View Full Version : Why is age discriminated?

23rd January 2007, 07:00 PM
Damn :evil: Always the age, why does one has to be very old to spiritualy develop? :x I almost had OBE on my first time and i am 14 years old, not every one can say that! :evil: I can be younger, but what if my spirit is older than all yours? And is more mature? Why does physic age matter? :evil: In a post here, robert bruce said one would have to be 30 years old, that means i can't do it? Believe me, i realy want to! Please tell me, can i do it? :?

23rd January 2007, 07:24 PM
Would you mind pointing me to the post that you quoted as being Robert's?

Anyone can develop spirutually at any age. If you consider being able to astrally project a sign of spiritual maturity, that is debatable. There are people who can project who don't believe in anything resembling "God" or the need for a spiritual path. There are people who are quite old in physical years who have the emotional maturity of a 10 year old. Everyone is different. Every path is unique. But, in many (not all) cases, having a few years under your belt in this lifetime can give a person a broader sense of the big picture. Not because they are smarter, or wiser. They just have more life experience.

Don't worry about it too much. Every phase of life has it's wonderful moments and it's not so wonderful moments. Just enjoy what you are experiencing right now. You're a lot further along than many people, just because of the kinds of questions you are asking at your young age. :D

23rd January 2007, 07:36 PM
What I remember hearing Robert Bruce say in an interview was that there were advantages to being young in that there is easier access to larger quantities of energy and you have not yet become as set in your ways as someone who is older. Thirty-something, for example. Aunt Clair takes it several steps farther, saying that each younger age group seems to have more spiritualy developed people, and that they are reaching much higher levels with less resistance because their bodies are developing under the influence of higher qualities and quantities of energy not previously available. From that point of view at age 14 you are already very old.

23rd January 2007, 08:30 PM
he doesn't state's it, he just says age plays a role important, and 30 is... oh well check it: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2602 8)
Thanx both for clarifiring that and sorry for the typo in clarifiring :lol:

23rd January 2007, 09:30 PM
It took me a while to find it. The section is about being ready to consciously activate Kundalini. Elsewhere, in books on Yoga, I usually see a minimum age given of 18 for both Kundalini and tantric methods. Anyway, I thought I'd copy the section we are talking about:


7) In relation to item 3), at what level of development is one ready to undertake the exercises of Kundalini

I am still pondering the question of this criteria. But a high level of development is most certainly required.

One needs a strong and balanced mind, and a balanced personality and
emotions, and a reasonably heathy body. The demands of raising kundalini are
great. Full power real time OBE or high level projection are very easy in
comparison. So astral projection should, ideally, be mastered first. And
mastering astral projection in itself is a good indicator that one is ready
to raise kundalini. I think I just answered my own question.

However, some untrained people can OBE quite easily. So I'd say a
combination of at least a trained mind (through yoga or similar) and astral projection ability would be a good starting point.

Age may play a factor, too. One may need to be at least 30 before this can be done. But I need to experiment more to clarify this factor.

23rd January 2007, 11:36 PM
One thing I can say about Robert is that he is open minded. He is willing to consider other viewpoints and change his mind if he comes to a new understanding. So, it might help to see his writings as things he understood at the time of the writing. Rather than as rules that can't be broken. :D I think this quote of his (that Tom so nicely made available) kind of sums it up.
But I need to experiment more to clarify this factor.

24th January 2007, 12:02 AM
Here's more on the subject of Kundalini (specifically) by Robert Bruce.

24th January 2007, 04:14 AM
It might be to do with the heavy energetic effects, as well as psychological effects of k. By and large most people don't have a lifestyle as a backbone for those effects until a later age. But I wouldn't let anyone else tell you that you 'can't' do something, I think you may find if you rush into it the process itself may halt for a few years and progress when it's naturally a more suitable time.

24th January 2007, 05:58 AM
For the same reason young people are not allowed to drive. In general, they are not mature enough. Clearly a few 14 years olds are ready. Clearly some people are never mature enough to drive but society lets them anyway. Rules are general guidelines to address the majority of the population. Since there is no easy way to determine who is ready, age serves as a proxy.

BTW there is a difference between OBE and Kundlini in the maturity required to avoid high risk. OBE is relatively safe at all ages.

24th January 2007, 12:55 PM
Its not that anyone is saying you can't raise your kundalini at 14. Why not start doing Kundalini type meditations?

24th January 2007, 05:13 PM
Thanx for all reply's, i will master AP and do the NEW. Then i will move to kundalini :P

24th January 2007, 07:22 PM
I think it really depends on the person. I'm only 19, but I have to try NOT to astral project when I sleep at night. I'm not quite ready for that yet, I have enough to deal with on this plane right now. But I bet with a little effort I could do it.

I think the deal with energetic / kundanini awakenings is that you have to be emotionally mature to deal with them, especially if they happen prematurely. If it is somthing your not prepared for mentally the world becomes a strange and frightening place. So my advice is to take your time and go at a nice pace, don't rush things.

Aunt Clair
25th January 2007, 05:34 PM
Billy 9 yo , Robert Bruce's youngest son has raised several kundalini flames without adverse affect . Imho , two of his other sons have incredibly strong energy bodies .I suspect all of them do but I have not read some of them yet . My mate Jodie has two boys aged 7 and 8 and they have raised several flames also . They project at night and I have visited with their higher selves and seen them in projection at my home .

Billy manifests energy weapons for protection , he heals intuitively , he projects to Shamballah effortlessly and rides dragons that befriend him there . He has sat with me in circle and told me what mahatma were there . He has accurately described them and given off their messages . He has manifested elementaries and he has many lovely journeys to share . If he is doing this on his own without reading books or getting physical teacher instruction then there must be many others his age that are doing the same .

His two friends share some of the same abilities . And Khylie has been bringing 2 of her daughters to our home at circle time . They are aged 6 and 10 . The 10 yo can project , see and hear . She has many humourous stories to tell about seeing spirit at home or about her dreamstate lessons . The 6 yo is not to keen yet but she also sees angels , I cannot see her energy body yet .

I am 51 years old , I was born indigo . How it works for me is not how it will work for those born after 1980 when the indigo vibration ended .I consider that it is possible that the children born after 1996 did not do it like I did at all . I think that some of them may have been born with the first 3 to 5 flames manifest and articulate .

But I need to learn more to determine that . And I find some of the youngest kids very hard to see . I cannot seem to read a high energy bodied child younger than 7 . I think that my vibration must meet theirs before I can see their energy structures . I finally can see the kids born after 1996 but not the ones after 2004 . Except for of course the younger ones who are unawares and easy to read .

There are not as many unawares as in my generation . So we grow .

Anyhoo, that first flame is yellow fire it ascends the second flame is platinum blue water it descends from the moon stone . The third comes up as pink earth. This manifests the trifold flame . The fourth begins a new stage but it is the completion of the primary set hermetically being air and green . These are the seeding flames that allow the nature of kundalini to develop . Still all of the first 14 flames are fundamentally fire . A thick golden cord develops and the silver cord is cut . After many flames kundalini begins to come as water and air energy . I am waiting to feel Earth and Akashic kundalini someday .

However , imho , there were in the recent past great risks for people who raised the very first flame . I suspect that unbalanced people who force development will still have adverse affects irregardless of the vibration of their birth . I also feel that negatively attached and substance abusing persons should avoid kundalini development .

But for quote unquote "normal" people, I don't think that kundalini should be feared or that it can even be avoided . I feel that it is like puberty, aging and death .It will happen no matter what you do .So be prepared and enjoy the ride .

25th January 2007, 05:56 PM
Hi Aunt Clair, did Billy physically feel the Kundalini flames? If so, how did he describe it to you? I wonder if it feels different for someone who is born aware?

Aunt Clair
25th January 2007, 06:27 PM
The first I became aware of his kundalini experiences is when we in the circle , had the crown of cobras appear on our heads in our heart and at the pelvis . Each person in the circle had these manifest . Bill V had 11 on his crown , he had the strongest energy body in the group . Billy only had two on the head and one at heart and pelvis . But it was a shock to see him walking around with it anyway . He was not in circle with us and had never sat with us yet at all . That stage took several weeks in duration .

When we were working on the Emerald Tablet and began to manifest akasha we saw the green and red dragons on his shoulders too . We saw the golden lions come out of his hands . That was about the same time in 2003 I think . He never feels pain with it . When Debbie , Sveta and I were excited about a new stage or event , Billy would squeal look at mine . He would pose and demand a reading . Sometimes he was ahead of us .

I found that all of the people in the home and in the circle would move along together within a few days except the elderly or ill and the new ones .

In time new ones can catch up or exceed but it seems we never go more than few days ahead of each other . Robert Bruce is a notable exception . He is always months ahead of others at the top of the curve . But he is not in our group per se . I feel he has no peer . His kids will jump ahead of him on one aspect but not overall .

It becomes obvious in this household when a K event is occurring . Everyone grows except Bill Curran aged 55 yo who has terminal heart disease and seems shut down or at least on a plateau .

Debbie aged 18 will often have pain associated with development especially in the limbs and chest . But Billy never complains much . Once I do remember a big whinge when both legs hurt at the same time . Usually kundalini opens one side and directly after comes the other side with room to breathe in between .

He knows about it and comes to tell us what is going on . We also see the clairvoyant evidence . But I stupidly did not chronicle his growth . He was born in 1997 . So that is about 6 years of spiritual growth I don't have much data on . I believed a lot of what I read about spiritual growth and kundalini until I began to bloom in 1996 . I feel that living with Robert , having Billy as a son and having Debbie and Sveta in circle with me , allowed me to continue past my indigo peers . In fact the only indigos I know who are doing my work have kids of their own that raised the home vibration a lot .

The greatest effect is on the spine and the young ones never have difficulty there. In my group only I have had significant pain on some flames but my back has been injured many times and I await spine surgery . I have personally experienced the bad pains and nde that can be the result of kundalini . Bill V had his first NDE this month with kundalini . But he is 73 years old . I feel that I will hit a plateau when my body can not support continued growth neurologically .

I am radical in my belief that the youngest ones are the most capable of kundalini efficacy . They are innocent except past life baggage . If they have enormous past life garbage than their vibration is low and they do not move along so quickly . But the young do not have energy blockages or aged bodies with circulatory and spinal concerns .

Mentally the young are more capable of visualisation fantasy and imagination . They make great magicians . Emotionally and SPiritually they are tutored in dreamstate . The ones on the fast track will tell their parents what is going on and will begin to teach their parents about esoterica .

It is 3 am here now but when Billy wakes I will ask him to describe what he recalls about kundalini .

25th January 2007, 09:21 PM
Sorry for dumb question, but do you live whit TB? :roll: all that got me confuse :P Anyways, i'm happy i can raise my kundalini, and will start working on it, first the projection :roll:
Thanx for reply's!

25th January 2007, 09:56 PM
Do you mean, does she live with RB? Aunt Clair was, at one time, married to Robert Bruce.

25th January 2007, 11:24 PM
Huh, i swear i typed RB, but nvd, yeh, that's what i asked, it's curious cause i still feel a connection between(i know that it's a typo) them. :lol: (but no one is suposed to knot that :roll: )
So i just asked, thanx for the reply. :roll:

Aunt Clair
26th January 2007, 07:33 AM
Kundalini Interview with 9 yo Billy 25 Jan 07

What is kundalini ?
it is the energy formed thru chakras
What does it do ?
it heals ...and it can be used for a prison for a demon too
How ?
You make it into the shape of a cage and put it around a neg .Shrink it into the size of a little (sugar) cube and then you ask God to lighten this person
you flip it up to God and ask him to forgive the guy .There is that kind of kundalini and it can be used against a neg to bind them .It is black energy it comes from the dark cobra .It is dark kundalini .
...like sending out healing energy ?
Yeah but this is bad .The black energy lures the demon out .It tastes that black .It thinks it is a human food .But then the energy is turned into a big black cage and you shrink it and it can't get out .
But how do you make black energy ?
Well you think angry or sad thoughts to lure it in ,it is liking that .And what you think comes out of you but you balance it with a bit of light so it will be strong enough to trap it .The demon can see dark energy and feeds off it .
But if he sees light he will leave .He gets out before it happens ,the light hurts him so you hide the light in the dark mass .
But that sounds like psi to me
No , kundalini energy comes from the core .You have to make it with some of the earth energy from shamballah and fuse it with light energy .You can make a core in your tummy and you can place a core there to grow more kundalini . It is like psi but different it builds love . It is light .
Who taught you to take earth and light energy from shamballah ?
The lion head archangel Uriel
When you have your lessons are other people with you ?
Yes sometimes but all i do is focus I train and I see other people there but I don't know them .But I do have friends there in the wolf temple
Are there other kids there ?
Oh yeah lots but some of them are dead .
How do you know its time to go to class ?
well they just send a message
A message ? How do you get it ?
it is like a normal piece of paper except it has runes
Can you read runes ?
Some of them yeah. I'll show you one. I can write some of them
So what does this mean ?
Well you see that is the moon right ? That is moonlight and stars . This is for class moonlight training to shapeshift .Pass it here. I 'll show you another that Uriel taught me it will take a while .
What does that mean ?
Hang on i'm not finished.Ok this is the universe of the animal kingdom ,
the nocturnal beasts and there is the sunlight beings . It is a map . The day animals start from fire here ( 3 oclock) and go to here where the night animals start ( 9 oclock)
What is this ?
That is a fountain that is water energy ( 8 oclock)
And what is this ?
Oh that is the snakes of the animals . It is the day and night animals that are related with dragon kundalini .
So you go to other planets ?
No not from here like this . I go to Shamballah and ride the dragons and they take me to other planets . I can't go there by myself yet .
So who teaches you the runes ?
oh just normal library teachers
Do you have to make kundalini rise ?
No , actually Kundalini is how you grow spiritually
Can you stop kundalini from rising ?
Yes reach out and crush it like a breaking a glass toy or christmas ball .You control it if you want to .
Do your friends raise it like you do ?
Well I don't know for sure but in my school class there are only 2 like me
I think a lot of people my age are like me but not here .
What does it feel like when it is coming thru your body ?
air inside
Where do you feel it
in my heart ...well it hurts the weakest parts of your body ,erm ...the
(weakest) energy body parts .My left elbow, for instance, was really hurting yesterday .
What do you do when it happens like that ...when it hurts ?
Stay where you are and move energy into the block . Don't bend it . ( extends the arm ) and dont give in to the pain and the pain is pushed away and the body does not have to endure the pain .
Did it ever burn in your back ?
Well the only time it really burned bad is when i sprouted dragon wings
Do you always know when the kundalini is active ?
No , not always .
Did you have dreams with kundalini ?
No not really i dream about nothing a lot i close my eyes pass out and wake up again .When i do recall a dream is when i am in a cartoon .Then i see my pets in my dreams with me .I have had wolfy since I had the worst asthma attack and died and came back to my body .
So how do you know you have been flying on the dragon in Shamballah ?
Oh I just go to shamballah when i want I hunt for pets, not to hurt them but to know them .I meditate and I go where I want like when I am bored in school .
Did you have visions with the kundalini ?
Yes I saw the cobras come out of my ears and remember that when I was a little kid.
Thank you is there anything you want to say to other kids about kundalini ? Don't worry about it . If you are getting it they will help you while you sleep . If you are not getting it , it is not time yet .

26th January 2007, 07:57 AM
Do you mean, does she live with RB? Aunt Clair was, at one time, married to Robert Bruce.

uh... what?

26th January 2007, 03:26 PM
Nice interview, he's only 9 years old rigth? damn, i would like to be like him :cry: does he has maiL? i gotta start working :roll:

27th January 2007, 01:25 AM
Aunt Clair, that was fascinating! We should create a "Billy" forum and let him do some teaching. :D

31st January 2007, 10:31 AM
For other posters, my apologies, but this thread has been moved from the point where it began to go off track. We Moderators will be looking at the rest of it.

Robert Bruce is very concerned about the energy of these forums & this was going contrary to the normal open & friendly discussions.

More later...

Aunt Clair
1st February 2007, 07:43 AM
My regrets :oops:

There was a reply concerning vedas and upanishads. A member posted not being able to find any reference to kundalini in them .I am posting a new thread concerning ancient esoteric texts about kundalini . But here is a link to English translations ; http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/index.htm

Robert Bruce
18th February 2007, 10:46 AM
G'day Folks!

The definition of what kundalini is should be discussed. Today, popularly, all energy body sensations are frequently attributed to kundalini. In a sense this is correct. Everyone experiencing energy body sensations can be said to have awakened Kundalini, as energy movement sensations and phenomena do relate to this.

Most young people that aspire to kundalini, it seems, do so because they have heard that it is a cool thing to do. I think very few actually understand what this involves. They hear the poetic descriptions of what this is supposed to be and they want to do it.

It must be kept in mind that pPsychic abilities have nothing to do with spiritual development. These can be a side effect, but they are not a yard stick. They certainly cannot be used to ascertain anyone's level of spiritual development. For example, a black mage or satanist can have a very high level of psychic ability. So these things should be put to one side when considering kundalini and spiritual development.

Kundalini is a natural energy mechanism that exists within everyone. It can be triggered in various ways, accidentally, spontaneously, or deliberately. This can, however, have serious negative side effects if people are not stable enough to handle this level of consciousness and growth.

Normal life, in the enormously complex hive that we call life, does not require a high level of consciousness. In fact, this would be detrimental to normal life, and would result in unhappiness and dysfunctionality in a normal life sense.

The purpose of kundalini is to evolve persons to higher levels of consciousness, in response to need. This is triggered by intellectual, emotional and spiritual efforts, and experiences that go beyond the norm.

So, in this sense, there would appear to be no age or health limitations to experiencing kundalini awakening.

However, the heavier phenomenon related to the higher end of kundalini, like Uraeus Serpent of Fire, are not suitable for children or teens. This requires a high level of stability on all levels, or it will have destabilizing and destructive results, even causing serious mental and physical illnesses.

Fortunately, in my experience, Uraeus is not something that can be easily or accidentally triggered. As I have suggested, mastering conscious astral projection and similar first, as this is childsplay in comparison.

Robert Bruce

19th March 2007, 08:39 PM
I thought robert said he taught 5 year olds how to do NEW. It depends on your spiritual maturity. I dont no where you got that quote from, though.

19th March 2007, 08:51 PM
RB i think you are wrong to say that satanists and 'black' mages don't have a high level of spirituality. Some probably have a high level of spirituality, but in a evil/bad way. I'm not supporting the satanists or anything like that(I've always been terified of anything that has to do w/ demons and the devil) but the must have a high level of spirituality becuz the would kill themselves and sell their souls to the devil himself. And some of the witch craft they do can start in the mind. To work some of the spells they hav, i do think that pyschic abilities are connected to spirituality. Just my opinion. :mrgreen:

19th March 2007, 09:58 PM
I don't mean to interpret what Robert means here, or you either, but I think what Robert means by 'spiritual development' is not what you mean by 'spiritual development'.
If I am correct (and I don't necessarily have to be,) Spiritual development is the degree of evolution you have attained that lets you realize that we are all One, we are connected, and that whatever happens to others happens to you, and that we are living in a 'higher sense' that what we are experience here. One of the first things that goes away is the belief in limitation, in the idea that there is power that can be had over another, and that there is indeed any difference or separation in anything.
"Selling your soul", for example, is an activity that requires you to decide to renounce one path and taking another (limitation), for the purposes of achieving power in the material world, and those concepts go to the very heart of what is being said here. If you believe you can sell your soul to an archetypal figure which has very defined (limited) expression, in fact, if you even believe you 'have' a soul to sell which can then give you limited satisfaction, and somehow lose it, in order to 'receive' power, or other limited thing, then you are not spiritually realized, because you haven't realized that states have no objective reality and that everything material ceases to be, therefore essentially never was.
If I were guessing, that's what I'd guess he meant.

21st March 2007, 08:30 PM
o that makes much more sense