View Full Version : mutli dimensionality success story

10th October 2019, 06:36 PM
i was slowly gaining awareness of a different alien threw there eyes. I drifting in an out of consciousness

I then saw a different species of alien. It gave me a fright because i am not use to seeing it

overall very fun and very new for me

hopefully over time it will get stronger

the level of consciousness

11th October 2019, 09:29 AM
Consciousness is in the constant motion, always developing - in one or another direction. It is a matter of will - i.e. where you direct your attention to, and thus the consciousness follows. In other words, this means that practically:

1. you don't have to be hopeful - just follow the rules of will (egyptian magic teaches about it, for instance), and the rest will follow
2. on the other hand, you should not be determined overly, narrowing your will, because it's not a balanced way to develop anything - i.e. develop your consciounsess (and it's also taught by the egyptian mysticism - it's a concept of Maat, absolute balance)

11th October 2019, 05:08 PM
Consciousness is in the constant motion, always developing - in one or another direction. It is a matter of will - i.e. where you direct your attention to, and thus the consciousness follows. In other words, this means that practically:

1. you don't have to be hopeful - just follow the rules of will (egyptian magic teaches about it, for instance), and the rest will follow
2. on the other hand, you should not be determined overly, narrowing your will, because it's not a balanced way to develop anything - i.e. develop your consciounsess (and it's also taught by the egyptian mysticism - it's a concept of Maat, absolute balance)
Yes, I think they call it juxtaposition. My intent, their intent, makes for the intent "I am."

11th October 2019, 05:24 PM
Yes, I think they call it juxtaposition. My intent, their intent, makes for the intent "I am."
Any viable and notable personal experiences about it you wanted to share?

12th October 2019, 06:28 PM
Any viable and notable personal experiences about it you wanted to share?
When I write my intents down on paper they work with all the love I knew. When dancing, the room makes itself happen. When singing in the shower, the intention is alone.

So, basically I would suggest that it is where you are working with what you are choosing. Are there truly others involved? No, I have never heard of collective intent, in the spiritual sense, unless you mean the Lord's Prayer...

13th October 2019, 11:38 AM
I would suggest that it is where you are working with what you are choosing
Ok. Doesn't it lead, however, to a state of constantly being focused inward? I.e. watching your intentions, understanding of your choices, constant negoatiations with yourself about what is the reality and whether there are better choices than the one you are thinking about at the moment?

13th October 2019, 05:11 PM
Ok. Doesn't it lead, however, to a state of constantly being focused inward? I.e. watching your intentions, understanding of your choices, constant negoatiations with yourself about what is the reality and whether there are better choices than the one you are thinking about at the moment?
Yes. I would call that the truth about self-honesty - the intent within being very spiritual indeed...

13th October 2019, 06:09 PM
Yes. I would call that the truth about self-honesty - the intent within being very spiritual indeed...
Could you please extend the idea of being spiritual, or spirituality in general? And why to pay so much attention to being spiritual?

My philosophy is the philosophy of being "holistic" - a whole, i.e. fully integrated. Over-focus on one part leads to getting out of balance - the perfect state of "Maat", as ancients taught, is disturbed then. This also means balancing of being turned outward and inward. And this, after all, leads only to the self-honesty. :)

13th October 2019, 11:08 PM
Self honesty is deeper than virtue, but
Virtue is high as hope.
High and deep?
Quite an open center.