View Full Version : Secrets of Universe Revealed in Dream!!!
21st November 2006, 01:56 AM
So I wake up from a dream this morning. A very important dream. In this dream someone is telling me somthing. Something very important. Something that has a vast amount of value. Somthing that can only be shared in a state of consiousness beyond the physical.
However, as I think about the dream, it becomes more and more vauge, the more I think of it. I knew that just five seconds ago, I was told somthing that might have changed my life. I know this because that is how I felt while it was being told to me. Waking up, i remembered this feeling. However, i totaly forgot what was said. It seems almost as if maybe its impossible to understand it in waking consiousness. But i want to know!!! How can I remember?????
This has happened before, waking up feeling like i was just informed a knowledge of great importance. But I can never, ever remember what it is. Any thoughts or ideas?
terra incognita
21st November 2006, 05:44 AM
Your description matches many of my own before I experienced AP. I'm not insinuating that you have not expeienced AP but I have found that the very same emotional resonance occurs as a result of a near hit to consciousness while projecting.
Our vaguely conscious mind feels the excitement and enthusiasm of the experience and, I find, tends to translate it into the very situation that you described.
Dreams are illusory. I think dreams tend to be a malleable stage on which we give shape and figure to our feelings and energy body experiences. i.e. When our energy bodies are tingling while we sleep we translate that experience as flying in our dreams because the feelings are so similar. The dream mind needs or feels the need to translate these experiences into understandable terms for the conscious mind.
The trick, I feel, is to continue working with Robert's books to build the enery body so we can break down the walls of the illusory dream mind and perceive the events as they truly are happening.
21st November 2006, 01:44 PM
So I wake up from a dream this morning. A very important dream. In this dream someone is telling me somthing. Something very important. Something that has a vast amount of value. Somthing that can only be shared in a state of consiousness beyond the physical.
However, as I think about the dream, it becomes more and more vauge, the more I think of it. I knew that just five seconds ago, I was told somthing that might have changed my life. I know this because that is how I felt while it was being told to me. Waking up, i remembered this feeling. However, i totaly forgot what was said. It seems almost as if maybe its impossible to understand it in waking consiousness. But i want to know!!! How can I remember?????
This has happened before, waking up feeling like i was just informed a knowledge of great importance. But I can never, ever remember what it is. Any thoughts or ideas? This has happened to me. The first time it was under moments of great stress. My problems were resolved. The second time it was at a time where great changes were going to happen in my life. Now I realize (or theorize) I was having a meeting with my Higher Self and we were probably mapping out what my experience was going to be next and how it was going to advance me.
Don't be surprised if incredible things start to happen to you, or you find yourself suddenly thinking differently about things in your life. Expect good things! And don't worry about not remembering the particulars- they will unfold in your life and you will start getting some 'understanding' as they do.
21st November 2006, 07:25 PM
Well I just began using the Gateway Experience. I have been requesting communication with my higher self during the exercises. I have been hoping for great changes in my percpective on consiousness and reality..hoping to discover what really lies out there. You may be right that things of this nature were being communicated to me. Hopefully I find out in time...
23rd November 2006, 01:17 PM
Information that you recieve while dreaming does get filtered through even if you can not consiously remember it. The information is there, doing what was ment to do. Further down the road you might be able to remember it while you are awake but I wouldn't worry about it. It's there just give it time.
Di Amanga
24th November 2006, 05:44 PM
Have u tried hipnosis.. I think a good hipnotiser can help u remember what it was.. I tried it in my latest hipnosis and the subject was able to tell me all he was dreaming.. I think a medium deept (state) of trance (hipnosis) is at least needead for this, but maybe a light state can also trigger a memory...
I suggest u try that if there are any condicions.
The Cusp
16th December 2006, 01:43 AM
The gold is in the... *dies*
16th December 2006, 05:15 AM
The gold is in the... *dies*
haha)) funny :)
Actually, i have had a few dreams like that too. I can remember a dream which is around 10 years old. I mean i can't fully remember it, but i kinda remember the characters in it and the surrounding, not the conversations. I started a dream journal a few weeks ago and since then, my dream recall has improved. I used to think that per night i may see a few scenes, dreams were quite brief. But no, i see more and more scenes. I may be finished with my breakfast but and still memories are resurfacing... so you might consider starting you own DJ :)
*Note - i've noticed that dream conversations are the hardest to recall(at least for me) somethimes I may be able to recall what was the conversation about, but i can never literally remember what was said. Oh, yeah and reading in a dream is also extremely difficult.
good luck
16th December 2006, 02:42 PM
I agree that sometimes the information is at such a higher level, that it is very difficult to translate into physical reality, but you could still get more information and work on its meaning.
I received information in a dream on string theory. I don't know science, but I get so much informtion on it in my dreams. If I can't remember, I go back into the dream and sort of "replay" the dream. I still don't understand everything - but more than before.
You need to go into a theta state or at least the in between state. When you have these dreams, stay in bed if possible. Close your eyes and feel the dream, feel the conversation. Think about it. When you are in the in-between state - your conscious and unconscious is connected and filters information to your conscious through your hypothalmus (spelled wrong). So, if you just dreamed it, stay and feel the dream and use that state to connect the two worlds. You will start to "replay" the dream. Don't worry about replaying it exactly. Sometimes the best information comes when we can't control the dream - our guides are showing us where we could get the most information the easiest way. Ask a guardian for help.
You could put yourself in that state through drumming or drumming cd's. Some experiments have even had some results with those stuffed animals that play the sound like in the womb for newborns. White noise from a tv also puts us in that state. Then remember as much about the dream as possible. Have an intent. "I am going to go back to the conversation and I will bring back the information that I need". But the key is to feel the dream. How excited were you to find out something so important???? Feel that excitement.
With practice and emotion, you will be able to remember these dreams and bring back important information. Use a tape recorder or journal to record the feelings and key words first - then fill in the detail. The key words will help you remember those details when you get to that point.
Good Luck!
Good Dreaming!
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