots around our heads - meaning that we are in the same group.

The castle wasn't only mine anymore, but belonged to whole team. I gained a "skill" in this game: which allowed to increase income for each defeated enemy. I saw also a list of other skills that were available to gain, but none of them interested me, as I was mainly interested in my financial gain.

A sort of mentor of ours came to our castle, took the money that I earned after the quest and have put it into a metal moneybox. Now it was mutual gain, not just mine.

Further more, my role has been reduced in the castle - now I was not a king, not even any sort of leader, but a medic-shaman.

I was not happy of all of that! And didn't want to learn any new skill that give me no benefits.

Then 2 new teams came to the castle: one bad (with black marks), and one allied (with yellow marks). They introduced us to a wider situation in the world, and we were about to start a war: us allied with yellow soldiers against the black ones. This new quest was soon to be started.

2nd September 2020, 08:38 AM
Not sure if it qualifies as a dream, maybe more as an psychic experience. But I have many of them - particularly just in a moment of awakening (every second or third day) - so I put it here.

The short vision, which it typically is, showed me putting a banana that I wanted to eat this day to the garbate - despite the fact that it was still good! I was wondering what's going on? I'm guessing the fruits can be either GMO, or treated in other bad way.

22nd September 2020, 06:51 AM
There was a race of strange beings living on the Earth - humanoid, but weird, to me in the dream looking quite primitive and tough, with enormously big heads and noses. But they were more advanced. Basically, they were ignored by humans - who behaved like they were not existing. But they were just next to humans, however they had their own areas which they controlled and did not allow any human being to cross it. Their role was to control humanity, but I felt they work more like our governments and institutions: they were mass-oriented, and could not control every single person. They also kept jealously in secret one of their favourite technologies: mechanical wings. They could be put on your back and you could start flying right away. They were using it occasionally.

I crossed their line and entered the 'restricted' area (mainly hills and grass, without any builidings), just next to one of the cities, even saw one of those non-human humanoids, looking bit strange, walking along the path. He did not see me... Then I went to the end of this path and encountered a 50-years old woman having few boxes with different variants (depending on one's needs, like in a shop) of these wings. I wanted one of them, and tried to find one that suited me most, but could not, so I took the most general one.

I openned this small box and took a small device, which when I put off resulted in the wings openning on my back - also looking strange, dark and mechanic. I used the wings - the technology of the non-humans - and was flying around a long street in the city back, looking at the world of humans from a small distance of several meters. No one saw me.

3rd October 2020, 08:10 AM
This was like an action movie, I wasn't present in the dream myself. I watch any movie less than in 2 months, so that's quite a surprising dream (yes, no more than 6 in year, typically less).

A good looking, athletic man in black hair was the main character; he was having some trouble because of some criminalist group as well as police. He had some super-human abilities but I could not tell which were they. He was in a small office building where by mistake he shot another man - it turned out he had super-reflex and sensed another man as having bad intentions, and that's why he automatically shot - straight into his heart. He was dead instantly. The police came and arrested him. There was some another, well built tall blond man, watching the whole situation.

In the next scene the main character had been acquitted by the police chief, who has been convinced by that blond man that he's not guilty. The latter said that he also have super-human abilities in the end.

In the last scene in a rocky area a car of criminalists tried to pass the car driven by that black hair man (the main character), but fell into the abbyss as the rocky road was very narrow. The man laughed about this incident, saying farewell to his enemies.

8th October 2020, 08:33 AM
It was a very unusual interview with a very highly ranked director of a big company in which I think I was an employee (in the dream only): through writing which verified more my potential than actual skills. I sensed that I was preferred over other candidates and could get a very good posistion in a totally new area, but I had to ask not easy questions about e.g. solutions to be successful in a highly competitive market in Germany as a retailer. I tried to analyse and hear what other candidates were answering and what are the preferences of the director, who was very demanding but had somehow big interest in myself as I sensed. Tried to take advantage of that and think upfront what to write about and how to explain everything about my experience to be most suitable for what he was looking for, as well as tried to figure what the "other areas" could be. What I figured out was the fact that it was totally different from what I was doing at the moment, and it had no clear framework and tasks to do as I have now - the position required clear thinking and I could only rely there on myself, i.e. every my mistake could cost a lot.

Never had a dream like that before.

5th December 2020, 01:42 PM
Before sleep during the previous day I heard for few times to take on learning on astronomy. I was surprised. Astronomy, I wondered?

When sleeping, I was sort of being tutored on the black hole in our galaxy - in the center of the galaxy. I was out of the body, in the cosmos, looking from a distance on the big star system close to the black hole (it was presented as black, while the background around was not black - it was slightly dark blue due to the intensive light of stars, unlike we see the cosmos on the sky from the Earth).

12th February 2021, 10:22 AM
I think I am frequently tested recently in many ways: like how much I can sacrifice, how to minimalize and simplify things in my life, how much money do I need for living, change of the life style, etc.

In the dream an old friend (who I do no see any longer), a typical workaholic, offered me a job change in his company. He said they have employees shortage in the field in which I work, and offered a very big salary (but still realistic), 3x bigger than my current one. I was sceptical though, and I've noticed that my normal mental abilities "activated" in the dream, so I was asking many logical questions about the details of the job. He was surprised, but didn't show that; he tried to overcome an obvious lack of information in the field and replied with a very general terms. I said I will think of it.

16th March 2021, 05:00 PM
Again, this was not a dream but while-awakening experience, but it is similar to some other experiences I had here.

I heard when awakening the end of some discussion, hearing that people (on Earth) need to rethink the matter and reconsider the energy as concepts. This seemed to be like a guidance to someone.

17th March 2021, 02:55 PM
Again, this was not a dream but while-awakening experience, but it is similar to some other experiences I had here.

I heard when awakening the end of some discussion, hearing that people (on Earth) need to rethink the matter and reconsider the energy as concepts. This seemed to be like a guidance to someone. I like those.

29th March 2021, 11:10 AM
I awoke in the dream, still dreaming, but I thought I really awoke. I saw an alien sitting next to me, he looked like a man with very short hair and was friendly, but the unexpected meeting made me anxious anyway. This might have been just a "disguise" which made him looking like a human being. Further more somehow I was aware that he wasn't purely physical and his vibrations were more subtle than physical (so physical eyes could not register his presence) - but I saw him with my non-physical eyes.

6th April 2021, 11:44 AM
I saw mother with a child on bike in the wood, the child going way too quickly so I anticipated an accident - and unfortunetely it happened, it crashed with a big stone. But the interesting fact is that they disappeared around a bend, but somehow I focused on my sight and I saw them anyway.

11th April 2021, 08:57 AM
This was a science-fiction sort of dream turning into lucid dream at the end.

I was training with a group kung fu. I felt that in this dream state I can make a much bigger progress in it than just excersising physically - this is due to the fact (as I was aware) that it is mind which progresses in any activity, even if it's physical. But then something strange happened: we stopped excersising as we saw a strange portal to another world in the wall or something. When looking into it, it was pulling us in, and suddenly we reached "the other side" of it, transitioning into this other world effortlessly and automatically.

Now we were floating above a sea in some sort of small flying vehicle for a while until we reached a beautiful green land looking like from a fairy tale. When we entered it, suddenly I was like viewing a fairy tale book with big colorful pictures which described our trip through it - so it was like a story of our trip there. Between intensively green hills we saw an exotic blue-gray skinned mammal of size of a small elephant, but with smooth skin and more rounded.

Then the dream became normal again (no book anymore) when we reached a small town with almost no traffic. We started again excersising kung fu, until I heard out of nowhere a voice asking me if this is what I want to do. I realized that this is not that important, so I stopped kung fu and joined my hands and focused on keeping a meditative state. The rest of the group left, going into the town; I went there later, passing by few police cars.

In the town were only small houses and some one-floor flat public extensive buildings. The latter were crowded. I entered one of these, a school, also very crowded, passing by many people, particularly female teachers in their mids, soon finding myself going after a group of students led by some teacher.

This is when I became aware that this was a dream. My mind was clear, but my analytic thinking wasn't good though - I couldn't recall any test how to check if it was the dream state other than flying. So I tried flying, but it turned out not that simple, to my surprise. I had to overcome gravity first - which wasn't like on the Earth, but made some difficulties. Soon however I was floating above the floor, rather than flying, in the school's hall. I was strongly focusing on keeping this dream state and not to awake, but I didn't succeed and soon I awoke.

12th April 2021, 08:34 AM
I saw mother with a child on bike in the wood, the child going way too quickly so I anticipated an accident - and unfortunetely it happened, it crashed with a big stone. But the interesting fact is that they disappeared around a bend, but somehow I focused on my sight and I saw them anyway.

How old was the child?? Boy or girl??

13th April 2021, 04:14 PM
How old was the child?? Boy or girl??
This was 4 years old boy with blond hair.

13th April 2021, 04:39 PM
This was 4 years old boy with blond hair.

Thank you Antares...

21st April 2021, 08:03 AM
Another SF like dream - which is even more stranger due to the fact I never liked SF movies (with maybe 2 exceptions), nor I watch any.

It seemed like future (rather distant, at least 100 years from now), the Earth has been largely devasted. I was still living, but not many people lived now on the planet. This resulted in vast empty spaces on the Earth. There were very big buildings looking like malls, which probably they were, though. In one of them in a vast empty hall I was with some friend (only in the dream, I don't know him personally) who had a small business - apparently services - there, sitting in the corner. He proposed me doing a tarot reading, and there were 2 parts of this reading: first was quite positive when he drawn 2 Major Arcana cards. The second part was weird: none of the 3 cards he drawn exist in reality; I remembered the middle card, which was drawn first: there was an apparently powerful man, sitting on a camel, yellow desert seen in the background. He held another man, probably a victim of him, upside down by one of his legs. All those 3 cards made a negative impression.

But soon it seemed like we left the Earth for good; he left his small business, I seemed to have nothing at all, so to me it was more like a trip or adventure. We were flying in some unusual, entirely white vehicle, looking like something between a saucer and a car, but its edges were not sharp but slightly blurred which suggested it is not made of matter. Although the vehicle was very small, it had to violate the physics spatial principles, as inside there were apparently a lot of rooms looking like wagons: they had a shape of long rectangles, with the doors on the two opposite shorter sides of it, and several people seemingly working with something looking like computers placed next to the walls on both longer sides. They had weapons - lasers - which they had to use from time to time as some intruders in small groups were getting into the vehicle. The doors were not doors actually, but something like blurred fields of powers, and you didn't open it at all, just passing through it like through some portal or something; although it was obviously a field, it was stable and you couldn't see through it what was on the other side of it. At the end of the dream we passed through one of these "doors-portals", to see just another similar room inside the vehicle with people working there. We did it because we were chasing another group of several intruders going quickly from room to room inside the vehicle.

Compare with the similar one: https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?28974-Strange-dreams&p=172155#post172155

4th May 2021, 07:34 AM
Yet another SF dream.

In the first part I had to return a SF movie which I quite liked to one guy, but instead I had its remake only, which on the other hand I didn't like. Then suddenly I was watching the latter movie like it was a 3D virtual reality, except it was not virtual but real.

The atmosphere was dull and dark throughout the whole movie (dream), and when the movie progressed it went even darker. It had several chapters, but I awoke after the 3rd one, not knowing what were the other chapters about.

1st chapter
In an abandoned, unfinished big building there was a battle between a small rebellion group and much stronger group of evil people, both using modern weapons. It wasn't long when the former was completely devastated. They also had very small and very ugly pale-pink bio-cyborgs - purely artificial form of "life", more machines than living organisms.

2nd chapter
Somehow the war continued, but the enemy changed. The number of bio-cyborgs used in the battle significantly increased, and number of people decreased.

3rd chapter
War still continued. Now there was not people at all at the battlefield (and perhaps at all), only 2 grouos of bio-cyborgs fighting each other. There appeared a new "race" of bio-cyborgs, which were dark-red, fighting the big group of pale-pink cyborgs.

Is this a variant of our reality in the future and the warning?

9th May 2021, 12:26 PM
I visited 3 times a dark, isolated (although next to the main street) and empty square in a town. Although there was nothing at all, the atmosphere there was like on a cemetery. Soon I figured why: this place was haunted, partiularly by one young man who committed a suicide. The third time I was with another guy, and we made a ritual for evoking a higher forces to help the ghost of that man to get free from this place.

14th May 2021, 04:10 PM
Plot thriller movie like dream.

Nice sunny day, I was asked and hired to help some small software company with their product. Because they had their office nearby, I went to them afternoon. When I was on the place, it turned out to be a 3 floors building, and the office was just a flat used for business purposes. However, the first room was occupied by another small accounting company, and I had lots of difficulties trying to get through it: one woman required for me to take care of some formalities or something, and it took a considerable amount of time to do this. I felt that it was totally unimportant, but they insisted very strongly.

When I finally could go to another room, the one taken by the mentioned software company, it was late, after the sunset - and nobody was there no more. However, I managed to figure out things myself about the project and even launched it. It turned out to be a horrible entertainment website, and everything about the project was a total mess.

When I finished it was a late night hour, but still there was one woman with black short hair in her mids in the office in the first room. I had to finish the paper work that I started before, which meaned quickly packing all the papers, and strangely, parts of brocules (!) scattered throughout he floor, to two folic bags. Then I left the office.

Next day I was talking to a tall, very knowledgable man wearing a dark cloak on my way back to the office. He told me very important things about the future of the world. When I was inside the building again, this time I met the owner: a young man with dark hair. I told him to quickly take the laptop with the code of the project and to leave, and so we did. When moving quickly through the street, I was explaining him the whole situation, commenting the project - and coincidentally, when speaking of how bad is the accounting company that they cooperate with, that accountant whom I saw the day before was having a lunch outside and overheard our talk and reacted with a hidden embarassment.

One moment that business guy hid himself behind a car when he saw a police car - like he was afraid that he could be caught up by them. I was still explaining him everything very quickly, but my monologue soon changed into a hot discussion between us. I tried to convince him that the code of this horrible project that he had is very important, and then I woke up in the middle of that discussion, seriously and in hurry stating that the project is so important that the future of the planet depends on it...

18th May 2021, 08:55 AM
In the evening I've read about 'new order' planned changes. It was clear that there is going to be implemented the "divide and conquer" principle, referring to the probable division of the society in near future.

Anyway, there were 2 scenes in the dream:

The ground was divided by a fence (apparently symbolizing the divided society). On the other side, to which I had no direct acces, I saw a young father with a small girl. I tried to convince the latter to cross the fence, but she cried as she's not ready to leave the "convinient side".

The second was similar: there was a metal wall symbolizing the division in the society through which I was able to get like a ghost. On the other side was a 'normal' ("legal") society, I saw 3 young women on shopping who seemed to not see me when I got to their 'side' for a while.

23rd May 2021, 05:42 PM
In the dream I was looking at the map of the South America like from a large distance from the top. I saw symbolically presented masses of people living there, general chaos and revolutions taking place at these lands - especially along the western coast of the continent, and particularly northern-middle part of its western side. I didn't see any countries names, but the boundaries between the countries seemed to loosening up. There was a reference to some Che Guevara relatives or something like that.

4th July 2021, 09:08 AM
There were few guys, including me, who were supposed to start some strange card game. Every player was given dozen of cards. The cards were big, they represented archetypical characters, places or abstract things, all with black background, all had title at the top of it, all with a picture. They looked a bit like this one:


I didn't quite like one guy, and vice versa, and no doubt we both hoped that the other would get weaker cards. Mine were good, though.

There was a supervisor to this game whose role was to decide and supervise how the game went. These were his judgements which decided whether a player got points or not.

I was to start first round, so I viewed the cards I held in my hand. One that particularly took attention was called "Defiant sorcerer".

Every player had several minutes in his turn to use as many cards as possible, and was choosing cards from his hand and then "explaining" that card to the supervisor - in compliance with some complex rules.

The game was difficult, and the better card a player had the more effort was needed to gain points for it, therefore one could not win without some strategy and honest understanding and assessing ones possibilities. So I decided to start with the two easiest ones, called: "Mail by air" and "Mail by email". When playing these cards, I told the supervisor that "Email by air" is costy, and hence its disadvantage, while the other is free, so its advantage (I decided not to tell that it brings, on the other hand, lots of spamming possibilities). In this way I earned few points.

Then the choice was more difficult: i was viewing the cards that left in my hand, wondering which one to choose next...

12th July 2021, 08:27 AM
This was an unusual dream which was not a lucid dream but had two strange points and a surprising reference to another dream which I had few years ago.

First, a brief overview of the dream I had few years ago AFAIR:

I was in a big city, working in a job related to computers. I was given an unusual task: I was to meet with another young guy who was working in his apparement in a big block on some secret, advanced project.
But when I got there, it appeared that the thing that he was working on had something to do with conspiracy, and I was shocked when I went inside his home. The project's results told something about the people at power, particularly the secret advanced technology at their hands (which masses had no idea about).
It wasn't long when - while looking at the monitor inside his spacy room - we directly faced this advanced technology suddenly outside of the window... These people at power somehow found out about us, and sent a flying, tech-edge vehicle which hung behind the glass window, and shined with a huge blinding light.
He warned me to escape from there, and when we did, the apparment has been destroyed in seconds by this light - it worked a bit like a bomb, but apparently could be controlled and the explosion was limited to that one appartement in this sky-craper building.
Soon the whole city plunged into chaos, while we were hiding and running through its streets...

Now the today's deam:
I was walking through an area of high blocks, and was about to leave it, when I noticed 2 other blocks hidden previously (behind the other ones) and for no reason got curious about them. So I went into that area, and strangely I felt like I was on a private property. There were almost no people, just 2 young women, looking at me from a distance, but despite a feeling of pressure to leave, they behaved quite friendly.

Then I recalled that one of the blocks - on the left - was the one that I was inside in the other dream (the one I described above)! I decided to enter it, got to the appartement without even knocking. Inside was that same guy which I mentioned above: he seemingly still had the same job. He wasn't angry that I came in like without invitation or even knocking. I asked him to show me the same thing on his computer that we didn't have time previously for, and he agreed.

When looking at the monitor, I was flooded with a very strong blinding light coming from the computer, like the monitor itself was a bridge to another non-physical dimension! I couldn't see anything and I had to close my eyes, the light was so strong. It felt almost physically painful. I didn't remember much, therefore, what was it about. Then I thought, in the dreaem, that I need to try such thing (exposition to this show/light) beyond the dream next time so that I was better able to handle this.

He seemed to be relaxed and didn't bother. I was about to leave, hoping that we would get in a closer touch soon...

14th July 2021, 08:55 AM
In the dream appeared a board similar to chess board. But the number of fields differed: it had (as it was told) 153 fields, and this was supposed to be a square number (of course it is not). Further more, I tried to calculate from what numbers it was composed of, and I concluded it was 7 x 7...

Interesting how intellectual abilities work in the dream state... Is this a different sort of math?

25th July 2021, 04:43 PM
My interpretation after 1,5 year suggests that it was the dream that predicted the epidemic consequences, forced by the governments all over the world, which are still to happen, and next follows another dream which seems to predict things related to it as well: note the word "war", whether it's in a metaphorical sense related directly to epidemic, or in a literal sense related to the upcoming military conflict, possibly between NATO and China:

The last 2019 day dream:

Me and two older women were about to take some precious medicaments from some special pharmaceutical corporation. We were on kind of mission - take and return the needed medicament. There was a restriction: onle one medicament could be taken by one person - hence we all 3 were required. Not sure why... I also didn't then realize at the beginning how these medicaments were important - but indirectly I figured it out in the ending of the dream...

I was many times surprised in this dream. First, the building was a big fortess, surrounded by a moat. As it turned out, only women worked in this company! Despite of this, it was full of the edge technologies, particularly securing and scanning stuff. Infrared or laser devices were scanning us multiple times - each was a kind of test for us whether we can go in further, or not. The last test, inside the building, was the hardest: it scanned through our minds, and the woman who was supposed to finally give us the medicaments, was suspicious toward me - what's more I was also anxious and not trusting myself, I was wondering whether my mind would go astray and suggest me stealing the medicaments, since they seemed to be so precious... but to my and her surprise, we all passed the scanning thoughts test. I wondered: am I that good, or this scanning device wasn't perfect? We were given those precious medicaments and could return them with the mission ending in success.

The first 2020 day dream:

In the sunny summer weather I saw several groups working on some very important globally tasks, sometimes challenging and risky. I wasn't there, so I saw only other people, but with some of them I identified with a bit. Some were related to hiding people, some - most risky - related to work in an embassy, and another was about military things. In the last one I identified bit with a strong black bearded decisive charismatic commander of a 30 or so people special military troop (so it wasn't fighiting in a regular battles), who said to his superior that he leaves, not wanting to participate any more in this kind of tasks. His superior tried to bribe him, which was very tempting, but after a thought, he only repeated his mind, and he left the soldiers, not intending to return to military activities (which was unusual for a person with such a military exterior and experience, as he seemed to be ideally suited for a warrior craft).

My interperation of the 1st dream:
fortress = strongly guarded (one of the vaccine companies arrogantly demanded from some countries ridiculous protection, with their armies involved, concerning their vaccines)
company = literal sense
'precious' medicaments = vaccines
scanning devices used against citizens and suspisions whether one is 'allowed' to go in = literal (tested, upcoming and probably used in future against people; what we can see is now being forced sort of "health or medical passports)
anxiety of the "test" whether one can go - literal sense

Of the 2nd dream:
Abandoning the warcraft by people working in armies, lack of motivation to pursue military conflicts etc.

Another thing: for the few recent months I constantly was hearing a voice telling something like "corruption in your country". Honestly, I didn't put much thought into it, and basically ignored it. Until now - when I can see how politicians suddenly changed their opinions, sometimes to opposite, out of nowhere, like in one day, particularly when it was related to geting vaccinated. Recently I've been given this video along with many suspicions and accuses that most prominent people in politics, media, celebrities etc. DO NOT get vaccinated, in opposite to what they tell us in the media. Here's the link - the faking vaccination of one of those - and of course this raises the question WHY ARE WE BEING LIED, and most imporantly, what should everyone individually in first place do about it:


28th July 2021, 04:22 PM
Yesterday evening I was reading lots of materials on the virus situation, governments controls etc.

In this context, the dreams seem quite relevant.

In the first one, I saw a 60 year old doctor, very authoritative in a "I-am-always-right-this-is-me-who-is-doctor-do-not-even-dare-to-question-me" way, prescribing to a patient medicament which I was seriously doubtful about. As soon as my doubts and anxiety about it were confirmed, I got very angry: not just at him, but also at myself that I didn't react before to save the patient from the doubtful medicament.

In the second one, there was upcoming a match between my team (in which I was most offensive forward player), and the incoming team - from Washington (note the capital, i.e. city of the government). The Washington team appeared to be more determined bandits than actual players, using every advantage they had, regardless whether the play is fair or not, even choking one of our players. The game seemed to be very tough with such a dogged dirty playing team.

29th July 2021, 07:18 AM
Another display of how mind works in the "non-awake" (let's call it a dream) state, and in the awake state. This was very clear and instant demonstration of the difference between the two.

Basically my observation is that the dream/non-awake state lacks of analytic and alike skills quite a lot.

For no particular reason I was trying to solve an absurd "problem": the company I knew changed a bit its name maybe 3 years ago, adding to its 2-words name a 3rd word. However, in the dream-state I thought all 3 words mean something different, and are used by the company depending on the context!

However, then I suddenly awoke in one second and I suddenly realized how wrong was my thinking just a second before: because it was obvious that all 3 words are now the name of the company!

2nd August 2021, 08:58 AM
This was really surprising: this wasn't actual dream in normal sense. I heard a voice speaking of my astrological birth chart. However, the chart was totally different from what is taught in the western (or any other) astrology. Technically speaking, it seemed like birth chart as seen from the cosmic (not terrestial) perspective...

At the beginning it started quite normal: I was walking around a suburbian territory with a new houses (interesting to note the "houses" - a reference to astrology?) being built, and i wanted to get into one, but I resigned, as it seemed unfriendly or even dangerous.
But at the end the dream totally changed: now I saw my birth chart explained one house by one by a voice.

First, there were no zodiac signs - just 360 degrees, starting with 0 at the top of the circle. This was an equivalent to the zodiac.

Second, it was made in opposite way to the western astrological charts: instead of zodiac signs wheel adjusted to the Earth's horizon's line which produces the astrological houses, in this chart the houses were adjusted to that wheel.

Before I awoke, the voice spoke about 3 or 4 houses. The houses had also not physical meaning (like "fate", as in astrology), but apparently mental meaning (more like our typical tendencies and attitudes). One of the houses explained by the voice referred to my mental ability to equally deal with both science and religion (while most of people have a tendency toward one of them, not two at the same time). The third house in my chart has been described as "freedom". While the voice seemed to intend to continue the explenation, it has been interrupted because I awoke...

5th August 2021, 08:54 AM
There are going to start four revolts around the world at the same time: in South America, Mexico, China and France, said a collegue of mine.

I replied: five, there going to be a revolt in USA as well.

10th August 2021, 03:54 PM
In a sunny, beautiful day, in some wilderness area I discovered lots of strange ancient tablets laying on the ground on a large meadow. They all had similar patterns on them, were quite large, and were mostly green, yellow and blue in color, with white texts on them, and looked quite nice. Inteterestingly, when I picked up one of them (and all the others looked similar), I saw that the pattern took half of its area, it had 3 rows of texts of latin characters below the pattern in the other half: the most upper was an abbreviation of 3 characters of the name of the tablet, the full name was in the middle, and the short description - the longest text on the whole tablet - was at the most bottom. The tablets seemed to have a mystic meaning, or even being enchanted - at least I had such a feeling.

17th August 2021, 07:36 AM
Another example of difference between awake-state and dreaming-state.

I was laying on my bed, I thought I just awoke. Everything was realistic. I saw a beige board with a red heart pinned to it, and heard a voice suggesting relationship, to which I was sceptical. My mind seemed to work normally, I really thought that I'm awaken...

Except I wasn't. One second later I really awoke and instantly understood how wrong I was just a second before (in the dream-state), because I don't have such a board in the bedroom!

17th August 2021, 10:13 AM
Another example of difference between awake-state and dreaming-state.

I was laying on my bed, I thought I just awoke. Everything was realistic. I saw a beige board with a red heart pinned to it, and heard a voice suggesting relationship, to which I was sceptical. My mind seemed to work normally, I really thought that I'm awaken...

Except I wasn't. One second later I really awoke and instantly understood how wrong I was just a second before (in the dream-state), because I don't have such a board in the bedroom!

Yes...that happens very often for me :)


18th August 2021, 07:40 AM
Yes...that happens very often for me :)
Maybe it's worth to seperate them from the dreams journal, write them down elsewhere, and make some conclusions about them to have a better idea about the nature of both mind and the beyond-reality?

Here's another example, what just happened to me this night/morning:

First, 1 second before I woke up at 4 a.m., I was bubbling about the death of Kurt Cobain. 1 second later I woke up, felt totally normal, and wondering: where those emotions disappeared just after 1 second?

So after awakening I decided to make some mental-energy excercise which involved the sun and the moon energy, and then got sleep again.

And this was shocking: less than 1 minute before awakening again, I "woke up" in the dream state, I realized that I'm in the energy-state, laying on my left side, and strongly felt that my left hand instead of laying on the bed, was hanging down through the bed. I also felt that below the house, exactly where my left hand "pointed to", was a strange "deep" (but not in a physical sense) water resonating with the left side of my energy body.

Most insteresting is that the left side of my energy body seemed to be very strange: like it has been "charged" with very strong energy, it wasn't totally negative, but felt like a powerful potential of fury and madness. I thought that it wasn't me, but seemed like sort of ghost. However, I felt I have a mental control over it to a degree. I felt an inner pressure from this "ghost-or-me-or-whatever-energy" that it had a strong need to wreak "something - anything", like it was fury in itself, but somehow "restricted" and seperated from my true mind which, on the other hand, was serene. Because I felt that my control over this "ghost" is limited, I decided to get rid of it and move it at any target, so in one second it clashed and "attacked" with its fury some negative person at high position in an Asian country... Then I really awoke.

19th August 2021, 01:29 PM
Hi Antares.
I have write to know when I had these awakaning in the dream....to mentioning with...I awoken in the dream....I feel much more alive in these dreams then in the mundane dreams....the most wonderful dream I had was when my mother come to visit me from the afterlife.,......she had her guide with her....and I told her in the dream that now I do something I have never done before...to walk around in my appartament and to stand up from my sleeping body...and to communicate with her...in the dream she had for a moment her earthly appearence ...and after that she become so bright light it was pure love...it was so wonderful to have the opportunity to experience this...


18th February 2023, 06:18 PM
Again I had a dream about near future, and again unfortunetely quite terrifying. And again it was mostly symbolic, about genetic modifications of human bodies.

A dark atmosphere surrounded the town, and I saw quite busy people with their mundane tasks, going here and there. Buildings started to become like a werehouses, holding gradually more and more items. It was probably new kind of stuff globally sold to people, and these new items symbolically represented this new commerce. Items looked strange, and all of them had quite intensive colors - and there were only 2 colors of them: either red or blue.

I was, not without a surprise, watching how quickly more and more such (as I mentioned, only blue and red) items were appearing everywhere, occupying almost every free space there, but people seemed to be like not noticing the changes around them, still busy with their mundane tasks. And I had an arising feeling that something really terrifying is happening here. It was kind of some massive manipulation, but I couldn't tell exactly what it was. I had only a strong sense that red items are going to affect people very negatively and are harmful in a way that today people have no idea how it is possible (this knowledge is known only to an elite scientists who, with governments, abused it) to influence them by these, while blue were benevolent, or at least neutral.

So I was very careful and sticking ONLY to blue items. Unfortunetely my mom went opposite, and listened to the common propaganda and stuck to the red items. I was afraid that something wrong is going to happen but I couldn't do anything, and indeed I saw some strange consequences for people sticking to red items, like gradually mutating because of these red items. Of course these red and blue items were symbols of something that soon is going to be provided to all countries in the world at the same time.

Interestingly, I saw no people "between", i.e. no people who were at the same time sticking to both blue and red items. So the whole society in the world was like being gradually divided, out of nowhere, into 2 groups, but naturally, not because of any external force. This was just one of many hidden effects of how worked red and blue items, now fulfilling most of the space of the town. My mom was unfortunetly now somehow inaccessible to me - but rather mentally than physically. These red items had some strong, but invisible impact on minds of people so that they became somehow alien to other people. It seemed bit like pills in the Matrix movie, but the benevolency of colors were opposite in the dream: the red ones were like keeping people in prison. Not just mental prison, but also had impact on their physiology (interally), and the genetic mutations. People who used or were sticking to red items started less and less ressemble humans, were more like weird and limited alien-slaves. Alien genetically and mentally, feeling bit like cold monsters in a psychic sense.

I had a feeling that it is going to happen soon in the world, and unfortunetely similar dreams come back to me in a couple of years recently, some of which BTW I also have written down on this forum in this thread before - about genetic modification, and they were also quite symbolic.

22nd May 2023, 04:45 PM
Tonight I saw a black car - a product of advanced technology in the near future - which had such features as invisible sonic shield (no one could reach through it the car), or using non-physical particles, but the latter feature turned out to be unstable, and when used, the car desintegrated into a higher-frequency dimension, along with 2 people inside this car. Of course, those people, who went to this "higher frequency" dimension, didn't come back to our (physical) frequency - which means for living physically people that they "died", but without leaving their bodies, as they just, like, disappeared.

I woke up at 4 a.m., I was bubbling about the death of Kurt Cobain. 1 second later I woke up, felt totally normal, and wondering: where those emotions disappeared just after 1 second?

It's now more than 1,5 year when I wrote that, quite a lot time it seems, yet at the same time it seem like it happened just yesterday.

Anyway, I must admit I have in meanwhile new experiences which I verified where such strange mental experiences are coming from.

It is possible for external factors - other entities - to alter our minds, and particularly the state of consciousness - it does cover not just altered states of conssiousness (ASCs), but also more "mundane" states like loving something, hating something, other emotions, but also mental perspective and changing it in a fraction of second (all of this is really possible to do with a human mind from outside of his/her mind and without asking of his/her acceptance) etc. - that's how we are manipulated when incarnated on the Earth, and this happens all the time, even now when you are reading it.

But of course this also refers to sudden changes of the altered state of consciousness: I would risk a statement that almost all ASC experiences are an effect of mental manipulation from beyond, not from inside of your mind. In other words, we are not an initiators of such experiences in most (unless you are aware of the non-physical surroundings all the time, not just when in e.g. OBE or Delta state, and have mastered your mind), but only receivers of those. However we tend to assume that we are creators and initiators of such experiences. But we only "play around" with such mental stuff, experiencing "something" happening to us, and not being in our control in most cases of such experiences.

And all of this leads to many conclusions of which we don't think on the regular basis. In particular, one conclusion is that we live in an isolated "box" (physical planet or plane), blind and deaf, unaware of the surroundings around us and how we are triggered (i.e. manipulated) mentally to experiences certain things - not just ASCs, but also mundane things. Of course everything of that is planned and deliberate (religions tend to believe that this is for our good - which actually is kind of propaganda saying something like "it's happening because of your sin / karma / whatever") - so in a sense, but big sense, we are slaves here, and our minds are kept deliberately in lack of knowledge of what is the truth. And of course this thought is nothing new, ancient people like from Sumer had similar observations and conclusions.

Which means that one of things that are valuable for us to do, I think, is to regain consciousness and to gain control of our lives - i.e. of our minds. Otherwise our lifetimes will be moved in "random" directions, like we were leaves on the wind. And this is what is planned for unaware masses.

12th July 2023, 05:44 PM
In the last months I have really strange dreams. One example recently that appeared in my dream:

I saw from a distance a small ship on the sea. There were only two people on this ship. It wasn't long when above the ship appeared a UFO, which used a powerful magnetic force that first lifted the ship, then turned the ship upside down. But the people in the ship didn't fall, despite being also now upside down, i.e. with their legs still on the floor of the ship (like their legs were glued to it), but with heads hanging down - this invisible force coming from the UFO not only kept the ship in that position, but also keeping people in unchanged position.

29th September 2023, 03:26 PM
There are sometimes dreams or lucid dreams which make a breakthrough in the understanding. Not just symbolic dreams, but the ones that give you direct inisights into many things.

Here's what I experienced tonight:

I was waking up, and I saw my bedoom, but everything around me was blurred and foggy. I realized that I'm still sleeping and this is not real image, but once I realized that, I woke up "again". Now the perception was very clear, but my mind worked differently than usually! My memory was different: facts that I remembered about the items placed in my bedroom, now have changed, for example placement of the bed was different than in reality. But in that moment I was certain that this was right placement of my bed, while in reality the bed should be in a different area in the room.

In other words, in that moment I didn't "remember" that the bed should be (and in fact is) in a different position than it was supposed to be. Yet it was in a different position in this after-second-awake state. You probably guessed that I was still sleeping, but I thought I awaken for good, as everything else was in my bedroom fine.

In short, my perception of things changed, my memory of where these things should be placed also changed. I had only a vague feeling that something is different, but that's all. My mind worked differently!

One thing was also different: a quite strong feeling of something unusual happening in that moment.

In the next moment I realized why the feeling of something special happening appeared: I looked out of the window and saw surprising image: a big dark-gray starship in a shape of rectangular box flying on the sky, no doubt an alien starship. I was shocked, observing it slowly moving on the night sky.

Although my mind worked differently, my perception was very clear, my thinking was clear, I didn't realized that this was still a dream-state! I really thought I awoke for good. My mind was not blurred as typically it is in the dream state, just wasn't working in the same way! However, in the next moment, after the starship disappeared in the window, I woke up then for real.

What is amazing about this experience is the fact that it gives the insight of how mind and memory can be easily and flexibly changed, modified and even the idea of obvious facts (like things in the room) can be replaced with "new, modified" facts.

Interesting, isn't it?

The most remarkable thing to me is how memory can be so easily modified and replaced with new facts. And - again I would put a quote by Robert Bruce: memory is everything! Without memory, no experience has value - at all!

2nd October 2023, 08:17 PM
Welcome to the world of False Awakening, congrats you made a chain.

5th October 2023, 05:35 PM
Welcome to the world of False Awakening, congrats you made a chain.
Yes, I had many such experiences in the past, however, this was not my point, what I tried to explain in the other, IA56's, thread on dreams, is that these are not necesserily "we" who make such chains or experiences.

IMO this is the key to understanding everything related: from the dreams themselves, to the subconsciousness, and to the real influences which make such experiences.

I don't know how to convey this idea more clearly.

People living in this system (the Earth) are manipulated to believe in one of these three "explanations" today about dreams:
- dreams are purely an effect of some subconcious activity - and being not sure what does it actually mean ;)
- dreams are the result of our own work - again whatever it actually means :)
- dreams are sent by sort of gods, deities, spirits etc. - this is an ancient belief, common to the shamanic circles

After researching the subject, IMO the closest to the truth is the last one, however, it is a bit naive understanding of what is really going on behind what we are aware of...

In short, lucid dreaming, false awakening and experiences as such does not show any level of advancement in fact. The true, objective research is needed - and I don't know a person who really did it. Do you?

So... How come?

The answer is: we live not just in the physical environment. We live also in the mental environment. While the former is obvious, people are totally unaware of the latter. Mental is way more tangible than it is commonly believed. And this is the key to understanding the subconscious influence, including dreams, or alternative states of consciousness and the influnce on consciousness in general. People start from the wrong side in researching the dreams - this is what I concluded afterwards. To understand that you have an elephant in front of you, you try to see it in a whole, and not to touch just some points on his skin, his nose, his back etc. People are such blindmen in researching the uknown of the mental/mind sphere.

6th October 2023, 07:26 PM
The true, objective research is needed - and I don't know a person who really did it. Do you?

If you want to do a research, this guide can help you:Puffins-DILD-Guide (https://www.dreamviews.com/wiki/Puffins-DILD-Guide)
You are right, everything is about the memory, your bed can be in the middle of Mars rock valley and still thinking you are at home. So if you do the SAT from the guide every day, also known as ADA (all day awareness) and take 25mg B6 after the last meal or before bed, you will have a high chances to recognize your false(dream) memory and who knows you can even get lucid in this dream.

P.s. if you want to explore beyond the dreaming I also have other tools.

7th October 2023, 06:40 PM
If you want to do a research, this guide can help you:Puffins-DILD-Guide (https://www.dreamviews.com/wiki/Puffins-DILD-Guide)
Thanks for sharing. I'll take a look on this in free time.

P.s. if you want to explore beyond the dreaming I also have other tools.
What kind of tools?

16th October 2023, 05:22 AM
Over dozen false awakening during a power nap, leading to a spiral of madness. First person narrative, an entry from my dairy.

I'm starting my usual power nap, but my eye is getting itchy, I scratch it, but it is uncomfortable, so I stand up and look myself in the mirror, my eye is red and swollen, an allergic reaction but why, I cannot breath and I'm calling my wife, she is here and she have the shot, but why her arms are very long, honey what is happening, you are scarring me, "eVeryThing is fiNe dEar", she is suffocating me with her snake like arms,"yOu wiLl be fine dEar". This is not real, I must wake up.... I am in my bed again, ahh what a dream, honey those FA's are damn scary, do you hear me honey, she standing in the middle of the room, what is wrong honey - I touch her shoulder, she turn and her eyes are black, I feel a sharp pain, she is holding a knife, blood is dripping from it. Why honey, why do you stab me, "tO maKe yOu betTer DeaR", she continues to stab me, five six seven, pain too much pain, this is not real, must wake up. I'm in my bed again, ♥♥♥♥ hate chain of FA's, I jump from bed, but there is not a floor, I'm falling and falling and hit the bottom ohhh sharp pain, I'm in my bed again, I must end this chain so I make a RC's, it seems I'm awake and everything is normal, I am going to wash my face, but my reflection look distorted, my reflection reach its hands and start suffocating me, I can't breathe, so painful, he is too strong, I die.... wake up on a bench outside at the bus station, maybe I fall asleep without noticing, a car pass in front of me, then behind me, what is happening here, I'm seeing the next car, it doesn't have a rear end, only two fronts, this is not real, I'm dreaming surely....a sharp pain, I'm on the ground, a car run over me, wait stop I yelled, but another car hit me, I wake up in my bed, my wife was over me, "dEar, aRe yOu wAnt thiS to End", I shake my head, "TheN pleAse DiE", she started to strangle me. I wake up in my bed again, only to see a giant spider on top of me, he bite me to dead. I wake up in my bed again while screaming 'stop already', a little girl was sitting on my bed "bUt wE are juSt bEginNing to haVe fUn", while drawing a chainsaw from thin air.......aaaAaaaAa...I wake up for real.

Damn, sh!t totally hit the fan!

16th October 2023, 07:23 PM
I've checked the webpage you indicated, and I cannot see nothing but a simple tutorial for lucid dreaming. When I was speaking of research, I meant a real research, not just experience. I have a lot of them. Which of course are a good material to gain some objective recognition. However, an objective research is not an experience itself, these are two different things. I hope you understand that. One need to be seperated from the other.

16th October 2023, 08:36 PM
I don't think you gonna find any objective research in this Field, you just need to have some faith. Btw you seem to have some very confusing beliefs regarding lucid dreaming vs AP/OBE. For me the only real difference between them is the density of your surroundings and the level your awareness. I also have a lot of experiences(~1000), but only when you experience 2+ hours types of events, only then you are starting to see how deep the rabbit hole really is. So this "simple" tutorial I gave you, actually can give you those 2+ hours experience. When I have more free time I can give you one of mine more advanced exercise, but it can come with unpredictable consequences.

17th October 2023, 02:31 PM
I think there is some misconfusion about what the research provides. To make things clear, the research is not the experience itself. You can have a lot of experiences - this is the material for the research. If one has beliefs, as you mentioned, then it's not research, it's a belief. The research is exactly the opposite thing to a belief. Material (experiences) is the building block for the research, but is not the research itself. Anyway, thanks for sharing. I realize that there is no much research (but in fact there were attempts) in this field - actually I stated exactly the same thing just few posts earlier.

What I can see about people in LD, OBE etc., they are "experience-oriented geeks". 99+% of them are. Of course it's nothing bad, and it's clearly understood why. To be honest, people who have experiences like these frequently think of themselves as sort of an elite of the humanity. The experiences like that for most tend to be exciting, are unfolding the unkown etc. Just like for people from the 60s taking LSD, shamans and shaman adepts and alike.

However, most of these experiences are just experiences and projections. The thing is, these people stop on that. Their idea about what they experience is based on their beliefs (assumptions).

I also have a lot of experiences(~1000), but only when you experience 2+ hours types of events, only then you are starting to see how deep the rabbit hole really is.
Anyway, out of curiosity, do you have any clues about the structure of the reality from the experiences you had? Would you mind sharing your conclusions? Or you just stop on just experiencing? I'd like to take this opportunity to have an interesting discussion of things most people are unaware of, or simply ignore. Even if they are using ASCs for variety of experiences.

Within the span of the experiences you had, did you have any significant experiences, any breakthroughs in understanding of reality? I'm curious what are your conclusions about them.

BTW I don't think the longer timespan of the experience gives better insights than shorter ones. I had short and very long experiences, and both of these were very inightful and made a great material for the research (not all experiences give a lot of new information).

Edit: one more thing, Shadow: recently I am interested in the other entities existing in the universe - did you have any encounters or even interaction with some entities? What do you think of them?