View Full Version : Handling over-excitement and too much energy

4th October 2019, 01:50 PM
I made an interesting experiment this night. If you are interested more details on it, just let me know - I'll write on it in a seperate thread.

The result was very curious as well; after all, it brought me a lot of energy and over-excitement as a side effect - to my surprise. During the day, however, this hightened level of energy appeared to be pretty difficult to handle. After awaking, I understood a lot in no time, I wanted everything to get fast and to do fast what was on my mind, and I became very impatient because of this. I felt a significant conflict between the slow, mundane reality - particularly people behaving too slowly (although before this energy emergence I am able to handle "slow" people) - and the inner "fire" stressing me to be highly active.

Have you had experiences like this? How do you handle such energies?

5th October 2019, 06:12 AM
is not,

5th October 2019, 10:44 AM
is not,
Not sure what do you mean. Can you please translate it to, ehm, the actual language? ;O

I created a new thread due to the request I got with the description of the experience: https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?27088-Layers-of-mind-and-personality-Creative-forces-to-reach-and-use&p=157805#post157805

5th October 2019, 07:53 PM
When you are handling great energies that bend reality (or alter the sense of self) there are a couple of things to observe:
1. spiritual practice is necessary for the truth
2. you have to be proactive with your attitude, and manage ongoingly the matters of general physical safe-keeping

I am just saying, if things are going to stay in touch for you, it takes a fair bit of work. Without the correct approach, "losing control" can be a great concern, in time. But, it's worth it...

19th December 2019, 08:27 PM
In the recent weeks I observe quite a lot of physical energy that I need to use, particularly in some sports. This is interesting, because I even actually abandoned recently my usual gymnastics and qi gong excercises in the mornings. I feel somehow my body incorporates more and more energy recently... I need really to do a sport now regularly. Every year I feel more and more skillful and strong... My body learns some tricks without any practice and excercise! I just suddenly feel physically that I can do more than a day before - just like that, without a single thought of it. My reflex is now striking fast - I didn't realize it until people around me see it and it makes their eyes wide open how fast I am... I also sometimes impress myself with a new martial arts skills that I never practiced or abandoned years ago. One day I just feel I can do more...

I don't know where does it come from. I do nothing about it. When I make an effort my body gets even more skillful and strong, which temporarily helps with too much energy... but quickly, in few days, my body demands even more sport afterwards. Somehow. Interesting that I get that physical recently without much thinking of it... One thing I know for sure that it is related to the larger and larger amounts of energy that my body recieves.

However, it's not only physical energy. I feel increasing mental power as well. I see frequently tough men used to mental aggression and mental confidence... avoiding me - somehow. I do nothing, they just avoid me and getting out of my sight... you may imagine how surprised I am. Not sure what's going on. I only feel their negative aura "threatening" everyone around, which I am not afraid of and just react to it in the way that I think "I can handle them", and that's all.

24th December 2019, 09:34 PM
The battle to overcome the apathy of all falsehood is really a duty all of it's own. What apathy taught was that the peace is natural, normal, sound. The sacred tryst is very well permanent. Hence, one might understand that the best things are yet to come.

To be your best, to live your best - these lessons are not in everybody. But, they are in everybody you do like.