View Full Version : A question for aunt clair

3rd January 2007, 04:06 PM
Aunt Clair.. could you share your thoughts on a couple experiences.

Is it possible to see colour and shapes on the membrane of the eye that doctors and specialist are unable to detect, but you know they are there.

Is it possible to experience a powerful explosion of prana throughout the body after recieving a Usui reiki attunement, that can cause someone to experience physical, mental, emotional and spritual crisis.

Thank you.

Aunt Clair
4th January 2007, 01:37 PM
...Is it possible to see colour and shapes on the membrane of the eye that doctors and specialist are unable to detect, but you know they are there
Imho , definitely .But what did you see ? Please tell us .

Is it possible to experience a powerful explosion of prana throughout the body after recieving a Usui reiki attunement, that can cause someone to experience physical, mental, emotional and spritual crisis.
Imho , If there are blocks even beautiful healing energy can burst an energy body blockage like opening a cyst in the physical body
which can cause a systemic infection . This can be a catalyst for growth but may also cause turmoil initially . I cannot think that it would cause a prolonged crisis , I would think instead it could be a trigger something pre existing that was ripe to bust open anyway . And after this is purged from the energy body there will be smooth calm progression .

Most types of healing is gentle for that reason . Reiki is meant to be very gentle passive , universal energy that steps up in vibration in each attunement . Reiki is very worthwhile , it is unusual that it would cause harm but I would ask Master Reiki teachers who have attuned a number of people , they would be more expert in this answer . I only have level 2 Reiki and would love to have had the 3rd and final attunement but it has not been available to me yet .

I think it would be highly unlikely imho for it to occur on the first attunement but on level 2 or 3 I think it is much more likely to occur .

But if a person has latent difficulties these can manifest and the Reiki master will often warn those with prior known conditions to work those out before stirring it all up .

Like hitting a bees nest with a bat is a crude approach , it is far safer to spray some water from a distance slowly wait and spray again until most of the hive is abandoned before knocking the hive down from the porch . There is less trauma to the humans anyway , lol .

4th January 2007, 08:10 PM
Much gratitude to you Clair... I will try to elaborate. I have been seeing what appears to be auras and after images around people and objects for the last 2 years. Most of the time, when I stare at a plain white surface, the colours pink and green appear and follow my eye movement. The impression I get is that they are not outside of me, but on the surface of my eye?. I have seen geometric shapes and usual patterns when my eyes are closed..I rub my eyes and they are still there. I must point out that I have had numerous test and have been given the all clear.
Dear Clair, I am just a regular girl, but so much is happening to me, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually that I don't recognise myself. How can i work with this without going mad. I guess you are busy and I understand if you can not reply, so any contributions from the forum would be most welcomed.

Aunt Clair
6th January 2007, 01:25 PM
Much gratitude to you Clair... I will try to elaborate. I have been seeing what appears to be auras and after images around people and objects for the last 2 years. Most of the time, when I stare at a plain white surface, the colours pink and green appear and follow my eye movement. The impression I get is that they are not outside of me, but on the surface of my eye?. I have seen geometric shapes and usual patterns when my eyes are closed..I rub my eyes and they are still there. I must point out that I have had numerous test and have been given the all clear.
Dear Clair, I am just a regular girl, but so much is happening to me, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually that I don't recognise myself. How can i work with this without going mad. I guess you are busy and I understand if you can not reply, so any contributions from the forum would be most welcomed.Imho , you are in the right place . AS used to be my fave site but this is now . Painterhypnogirl and CFTraveler will have lots of answers for you about changing and growing as will Violet . Just give your self time to adjust and go with the flow , it is a marvellous journey and you are among kindred spirits here . Some people see sacred geometry when they close eyes or in meditation or even floating before them in open eyed visions . Sacred Geometry is a spiritual lesson from guides and higher self which teaches us to begin to look at the merkabah , the pyramid , and the Tree of Life etcetera. You can search the archives here or look up Metatron's cube and Eve's Grid for example .

2nd March 2007, 09:01 PM
Hello, I hope you don't mind me dding my knowledge and opinion regrding the Usui attunement... Yes reiki attunements can stir up this energy and it is most likely to happen after the first attunement. I had a very big spiritual crisis two summers ago and the following fall I had my first attunement and what followed wasn't another crisis but rather just a difficult time filled with lot's of introspection. I made a lot of new life choices about direction then as well.

Ue this online comunity to get help you need but I lso recommend finding support in your community. Most areas have some type of spirituality in them. Obviouly cities have more "happening". You should be able to find reiki teachers or yoga teachers or whatrver suits your fancy! Being around spiritual people is very supportive as they already hold vibrationally the ideals that you will be moving towards. My experience with psycholtherapist etc were all very negative as they try to tell you the things that happen in your mind are an illness and that you should take this or that medication to clear it up.

Hope this helps!