View Full Version : Does NEW get rid of emotional problems?

21st December 2006, 11:33 PM
Have any of you experienced if you have any emotional problems getting rid of them with practicing NEW over time?

22nd December 2006, 01:24 AM
I wouldn't advocate it for it, no. There are types of energy work that bring out emotional issues that may be stored in 'body memory', according to some theories. So if you would extrapolate this to NEW, I would say that maybe it could bring something up to the surface. But that is far from saying that it would 'cure' it- Bringing emotional pain to the surface is only the first step in resolving it, and the process is painful. So make your own conclusions from this information.

Aunt Clair
27th December 2006, 09:58 AM
Imho , the emotional , mental , physical , and spiritual bodies are all linked . I feel that clearing the blockages from the energy body with exercises such as NEW will build up the light quotient , boost the immune system and remove negativity that builds up manifesting illness . I feel that energy moving through the body cleanly and clearly will improve mental and physical health and wellbeing .

27th December 2006, 12:12 PM
If you want a practice which deals specifically with the emotions, you can try out some of the techniques on this site:


27th December 2006, 04:30 PM
You might discover a few emotional issues when you start practicing NEW and clearing blockages - which is a good thing, it can bring out stuff that you need to work on.

It is not necessarily a 'cure' for these issues, like CF said, you will need to address any issues brought out by this work and work through them. AND - it does not bring all emotional issues out either.

If you haven't already, I would suggest reading through this thread :


5th January 2007, 01:57 PM
In the long run NEW clears emotional baggage. Any energy work brings stuff to the surface. But you can only deal with an emotion in two ways, experiencing it or supressing it, however doing NEW is going to make it hard to keep suppressing the same emotions so eventually you will have to experience them which is at times painful and at times wonderful depending on the emotion.

Additionally, temporary side-effects of energy work may be too much energy running in one place which can cause emotional problems, but they tend to be ironed out when energy is more evenly distributed around the main chakra circuit.

12th January 2007, 10:40 PM
I think beside experiencing and repressing emotion , they can be also 'earth'-ed...
Emotions come with a certain perception of reality.
It may work to compare the thoughts coming with emotion with here and now.

E.g.. panic with "Everybody is against me"
Then one may ask questions.. (a lot)
Nobody with me?
Is it serious?

13th January 2007, 08:44 AM
NEW has a similar affect on emotions as accupunture, massage, reflexology and a bunch of other methods. Emotions are stored as 'blocks' of energy around and inside the aura.

14th February 2007, 02:24 AM
Have any of you experienced if you have any emotional problems getting rid of them with practicing NEW over time?

Hi..! I think RB already has done some research about it. If I'm wrong... apologize. :D

Consider following excerpt:

NEW: Rapido...
'Rapido', is a powerful NEW body awareness technique that is great for wearing
down energy blockages and attachment points (neg. attachments, emotional
blockages, etc). It creates a powerful ripple wave through the substance of the
bioenergy body. It takes more concentration, but is not really difficult.
Do a sponging bounce action through the whole of your leg from foot to hip.
Increase to maximum speed, feeling the whole inside of your leg.
Concentrate and increase speed further, to a new maximum, taking this action
faster and faster, while applying more and more awareness 'force'. You'll find the
maximum speed is much faster than normal.
When you reach and pass the new speed limit, you'll lose 'feel' contact and energy
sensations will reduce. Back off slightly and regain 'feel' for the bounce action.
Continue the new bounce speed, concentrating hard while doing it.
If you have a blockage or attachment in the area being bounced, it may show up as
a stinging or aching or cold or tingling patch.
The Rapido technique can be done at a normal level of consciousness, although it
will be more effective if done during trance state.
When bioenergy attachment points or blockages become disturbed, they will often
manifest as a boil or small tumour or other kind of localized infection. Treat these
as you would treat any other infection, and see your medical doctor as normal. If
this infection begins to spread (if the skin becomes red and this red begins to
spread) I strongly advise seeing a medical doctor immediately, and getting
treatment and antibiotics. These will help. Rubbing raw garlic, or garlic oil, onto
skin manifestations will also help wear down attachments.
Use Rapido over suspect areas as often as desired. But do not cease the normal
NEW system, as this is necessary to replenish the bioenergy body's energy
supplies, and to promote bioenergy body self-healing.
Note: The Rapido technique will sometimes cause minds eye visions and images if
one is sensitive, and fantasy images in those who are not so sensitive. These may
arise at any time, even days later, and not just while Rapido is actually being done.
These are highly likely to be the core images associated with the attachment points
being worked on and should be treated accordingly. So keep your eye out for any
strange images and fantasies, day and night, if Rapido has been used.

Ref.: http://www.astraldynamics.com/download/ ... 0Works.pdf (http://www.astraldynamics.com/download/RB%20Collected%20Online%20Works.pdf)


16th February 2007, 02:03 AM
You will find that most any form of energy work will result in a more centered, calm being both mentally and physically. Give it time, be patient yet diligent and it will come. Good luck on your journey.

16th February 2007, 02:12 AM
While using NEW may bring up emotional issues, they still have to be dealt with on a psychological basis. In other words, to think that by continuing to do NEW the issues will magically disappear is kind of naive thinking, IMO. Introspection and looking at yourself from the observer point of view, as well as doing whatever it takes to heal is a process. And, it's not easy. I'm old, and I'm still having to do it. :(

27th February 2007, 09:23 AM
Clearing energetic blockages can resolve emotional issues as well, but it is not necessarily straightforward.

There are at least two ways I know of:

The first one is "accidental". The physical , etheric and emotional bodies are neighbors in the hierarchy of energetic bodies. Neighbors have the strongest relations between them. So any etheric body blockage you deal with may or may not weaken an emotional block it may be tied to.

Since stress sooner or later shows up in the body as tension, releasing and cleaning up tension through persistent energy work may weaken an attached emotional blockage.

There are three problems with this approach:

* You cannot know whether there is an emotional attachment on a etheric body blockage. Sometimes a bruise is just a bruise. Large manifestations even in an adjacent energy body may not show up in the next, and the higher level one is more likely to affect the lower one than vice versa.

* You can with energy work like NEW clean up the etheric blockage, but not directly work on the emotional blockage, as the emotional body energy work (and those of the higher bodies) differs and is more subtle. So NEW should not in a direct and effective way deal with the emotional body.

* If you affect the emotional blockage the buried material may resurface and you must deal with it again. This is painful and resented by most people, but there is no easy way out. You must endure, accept and mature. Repressing and failing to release (not vent!) an emotion is what causes blocks. Emotions have to be faced in the long run or they manifest in sickness and neurosis.

The second approach is what Bruce Frantzis calls the "Inner Dissolvement Process", which I will describe no further here. I do not have experience with it, being not advanced enough in my training to deal with it, and it is an advanced or at least intermediate practise.

Let it suffice to say that it is a method to work with blockages in the higher, more subtle bodies directly - emotional, mental, psychic, temporal, causal and individual. It does so by employing the void of consciousness without content or collapsing a blockage into nothingness, leaving the internal meaning an issue has to you and then releasing it.

In fact this is what happens in many advanced stages of meditation practices: You encounter the void, and the encounter starts the (sometimes violent) release of your suppressed inner "demons". Then you have to face them down, accept and release what is within you, dissolve the ego and become enlightened. But it makes spiritual meditation hard and frightening to most people.

So emotional release is not easily attained, and not by simply applying NEW. But NEW or other energy work helps clean your first two bodies, stabilising and calming your nerves and basic life force, and within that calm you can find the strength, wisdom and endurance to tackle the rest.

But there is a difference between some emotional troubles which we all share more or less, and deep-seated emotional and mental troubles. If you think or fear you may have troubles of those kind, stay away from meditation. Go see a psychotherapist. Work on it the "soft way" before trying to tackle it with energy work, which can bring on and out more of the troublesome stuff than you can handle. This is no shortcut, at least no risk-free one.

Blue Mage
3rd March 2007, 01:07 PM
I'm no expert on anything, but here's my opinion formed by my experience:

I think whether or not energy work can help emotional problems depends on the person, and the kind of emotional problem. For me, doing energy work has brought things to the surface and then were easily resolved without any creative effort on my part. I think my main problem was that I didn't really know what was bothering me, deep down, and once I knew what it was, there was no other obstacle. So, I think energy work is good for getting over the obstacle of not knowing where to begin.

There are other obstacles though, I wouldn't know how to characterize them. My guess would be it is worth focussing on how a person deals with trauma and drama in general. I think energy work did so well for me because I'm more of a left-brained, introverted person, I tend to respond to stress by trying to relax, focus, and think logically. I think that bringing things up to surface would be bad for person who tends to make things worse for themselves in a stressful situation: people who are abusive to themselves or others, addicted to drugs, people with less self-control, etc.

It is also worth considering looking at other avenues for resolving emotional problems instead of or in tandem with energy work. Eating right, exercising, fixing vitamin deficiencies, etc. can do wonders for a person's mental health, along with other parts of their health.