View Full Version : Energy Imbalance?

23rd January 2007, 01:25 AM
Lately I have noticed that after any form of energy work I feel physically tired with sore muscles. I also feel foggy mentally and I am quite irritable and downbeat.

Have I perhaps overdone it? I have always been very sensative physically, and am basically allergic to everything. My nervous system is also quite sensative. Could this be a reflection of an over sensative energy body?

I noticed before things turned this way that I felt as though I had hit a quite high energy level. I felt charged and active and felt a constant pressure at the base of my spine. It was like hitting a hilltop and then rolling down the other side.

Should I take a break and then restart with a ''less intense'' approach?

23rd January 2007, 02:08 AM
How long have you been doing it? With any kind of discipline that involves increasing awareness (like AP practice, dream recall, etc.) There is always an initial exhaustion that eventually goes away as your system gets used to it. I'm not sure if the same is true of energy work, though. Could this be the problem? If it is, don't worry- it's normal and will get better.

23rd January 2007, 09:48 PM
How long have you been doing it? With any kind of discipline that involves increasing awareness (like AP practice, dream recall, etc.) There is always an initial exhaustion that eventually goes away as your system gets used to it. I'm not sure if the same is true of energy work, though. Could this be the problem? If it is, don't worry- it's normal and will get better.

I really got into a steady routine about three weeks ago. Would you expect the exuastion to surface at about this point in development? I am feeling better today, but I haven't attempted any form of energy work yet.

In the past, when I would feel better physically and more emotionally balanced after energy work. Now, the muscles in my legs get a bit sore, I become irritable, and I enter a sort of ''fog'' and generally don't function well for the rest of the day.

My main concern is that I went too far too fast and that my energy body formed a large delicate structure which fell apart, as Robert Bruce mentioned in his tutorial.

23rd January 2007, 10:58 PM
find a healthy balance