View Full Version : Can I stop/shed light on this crown sensation?
26th December 2006, 02:47 AM
I don't generally post about every little odd twitch and tingle that I get, but this one in particular is so persistent. It's a pressure/tingling on the crown center, but towards the forehead. I've felt this particular feeling in this location before and passed it off as a normal energetic sensation, but now it's been happening nearly every hour for the last 2 days! It's getting distracting, and either it means something and I should take some sort of action, or I should find a way to get rid of it before I go nuts.
I have done meditations and energy work to try to figure out what's going on, but there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. What's the deal? Does the skewed crown location mean something in particular?
26th December 2006, 02:57 AM
I've read that the Crown and Third Eye Chakras can do funny stuff together. That's what your post made me think of. :) Specifically, I thought of the posts I have read where the Crown and Third Eye Chakras sort of merge into like a super chakra? I know that sounds funny, but, I think I read something about that in Painterhypnogirl's Kundalini thread. It seems you are just a few steps behind what she is experiencing.
Maybe Aunt Clair, Painter or Violetsky can offer some advice?
I think Violetsky suggested pouring 'lava' (a mixture of earth, fire and water energies in a white hot cleansing lava form) down into the crown. BUT, not sure if this suggestion applies to your situation. :|
26th December 2006, 03:26 AM
That used to happen to me all the time. I dont know what it is, but I think its just a result of a good energy body and flow.
26th December 2006, 03:29 AM
It could be that the connections between your third eye and crown are becoming more active? I don't know, not a whole lotta experience with this stuff. :roll:
26th December 2006, 03:33 AM
Or perhaps you have been straining to 'look' in to the spiritual realm.
26th December 2006, 05:56 AM
Something similar happened to me, and sometimes still does...but has pretty well subsided. My crown chakra used to get stimulated so easily and I relied on drawing from it to activate other chakras...and sometimes the sensation from it was so overwhelming and sometimes unwelcomed (it used to bring about headaches lol). As for your case I can't say for sure what ended the whole thing with me, it just went away and im not sure what I did to make it subside...hopefully some of the experienced people here can help a "newbie" heh.
26th December 2006, 07:29 AM
Or perhaps you have been straining to 'look' in to the spiritual realm.
I can see how that would easily be the case.
Curious, would you classify this energy as yin or female aspect?
26th December 2006, 05:36 PM
Sycmi, that's an interesting idea, but I thought that only happened after a Kundalini awakening? If that's the case, then I somehow missed my own K :)
Wstein, perhaps, hard to say - I don't feel like I've been doing anything that would qualify as "straining" but you never know how your energy body can react from one moment to the next, I suppose.
Dialgo, I know the thing you're talking about. I used to have that happen in my brow center when I was first starting. It was overstimulated and gave me headaches. This is different, though. There's no pain, it's not aligned with a major chakra, and it just feels kinda funny instead of overworked.
Oath, I'm not sure if you're asking me your question, but the energy doesn't give me a sense of male or female.
26th December 2006, 05:39 PM
LOL, oh...
I thought you had a descending K experience though? :?
26th December 2006, 05:44 PM
Well, I had ... something ... but then I keep hearing, "If you have a kundalini awakening, you'll know" and people make it sound like the most earth-shattering thing in existence. What I experienced was interesting but not earth-shattering, so I tend not to view it as a real kundalini awakening.
26th December 2006, 05:50 PM
Well, I had ... something ... but then I keep hearing, "If you have a kundalini awakening, you'll know" and people make it sound like the most earth-shattering thing in existence. What I experienced was interesting but not earth-shattering, so I tend not to view it as a real kundalini awakening.
Well, there is a difference between a K awakening and an actual K raising. I think the awakenings are much more gentle and are not nearly as intense as an actual K rising. At least that's what I get out of reading what RB has noted on the subject.
26th December 2006, 06:12 PM
Well, I had ... something ... but then I keep hearing, "If you have a kundalini awakening, you'll know" and people make it sound like the most earth-shattering thing in existence. What I experienced was interesting but not earth-shattering, so I tend not to view it as a real kundalini awakening.
A kundalini AWAKENING yes, but everyone get's kundalini spikes all the time without even realizing it. ;)
26th December 2006, 06:16 PM
Oh, to be sure. I thought that awakening and raising referred to the same thing, though, and a spike was the more common "movement" as opposed to life-altering experience. But I thought the brow-crown fusion only happened after a kundalini awakening, like how Robert Bruce described the "sea anemone on the head" thing. Is that not right?
26th December 2006, 06:42 PM
Oh, to be sure. I thought that awakening and raising referred to the same thing, though, and a spike was the more common "movement" as opposed to life-altering experience. But I thought the brow-crown fusion only happened after a kundalini awakening, like how Robert Bruce described the "sea anemone on the head" thing. Is that not right?
Often when people say "this is the only way it can happen," what they really mean to say is "this is the only way I have observed it happen" or "this is the only way I believe this to be possible." I myself have seen many, many weird things happen because of personal energy practices outside of kundalini such as extra chakras coming into being or the merging of chakras. It's not as rare as one would initially think.
26th December 2006, 08:05 PM
Touche :)
26th December 2006, 08:53 PM
I am NOT a kundalini expert. At all.
And while I don't know what an awakening looks like, awakenings and risings are different from what I've read. Risings tend to be the fire burning down your spine (I think it's down) to your base, then spiraling 3.5 times through the torso and rising through to the crown. They're the ones that make the sea anemolie thing, though if I'm remeber correctly, that's a stage 2 part of a rising (Stage on is cobra coming up from head, stage 2 is anemonie, stage 3 is Om, I think...).
Awakenings are perhaps like when chakras activate, except that your most powerful energy system is awakening/activating, not just an energy organ (chakra), so what you feel from it is more powerful. I'm guessing here : P. Please feel free to correct me on any of this.
26th December 2006, 10:38 PM
I've had the anemone thing a few times now. Does that mean I have risen the kundalini? (at least to stage 2?) Cool! 8)
27th December 2006, 01:10 AM
Unless there's another psychic phenomenon that causes similar feelings. I'll try and pull out some notes later on that I have on the subject. For now though, I've logged onto the forums to avoid work, not make new stuff to do, lol!
27th December 2006, 05:54 AM
Im pretty sure this is has to do with yin (female) energy flow. Ive been engaging in some energy techniques lately that have confirmed this. To explain, the yin energy is all around us. One cannot force or pull the energy into themselves but rather, must sort of... become "receptive" to it. Once this happens, the energy tends to "rush" in and the feeling of which is the tingling on the scalp and other areas.
Or prana through the ida and pingala if you prefer. And in regards to indian teachings, perhaps you might want to take a look at pratyahara on wikkipedia ( in case you end up experiencing something like it as a result of what you have so far described.
27th December 2006, 06:02 AM
Ah, thanks for the clarification, Rayson.
Oath, while I still haven't felt any sort of gendered energy with this phenomenon, I have been attempting receptivity in a sense, so thanks for this info.
The sensation is still happening, but only about 5-6 times today.
27th December 2006, 06:16 AM
Ah, thanks for the clarification, Rayson.
Oath, while I still haven't felt any sort of gendered energy with this phenomenon, I have been attempting receptivity in a sense, so thanks for this info.
The sensation is still happening, but only about 5-6 times today.
Could it be that you are in fact feeling it, but that you are not realizing what it is? Its a very light and subtle energy. I could describe it as feeling clean and refreshing as well as slightly cold. To be honest, everyone comes in contact and draws in this energy everyday without realizing it, the same goes for its counterpart of the male perspective yang. Hope ya figure it out.
27th December 2006, 06:23 AM
Could it be that you are in fact feeling it, but that you are not realizing what it is? Its a very light and subtle energy. I could describe it as feeling clean and refreshing as well as slightly cold. To be honest, everyone comes in contact and draws in this energy everyday without realizing it, the same goes for its counterpart of the male perspective yang. Hope ya figure it out.
What exactly do you do with this energy?
27th December 2006, 06:58 AM
Could it be that you are in fact feeling it, but that you are not realizing what it is? Its a very light and subtle energy. I could describe it as feeling clean and refreshing as well as slightly cold. To be honest, everyone comes in contact and draws in this energy everyday without realizing it, the same goes for its counterpart of the male perspective yang. Hope ya figure it out.
What exactly do you do with this energy?
Well, thats slightly hard to answer, but the best I can say is that with yin energy, you do nothing. I could go on, but it gets really complex especially for anyone who hasnt had previous contact with these principles and ideas and so would be way to much for me to explain at this time, and to be honest Idk if i could really do a good job at it either, seeing as im not a master. I think reiki uses yin energy, and kundalini healing (or whatever its called). Also most divine healing from higher beings and gods and such. Think of when you pray I guess, thats yin energy. I can easily say that yin energy is everything, just as I can easily say that yang is everything and tao or ONE etc.. but it seems to me that all life including that of psychic abilities are derived more from the interaction between the two forces of yin and yang. And so in effect, the more one has of yin and yang including the more in balance of the two forces, the more alive that person would be and powerful and all other nature of things that are in life etc.. again, way to complex so ill leave it at that :roll: :)
27th December 2006, 07:05 AM
If I understand you, you're saying that you don't do anything with this energy, you just wait for it to do something to you? And unfortunately for me, at this time the energy is just giving me funny sensations and may or may not do something else later on?
27th December 2006, 07:12 AM
If I understand you, you're saying that you don't do anything with this energy, you just wait for it to do something to you? And unfortunately for me, at this time the energy is just giving me funny sensations and may or may not do something else later on?
Like I said, its all around you, always ready to enter. You can take it in, but in an indirect way. Its not something you force or pull in like yang energy. You first have to embrace it and relax. Then it enters and flows through you. It is reliable in my experience and not something that comes and goes of its own accord, but more so that comes and goes with your own state of mind and how you currently are. If you are relaxed and loving, or if you are tense and angry or frustrated. When you are the latter, yang qualities, then a sort of shield or barrier is formed and the yin energy is effectively kept out. And the same can go in reverse order. Ideally, one wants to be drawing in both energies simultaneously, but that may be too much information.
27th December 2006, 07:17 AM
Thanks, I'll try working with that idea :)
27th December 2006, 08:49 AM
Dsmoke, I tried to find where I wrote about this before, but I couldn't, so I'll try to remember what I can. I've been having crown chakra problems for going on 2 years now. The energy would constantly move up and flow out, leaving me light headed, dizzy, and really uncomfortable. I tried everything I knew of to make it stop, but it took a ton of concentration, which would then leave me with a headache. Stopping all energy work was about the only thing that would get it under control.
This fall I went to the Monroe Institute. During the week of using Hemi-Sync, the feeling changed. It stopped flowing out, and settled into a strange little bubbling, buzzing (that's not exactly right, hard to describe) feeling at the back of my head. Since then, I've played around with it and can move it pretty much anywhere in my head. Sometimes, I can start exit vibrations by playing around with it. That's pretty cool.
I also read in Bruce Moen's books (a Monroe apprentice) that something similar happened to him. I can't remember the specifics now, except that it was a good thing for him, and I was so surprised at how similar my experience was. I think his Higher Self even taught him how to use that particular energy.
I'm still trying to figure all this out myself. I remember Robert Monroe said something about moving his jaw into a certain position which would either start or continue vibrations. In the beginning of his experiences, he thought you had to have vibrations the whole time while OBE'ing, or you would go back to your body. Later, he changed that opinion. But, anyway, his description of moving his jaw is similar to something I can do with the bubbling energy that will bring on exit vibes. Your first post sounded kind of like what happens to me, so thought I'd throw all this in for thought.
Scymi said:
I think Violetsky suggested pouring 'lava' (a mixture of earth, fire and water energies in a white hot cleansing lava form) down into the crown. BUT, not sure if this suggestion applies to your situation.She did that with me when I was having some really bad problems with the crown chakra. She suggested molten lead for me (very heavy), but I noticed that she changed it to lava in her thread about lava. With me, though, that was to keep the energy from flowing up and out endlessly. Not sure it would apply to Dsmoke's problem. But, heck, anything's worth trying, huh?
27th December 2006, 04:12 PM
Right - wasn't sure that Violetsky's technique for you applied to Dsmoke. :wink:
27th December 2006, 10:00 PM
I think lava is more cleansing (fire to burn negative energy, earth to slow down the symptoms that comes from doing too much cleansing work [especially on negs], and perhaps water to flush away), lead would be more grounding and slowing.
27th December 2006, 10:03 PM
Ya, I think the lead contains more grounding earth energies. For anyone who's interested, here's the link to Violetsky's Lava Technique :
27th December 2006, 10:25 PM
I think the lead is a visual used because earth energy "feels" heavy, and lead IS heavy, plus is a dense, dense chemical element, which is playing into finding the feel for the earth ether.
27th December 2006, 10:47 PM
I think the lead is a visual used because earth energy "feels" heavy, and lead IS heavy, plus is a dense, dense chemical element, which is playing into finding the feel for the earth ether.
Do you think the lead is only earth energy? (sorry, being a lil' slo today, not sure I understand here. :))
27th December 2006, 11:10 PM
Lead is an alchemy term. Mercury and salt, are, too. They do not refer to the actual substances in the usual way of referring to them, but I have no idea what they actually mean in the alchemy sense. (In terms of actual physical substances, the liquid mercury is more dense than the solid element lead.)
27th December 2006, 11:21 PM
Alright, this is what I get from Violet's lava technique based on her description:
Lava energy I find is a very powerful balancing and cleansing energy. Lava is a mixture of earth, water and fire energies. The earth element I find is very grounding, the fire transformative and the water calming and cleansing.
You take some earth ether energy, mix in some water ether energy and fire ether energy. That produces, almost literally, a kind of lava feeling mixture (molten, heavy and flowing). You infuse it with intent that makes it white hot (amplifying the fire energies), and blam-o, you got etheric lava. (you can also infuse other energies to correspond to the specific chakra you are working on, as she describes further on in the post).
Now, to make an etheric type lead, you double or triple the amount of etheric earth energy, this makes it less molten, heavier and more grounding.
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