View Full Version : Colonizing mars

13th October 2019, 07:28 PM
Any thought on this subject?

I can see a general propaganda that colonizing mars could be a "solution" to the current problems the society faces: from polution to lack of naturally gained food to feed enough people today.

13th October 2019, 09:51 PM
I think these kinds of things are more difficult than they seem.

13th October 2019, 11:00 PM
I think humans would look different, kinda like Star Trek... the place you live affects on how you move, which determines which attitudes suffice. Attitudes - beautiful people have, ugly people haven't... etc etc etc.

13th October 2019, 11:05 PM
I haven’t really looked into this idea about Mars but surely if we cannot get it right here then we would just do the same thing in centuries to come somewhere else. We have a responsibility to learn to live within our means and keep our home ( planet) clean and free of clutter.
Just look out of a plane window and see how much land is out there unused. Farmers, landowners, the wealthy. How easy is it to grow from a seed to a fruit. Then there is of course the education needed on how not to increase the world population.
A big big difficult job ahead but imagine we colonise Mars without learning how to put things right here first then we will just repeat the mistakes.

15th October 2019, 04:19 PM
I think humans would look different, kinda like Star Trek... the place you live affects on how you move, which determines which attitudes suffice. Attitudes - beautiful people have, ugly people haven't... etc etc etc.
Yeah... there's always a symbolism behind a big (and not that big) changes. You may think that it's a coincidence - but it appears in time to be just an external manifestation of the inner change that already happened in one's mind.

I can see a (symbolic) decadency in unaware people who would think of themselves as "pioneers", going to an actually dead planet. I heard about such an experiment, shortly after World War II in my country, where a new town (with an strange, unusual name, to top it all) was created on a post-military, devasted area... The result is awful, yet people who were "pioneers" then thought it could change their lives for better. It didn't, but it only got worse.

Things like these are the "signs" which are usually ommitted by people who are "participants" in such circumstances. But it's worthy to learn a skills which allow us to see such "external" signs - and even better, to sense the "internal" changes before the signs appear. :)
It's like seeing the "picture" of what is happening from the "outside". It's a very special mental skill and ability, supported by the influences of the Uranus.

Farmers, landowners, the wealthy. How easy is it to grow from a seed to a fruit. Then there is of course the education needed on how not to increase the world population.
Instead, politicians in my country do everything to increase the growth rate of the population. Real estates (where you could seed a fruits to grow) prices rising horribly fast - the more, the more people are there on the planet. Even if the country's population is stable / stuck.

23rd November 2020, 10:22 PM
I see colonizing mars as many things.

Lifeboats for the species, not just humans
Exploration of solar system, having bases on Titan, Ceres, Enceledeus, Clouds of Venus (Venus potentially better target iterators)

There's a universe out there that is almost infinite to us.
Exploring it gives public expanded perspective.

25th November 2020, 10:42 AM
Has anybody taken a trip to Venus? I do believe it comes first, before Mars is the action.

24th December 2020, 01:52 PM
Mars, What a place. It will be years and years before anything can be done there. No atmosphere, nothing. I know the old timers would say, "You can't go faster that 60 MPH, or you'l never go faster than the speed of sound, we'll never terriform Mars" etc. If we have to live underground, what's the use, perhaps a few thousand people who cannot go outside.

I always wanted to go to Mars, but, if you can't go outside then why. I've been there in my Astral travels.

I know tears ago, the Iggi worked there, but at that time, Mars had an atmosphere and water. The face is a monument for a past King--guess what--it is there.

Sorry, just rambling. It won't be for many many many years before any planet in our solar system would be practical to live there, unless you like living underground.

Grant (I don't mean to sound negative, I'm sure someday we will be there----plant life, here, only has about 600000yrs left--because there won't be enough CO2)

24th December 2020, 05:03 PM
There's an atmosphere in Mars, it's just not like ours. Maybe it can be rehabbed given enough time. Lots of time.

27th December 2020, 04:57 AM
Hi, Antares,

I think, first, human kind energies must be devoted to recovery Earth from actual state of pollution, predation, mismanagement, etc., trough an extensive work of conciousness take and oriented effort to "terraform" (heal) this planet from centuries of unconscious abuse.

Too, instead of terraform Mars, a survey of actual state of this another planet must be thorougly done. ¿Is Mars, really, unhabited? ¿Or, primitive lifeforms are there?

If we pretend to terraform Mars, ¿could that accomplishment be done correctly? ¿Are there enough material basis (gases, liquids, solids) in order to generate a terrestrial environment as similar as to earth like we need?

I think, Elon Musk's pretention of to nuclear vaporization of polar capes, is sample of insanity more proper of our primitive civilization.

27th December 2020, 05:12 AM
Hi, Grant,
By other hand, I think accent must to be put in to develop a propulsion technology less hazardous than actual, and definitely try to build an orbital lifter, here at Earth, and there anywhere we try to migrate.

In that sense japanese efforts are being put at work, firstly from a theoretical viewpoint, but soon from a practical viewpoint.

Too, we must gain assure a sense of brothership, and collaboration in order to pursue common objetives.

27th December 2020, 10:41 AM
Hi mercedes - If you get rid of the negative pretending ("you don't work"), you absolutely do get the positive pretending ("I do work") - this is Martian life at its utmost!

28th December 2020, 11:17 PM
I'm sure one day we will be there, but not as a civilization for hundreds or thousands of years. Even thern we are just buying a few 100000's of years. Yes that is a lot of time. Perhaps a breakthrough in terraforming would help. I'm going to get a little "religious' but not in a religious sense, has anyone read the Shrimad Bhagavatum? It sure makes sense.
Just a thought.

30th December 2020, 02:43 PM
"I know the truth so I know the land so I want with my truth the land that I am."

- terraforming spell of mine

17th January 2021, 12:31 AM
Gee anymore responses? This is an interesting topic.

17th January 2021, 01:35 AM
Martians have perfectly secret arrogance - this sort of energy can be used to treat anything. You might find that the terraforming of Mars is attained by martians in real life.

Cinnabar is an interesting chemical solute, same colour as Mars. I tell you, putting some cinnabar in your cooking will exceed this process.

17th January 2021, 02:10 AM
Terraforming Mars sounds like a worthy task, but why don't we terraform Earth first...its is already quite close to being habitable.... :tongue:

17th January 2021, 02:43 AM
More than terraform Earth, "RESTORE EARTH" to state previous to industrial revolutions.
Seas are polluted with mercury, lead, and other heavy metals and waste, corrupting environment and poisoning life.

Terraforming Mars sounds like a worthy task, but why don't we terraform Earth first...its is already quite close to being habitable.... :tongue: