View Full Version : A couple of questions on using energy

28th December 2006, 05:14 AM
Okay, I have a couple of questions that I'd appreciate some help with.

First question: How does one preform magnetizing/charging/whatever you want to call it? Is it as simple as pumping the desired energy type with body awareness into the object through the hands or do you have to focus your mind on an image/visualisation?

Second Question: I'm sure it's floating around somewhere on the internet, but I want to know from a credible source/ sources that I can trust; How is the solar banishing wave preformed?

I have very little experience with actually *doing* anything with the energy I raise, so I would appreciate it very much if you guys could give me vivid instructions (imagine you're talking to a 5 year old, just to be safe) and point me in the direction of some reliable sources of info on using energy. Please post any information you think could be helpful!

28th December 2006, 07:21 AM
First question: How does one preform magnetizing/charging/whatever you want to call it? Is it as simple as pumping the desired energy type with body awareness into the object through the hands or do you have to focus your mind on an image/visualisation?For a simple beginning pick something that you can hold in a closed fist. A small quartz crystal is a fine choice as it holds energy well.

CHARGING: Place the object in your closed hand so that it touches the center of your palm somewhere. Then either pump energy into it or focus on making it 'glow'. The object may get warm, if it does then stop. No more than 5 minutes is necessary so don't drown the thing. If you experiment with different objects, you will find that some hold energy longer than others.

MAGNETIZING: This is similar to charging but the energy is applied by stroking the object repeatedly in the same direction (kind of like brushing hair). Hold the object in the cupped palm one hand. With the other hand stroke repeatedly in the same direction from one end to the other while doing the same pumping or focus as above. Stroking can be done with any part of the front of the hand (finger tips usually easiest). For a more thorough job turn the object over. Be careful to stroke from the same start and stop points just on the opposing side. If you stroke in a different orientation, you will undo your previous work. For you junior scientists out there, the stroking part of this is identical to magnetizing a nail with a fixed magnet. Rather than use the fixed magnet, you are using your energy instead.

Technical notes:
-its easier to magnetize an object with grain along that grain (crystal, wood, etc)
-its easier to magnetize an oblong object along the long axis

SEALING: In order to make the energy stay longer, you can seal the object after charging/magnetizing it. This will make the energy stay longer, but also make it harder to drain quickly. To do this hold the object in the hand not used for charging. Repeat the same charging or focusing as above but this time, use your finger tips to brush the surface of the object lightly like as if your were coating it with oil (do not use actual oil unless you know what you are doing). The whole surface should be sealed for best results. A single coat is sufficient. For a magnetized object try to brush in the same direction as before as much as possible.

8th January 2007, 03:23 AM
Thank you, your instructions are very helpful. Also, may I ask anyone visiting this threat to take a little time to post on different methods of using energy? there's a lot of information on the internet and books, but very little of it explains practical use of energy; they mostly tell you what you can do but not how.

9th January 2007, 02:10 AM
I just came across a profound realization. My request for a description of the solar banishing wave not sated, I searched the internet for a description of the technique and was surprised by what I found.

To explain my surprise I have to describe a strange experience I had about eight months ago (or maybe a year and a half? I don't remember) I had a very vivid dream where I met three female beings, similar in nature, but each with seperate characteristics. I won't go into the details of the encounter, as I'm not sure if they were part of myself our outside beings, but at the very end one of them- Her color was green, and she seemed the most distant to me, was alone with me in a forest, and she did something - I don't really know or remember what - that caused an explosion at my brow chakra so massive that I *heard* it physically and sat bolt upright in bed and was completely awake. What's important is that as a side effect or perhaps the primary purpose of this event was the removal of a seriously nasty neg (well, the nastiest I've met yet, prolly not that much of a biggie, as he didn't really get in the way of anything but my energy work) that had made a habit of feeding off of my brow chakra for a time period of about a few weeks after which it returned until I learned ot fight it off.

While I don't believe this was actually the solar banishing wave, I cannot help but notice the parallels between the description I've read, and I also realize that it's simply a method of using energy. Perhaps the one who created the solar banishing wave was inspired by a similar occasion. I would never have thought to actually try to use it as a method myself =p. I guess I'll try to be wider awake to opportunities like this in the future.