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View Full Version : Noobie here, 1st contact kinda scarey, what is it?

13th December 2006, 11:02 AM
Okay, hi. I downloaded some file about contacting spirit guides. I tried it cause i just started university, and i uno maybe i could find guidance. Um anyways I think i did it i was really relaxed, it was different, the persons vocie was hypnotic almost. things were going good i was in a building with nice hard wooden floors and i went through big doors to a white room, i asked for my guide and i asked a question, nothing came, no answer, so i went ouside and was in a forest following a stone path, i came to this cabin, a wooden one, it had a screen paddeo, you know. there was a figure, a dark figure standing inside it. I was told to let my guide lead me, the figure came to the door way and im thinking maybe this is it, right? so i tried to make out its features right but as hard as i tried i couldn't, it was a black figure, i said hello, it said something, then grabbed my wrist, and i said okay, and before i let it pull me in the cabin i asked for its name, it replied krelog or something, i then asked can you help me, and it became mean, it growled, "im going to get you." I was like wtf? i was so confused. then we were outside infront of the cabin, and im trying to find what i can say, he seemed familar, like iv seen him before. I then asked why and it said, "you took it from me." im like what, no idea what its talking about and asked who are you? it replied "i am you!". This confused me further, then it flew at me and pasted right through me, i turned to it and it did it again, then the third time i grabbed it. I dont know what to do? so i just got it away from me. I got ready to fight. I compete in muay thai(kinda like kick boxing) torunaments around my city. After avoiding his attacks and hitting it(which seemed not to hurt it, only stop it like another person. It just kept getting back up. then all of the sudden were both back in the white room, and when i hit it i was stronger it would get knocked back father. it wasn't a very good fighter, but then again i have won a lot more matches than i have lost. it didn't get hurt all, well it seemed like it. after like 10 seconds of fighting in the white room i asked. are you going to help me. it said " I am Helping you." and came at me again. I hit it good and it went out of the room, and then i ran into another room, with a chair, a nice big chair, with 4 lit candles at each end, i sat in it. i asked my question and i felt this prescense behind me, a good one, i think, it whispered, "just leave it" im like huh? "just go" it said. I got up from my chair and before i lefted, i pictured the cabin, and the figure standing in it, i imagined chains wraping around it the whole cabin, the screen door and all, the with a big pandeo lock lol. then when i came out of the trance or what ever, i felt good, like sitting up striaght slowly felt so nice, nothing iv felt before. I thought about what i was told in the chair then i quickly remebered the cabin, and got worried. Then i tried to rember were iv heard those words before. "im going to get you." I then rembered a dream i had long forgoten, when i was 13, almost 5 years ago(new years yea! Im gona get so drunk.lol) I was walking at night in a dark ally, and this dark figure it reminded me of an old man, just got the impression it was really old, it grabbed my wrist, and said "no matter how strong you get, ill get you." i couldn't move i was so scared. I was a 13 year old lil boy, not even at puburty, the dark figure was taller than me. the figure let go of me and i slow backed away turned and just told my self to run, i couldn't feel my legs move but i was getting away, i had tears in my eyes, just scared, i turned back at this old figure and tried to yell F U, but i could only get out fu...fu..., then i wishpered it F U. I was so mad, i guess at myself becuase he was able to make me so scared. Anyway maybe theres a connection, if not, it really made me think of how far iv come from that 13 year old kid. I took up bodybuilding in high school, muay thai, started to work were social skills were exercised everyday. im now almost 6 ft, fit, and a muay thai champion lol, and confident, and i know i am strong, my spirit is strong, stronger than any demon, i know this. haha i win krelog. lol jk

I read more stuff about ap and how before contacting entiteies, precauctions should be takin to make sure only good things come, iv also read other experiances. I just kinda jumped right into it all, guess it wasn't to smart. Or then again maybe im just crazy, and its all in my head, if you think it is tell me k, its all the same with me, i wont cry lol. sorry for the long post, just curiose as to what it is, the dark figure, cause i read about other selfs, like other side of ones self????
i uno an insight would be greatly apreciated.

13th December 2006, 11:46 AM
well whatever it was it doesnt sound like a guide. guides are never threatening or violent and should always make you feel comfortable and surrounded by love.

we do create our reality, so perhaps this is what you created, for some reason, maybe to bring that past issue to the light so you can understand yourself better?

and yes whenever contacting spirit guides, always affirm that only beings of light and the highest vibration may contact you. i think it also depends on our state of mind what kind of beings we attract so make sure you feel happy, peaceful and light and not angry or something like that when doing things like this.

hope that helps a bit..

have a look at this link for how to start communicating with guides. it has good beginners info:


13th December 2006, 02:33 PM
It has been said that we all have guardian angels and guardian demons. At first I wasn't sure of this but after some experiences I'm pretty sure this is so.
From the description of your experience I would say you met with a lower aspect of yourself, one who just taught you a couple of lessons. We can learn lessons all kinds of ways, and this dark figure just taught you two things (at least) that I can discern: Be aware of what you are asking- when you asked for a guide, you got one, just not the one you were expecting. And judging from the way you handled it (combative/conqueror) this aspect of you is what called it. I think one lesson here is self-study-introspection. Another reason for this experience, also seems to me that (if I read the last part of the post correctly) is that this brought up a memory you may have supressed in the past. This memory with the old man seems to have been significant enough in your life for you to have forgotten it, and for it to have been stimulated back up to your conscious mind for some reason. Do you have any idea what that reason could be? Can you get past the 'hooded' fear-inducing figure to try to figure out who this person may have been?
Just a few thoughts.
ps. I edited your 'f' word for less obviousness.
and long posts are ok, not everyone will read them, though.

4th September 2007, 01:06 PM
One thing you might want to try when trying to locate your spirit guide is asking for "only my primary spirit guide of the highest light" or something similar. From what I've read everyone has only one true spirit guide per incarnation. Any others can be considered spirit helpers. Your higher self can also be met with and might be more helpful to work at times than your spirit guide. Always make sure your info is correct before taking major leaps. Cross reference from reliable and trustworthy sources as many times as possible to discern the truth from the lie. You can also ask for your higher
self and/or God to guide you to whatever experience is in the highest good for you at that moment. Just some ideas to consider. :wink: