View Full Version : astral bugs or not?
12th August 2005, 06:10 PM
sometimes I sit around on the patio and look outside at the sky (which for the most part, is covered with tree surrounding my building)
whenever I look at the blue sky and even clouds, for a while, I begin to see these little white dots, that look sorta like fireflies I suppose
I was wondering if people knew what these are and if I'm perhaps seeing things
personally, I don't think it's something with my eyes themselves that are manifesting images, there's so many of these dots
and they all seem to move in random directions
Dr. Rumfield
13th August 2005, 05:19 AM
I see them too, most often in the shower and they look like fire flies too. Swirling around, very bright white light, very close to me.
Have no clue what they are, maybe assisting in a cleansing? :roll:
13th August 2005, 01:54 PM
Yes, I have seen these alot too. They are easiest to see on a bright sunny day when looking at the sky. They appear in great numbers then. As you begin to be aware of them you start to see more and more. They move randomly like atoms zig zagging about leaving little comet trails. It seems not to matter where (in terms of distance) your eyes are focused, but if you use your periferal vision and are aware of your whole visual field you see even more of them. They definitely move with more energy on hot bright days, but even now as I look outside I can see them and it is overcast today in London. I've seen them apparently interact with auras of trees and other people, but this may be an optical effect. Sometimes I'm not sure whether they are close by overlaying my view of the outside world, or if they are at a distance. My impression is that they are the 'close up' appearance of some form of energy. I have seen them mentioned only once in my extensive reading, as a preliminary stage in learning to see energy (the UEF or Universal Energy Field), in Barbara Brennan's ground breaking book "Hands of Light". Just now found it on page 37 if you're interested. She says they are globules of 'orgone' energy - ie free energy in the atmosphere which is charged by sunlight and absorbed by trees (and us if we do Chi Kung and other energy work!).
There is another conversation on this forum somewhere about this subject, not sure where.
EDIT - Just found it here:
But rest assured many others see it too! Hope this helps...
Happy viewing!
13th August 2005, 03:02 PM
Yes, I have seen these alot too. They are easiest to see on a bright sunny day when looking at the sky. They appear in great numbers then. As you begin to be aware of them you start to see more and more. They move randomly like atoms zig zagging about leaving little comet trails. It seems not to matter where (in terms of distance) your eyes are focused, but if you use your periferal vision and are aware of your whole visual field you see even more of them. They definitely move with more energy on hot bright days, but even now as I look outside I can see them and it is overcast today in London. I've seen them apparently interact with auras of trees and other people, but this may be an optical effect. Sometimes I'm not sure whether they are close by overlaying my view of the outside world, or if they are at a distance. My impression is that they are the 'close up' appearance of some form of energy. I have seen them mentioned only once in my extensive reading, as a preliminary stage in learning to see energy (the UEF or Universal Energy Field), in Barbara Brennan's ground breaking book "Hands of Light". Just now found it on page 37 if you're interested. She says they are globules of 'orgone' energy - ie free energy in the atmosphere which is charged by sunlight and absorbed by trees (and us if we do Chi Kung and other energy work!).
There is another conversation on this forum somewhere about this subject, not sure where.
EDIT - Just found it here:
But rest assured many others see it too! Hope this helps...
Happy viewing!
Globules, eh?
Near the bottom, under the heading "Why are Colors Associated with Chakra", there is speak of a 7 atomed configuration that forms via sunlight that is absorbed by the etheric body.
I think there may be something to this. When I was on the toilet once i saw them converging over my head like they are going into my 8th chakra or maybe up and over into my crown.
13th August 2005, 07:58 PM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
13th August 2005, 08:52 PM
I disagree. They may or may not be metaphysical, but they're not microbes on the eye! I have plenty of the microbe 'floater' things which appear like dark cells (like cells under a microscope) - they move according to your eye movement and are obviously eye related. These other things are independant of the eye's movement and are fixed in space in relation to your view - apart from their own definite zig zagging movement. When you see them properly the field of view seems like it is literally 'boiling' with bright sparks of energy. Need to experiment with them more to see if any can be seen up close in any way.
14th August 2005, 03:00 AM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
You may have to consider for a moment that you may have no idea what we are talking about.
I have seen microbes on my eye. I can close one eye right now and look towards a light source with the other and see those things at will at any moment I choose as they glide across the moisture on the surface of my eye. They do follow my line of sight.
The sparkles of light are not "indiffenently distant." Once they actually started converging over my head while in the bathroom so the top distance from my eyes to the wall was alittle less than a foot. These light things, visually, are as distinct from being "something on the surface of my eye" as humminbird bird going form flower to flower is. They can and have floated behind other object. They move sometimes like schools of fish and sometimes individually in a sporatic kind of way. If I turn away they do not follow my line of sight. And if they are traveling in one direction when I turn away and I turn back, they will be in the appropriate place considering their movement speed and the amount of time that I was not viweing them. Unlike alot of people I have only seen them indoors.
While laying down in bed I saw a blue one that had white light "outline"(it's hard to explain) which gave of a rainbow-like irridescent flash effect. Has anyone else seen any with colors besides goldish white?
14th August 2005, 03:08 AM
They cannot follow your line of site because they are not actually on your eye, but on the small membrane that covers it. A parasitic worm exists that enters the bloodsteam and normally isn't discovered until it moves across the underpart of your eye, much like the microbes/misc material that we all get is there. Whatever you're seeing isn't what I am talking about, thats for sure. Your eye shifts underneath this ultrathin membrane, and what you're seeing shouldn't be following your line of sight at all and if it is, it's simply because it's not on the outside of the membrane, but on the inner part by some miracle. Also, even if it's not what I say it is, I am more inclined to beleive that it's simply an optical illusion generated when your eyes lose focus, much as an aura -could- be had I not proven it to myself otherwise. Instantly speculating something to be metaphysical when it is easily not is a good way to cut more ties to reality...and that's not exactly a safe thing. Religion comes to mind...
Dr. Rumfield
14th August 2005, 03:58 AM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
EVERYTHING is metaphysical... it all stems from belief, A lot of people that post here started their sensitivity training (feeling energy) from faith alone and eventually began understanding what exactly they were feeling (in this case seeing). Yes, if you blink it away... it will go away because that is what you truly want. I will gamble that many people who have had experiences would not be very willing to give up what they feel and understand now.... have they been simply making this stuff up?... are they feeling their own imagination?... whatever the answer, I bet they wouldn't trade any "results" for the world because it is real to them, hence they are interacting with the Universal Energy Field and creating their own reality which means they are making something VERY real happen in their life.
I see (and have seen them) within inches of my body and I was not doing any energy work, just getting out of the shower... they are about 1 mm in diameter. Very real indeed
I have the book on my bed right now, been finishing it as I get time. Yes the information is available in many places BUT this is information that has been experienced first hand and proven... very important in this field BUT most importantly, it is a bible of information all in one place. It may not seem like much but when you understand what she says and put it to use (like any good info.) it becomes more valuable than anything most people could do on their own in the dark for 30 years.[
14th August 2005, 07:06 AM
According to your post, people claiming they see these globules could possibly be insane. Bravo.
Oh, but I am fairly sure I am sane, so...that means these people aren't insane. I also know next, by my statement of simple sense, that it's not metaphysical at all. Your point was made moot by your own statement. **slow clap**
On the off chance that I am insane somehow, that classifies anyone else here that beleives their OBE experiences were real are also, in fact, a loony.
es, if you blink it away... it will go away because that is what you truly want.
If I had a case of cancer, I'd truly want it away, and aside from alot of energy work, I don't think it would go anywhere because I -want- it to. It would go away if I did the energy work, not because I beleive it will. Results would yield results, not praying for results.
have they been simply making this stuff up? Not my place to say, but being human, I'd say a few are. I don't doubt that what they see is there to be seen or not, but the question doesn't really address that.
I bet they wouldn't trade any "results" for the world because it is real to them, hence they are interacting with the Universal Energy Field and creating their own reality which means they are making something VERY real happen in their life. Actually, they may be diluting themselves into a spiral of stupid and sadness that will plague them for years to come. I bet I could will myself into an illness, or will myself to a perpetual happiness that is forever present, but that most certainly doesn't make it healthy or practical, as I see to be the only counter-argument being made here.
So, overrall: Why not look for an actual explanation before delving into the self-acquired truths of the metaphsyical that may or may not actually be the truth? To me, OBE is real, regardless the average person would argue otherwise. Why? Because I beleived it to be utter dogmess until I clarified it for myself. A false clarification is not something anyone should be looking for, which this thread cries for on the idea that these optical illusion/whatever are non-physical in nature.
IF they are proven, why hasn't it been studied further and brought to light? I'm damn sure we would've done further investigation into this had it been -proven-. OBE was -proven- and studied, but the results were thrown out because of the practical scientific community found it rediculous, as many would. Hell...Ghosts are technically -proven- but a greater percentage of people don't beleive in them for various reasons.
Plenty of things go proven and unproven, but beleived or not beleived is what matters. The problem here is, a person who beleives OBE, cool, if they don't, their loss. The problem? Can't explain it rationally outside of typical science and experiment without throwing the "common sense" of society today out the window. The next problem is, my explanations are nothing to be unsure about. Sure, they could be wrong, but I doubt it, because I gun for a -real- explanation first before I go delving into half-baked theories.
People used to think that maggots sprouted from bad meat ....Seems to be on the same level of silly to me to assume something instantly to be metaphysical.
14th August 2005, 09:23 AM
They cannot follow your line of site because they are not actually on your eye, but on the small membrane that covers it. A parasitic worm exists that enters the bloodsteam and normally isn't discovered until it moves across the underpart of your eye, much like the microbes/misc material that we all get is there. Whatever you're seeing isn't what I am talking about, thats for sure. Your eye shifts underneath this ultrathin membrane, and what you're seeing shouldn't be following your line of sight at all and if it is, it's simply because it's not on the outside of the membrane, but on the inner part by some miracle. Also, even if it's not what I say it is, I am more inclined to beleive that it's simply an optical illusion generated when your eyes lose focus, much as an aura -could- be had I not proven it to myself otherwise. Instantly speculating something to be metaphysical when it is easily not is a good way to cut more ties to reality...and that's not exactly a safe thing. Religion comes to mind...
I'm not sure what you classify as "metaphysical", but it is what it is. And whatever it is, it can across a room, disappear behind solid objects, and reappear on the other side. All the while indoors, not after any sudden movements of the head, sudden change in cranial elevation, vision strain, or any sudden bursts of light.
14th August 2005, 11:42 AM
but it is what it is. I had an alcoholic tell me alcoholism works this way to. Doesn't make it correct.
To me it seems that you're out of counter arguments to proclaim it's something of an non-physical nature prior to arguing for something of regular scientific explanation. Sure, I'm all for the idea it's not a normal scientific phenomenon, but it sure as heck wasn't proven to be abnormal via the evidence given.
14th August 2005, 12:35 PM
but it is what it is. I had an alcoholic tell me alcoholism works this way to. Doesn't make it correct.
To me it seems that you're out of counter arguments to proclaim it's something of an non-physical nature prior to arguing for something of regular scientific explanation. Sure, I'm all for the idea it's not a normal scientific phenomenon, but it sure as heck wasn't proven to be abnormal via the evidence given.
I never claimed to know what exactly these things are. I've never put one under a microscope either, assuming they are 3rd dimensional in nature. Therefore, I don't know if they are some 7 atom configuration "globules" our not. Reread my posts. I never made such a claim as to know the exact nature of these things. I just noted that they gravitated to my upper cranial region once.
I've already explained to you all that needs to be explained. You have not given one explaination that correlates to what I have experienced. You obviously have no idea what we are talking about otherwise you wouldn't still be talking about eye bubbles and membranes. How about a refresher:
Psi, when you see a dragonfly hovering over a flower and you turn around and then look back to see it hovering in the exact same spot do you think it is something on the outer membrane of your eye?
What if you jump up and down and it remains in the same spot over the flower?
What if you close your eyes and open them back up and it's still there?
If the dragonfly flies behind a tree and then comes out on the other side as it continues on its way, would you think it was something on the membrane of your eye?
If you are in an small enclosed room with 13 dragonflies that are hovering in front of you and slowly converging over your head, would you think they were things attached to some membrane?
What if you closed the left eye while the right eye remained opened and could still see it? What if you closed the right eye while the left eye remained opened and could still see it?
If you think we are all having a mass hallucination; Fine.
15th August 2005, 04:58 AM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
wow dude seems like everyone just picking on u for that comment but u know that is what my aunt and stuff told me when i asked her about it. she said something about ppl getting that and a problem with ur eyes thats why. i personally DO NOT believe this. in fact i want to scratch out the believe part and say know but nothing is certain. at first i believe my aunt and one more thing. i c a hell of a lot of these little thingies. like billions a billions a trillions the most number u could ever think of! and ive moved them! oh and i wear contacts and when i put eye drops in they are still there unchanged. ppl talk about how they move around and zig zag so much, but i dont c this. i can kinda tell that they are moving around but its really hard cuz i c so freaking many of them and they are so tiny! g'day
15th August 2005, 05:02 AM
just wanted to clarify something. when i say i moved them i dont mean i picked up something that they are on (which is everything!) and moved that and therefore moved the dots. i mean i freaking moved them with my mind!!!!! crazy stuff here. and i dont think that they are what modern phycisist would classify as matter. something weird like what spectral said. on the sub-atomic lvl or something. ya i no that sounds insane even for us (or me if no one agrees with me) cuz u cant see atoms and stuff ! can u? hehehe :wink:
15th August 2005, 05:21 AM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
True, this does work for some people, however having had this myself (mine was with very, very fine green lines) and having washed my eyes out all the time, I know now that this is not the case for all people.
15th August 2005, 08:13 PM
Eye bacteria usually looks like, well, bacteria. The "Dots" I see look like someone photoshopped an active layer of whitish purplish whitenoise over my field of vision. I can see this best when it's dark or when I'm tired. Also, the more mentally silent and receptive I make myself, the more details I can make out in this misty noise. Eventually I can see that every object has an outline of it that is more dense than the simple space-between-objects. Bacteria does not behave this way.
9th September 2005, 03:20 PM
I believe they're not bacteria, but some kind of energy manifestation.
they look like this:
9th September 2005, 04:16 PM
Following on from Oaths post about this a while back I did a little research and discovered that it's quite normal. It's called Scheerer's phenomenon. There's stuff about it on the web. :wink:
The dots are leukocytes which move along through the blood-filled capillaries. ... phenomenon (
28th September 2005, 11:59 AM
Following on from Oaths post about this a while back I did a little research and discovered that it's quite normal. It's called Scheerer's phenomenon. There's stuff about it on the web. :wink:
The dots are leukocytes which move along through the blood-filled capillaries. ... phenomenon (
If that's what those dots are, then that makes sense, although are we supposed to see them when looking at just blue, or any bright colors?
28th September 2005, 05:58 PM
That is pretty cool! I guess I have never noticed them before; and I pride myself on paying attention to such things! :oops:
Someone posted a brief reference to the dangers of making things more metaphysical than the event calls for, and I agree. It is my theory that most, if not all, of the things we refer to as "metaphysical" are nothing more (or less!) than naturally occurring events that we just don't understand yet.
7th September 2006, 02:43 PM
I sometimes get this 'firefly' effect when I look to the sky. It was particularly noticeable when I attempted to 'cloudbust' after reading about that on the net.
8th September 2006, 04:13 AM
There are of course possible biological explanations such as you are seeing the blood cells which supply oxygen to the retina or seeing floaters. There is a long staph looking type microbe that is in most people's eyes but these explanations do not explain when you see air element. Air element whizzes at great speed in a very straight line on bright sunny days and moves much faster than any blood cell would flow through your capillaries. Also it is usually brilliant white where as when you defocus your eyes and observe the blood cells they look like round clear blobs that are slowly moving around. As for the microbes in the eye they are even slower moving and move when you blink and then slowly fall with gravity to your lower eyelash area. Air element is completely different than these biological explanations. It is a nice science try but....have not heard a good scientific explanation yet for the whizzing air element.
Best Wishes to all,
21st October 2006, 05:11 AM
It's not's simply microbes on your eye of various sizes, bubbles if you will, and they form in various places. Here's an idea, go get some eyedrops and clear your eyes, and notice that what you see isn't there anymore. Also, if you look closely, you can see them indoors as well...It's also when you see a light glazed type reflection in the air that floats around and eventually disappears. It's not metaphysical. Now if you work doing third eye chakra work and saw orbs in the air that could be seen UP CLOSE and weren't indefinitely distant(as you will find these "Globules" to be, then that's worthy of mention.
[edit] Oh, and I have Hands of Light as well. Worst book I ever invested the money in. Was a good read, but nothing I didn't already know or could find online.
i agree. these are sometimes known as "floaters."
21st October 2006, 10:34 PM
I have mixed feelings about this phenomenon... as I have seen the white squiggles close-up from a plane window, looking down at brown earth...
There's apparently a blue field entoptic display at the Exploratorium in San Francisco that shows you what this looks like, so anyone in that area should go check it out... Scheerer's is supposed to pulse in time with your heartbeat and the motion of the firefly thingies has always looked random to me. I don't put too much stock in it either way, because of my uncertainty. :D
23rd October 2006, 06:44 PM
Ideally, we would be able to differentiate between several states of mind. If you have no ability to do so, yes, you're definitely insane.
Aside from the floaters in your eye, you may see pranic globules in specific hues. These can be made of the basic, metaphysical elements, or varying combinations of them, forming several scales of color over many spectrums. In spite of the intellegence they exhibit, they can be manipulated in order to cause "psychic" phenomena, or they occasionally arrange themselves into mythical shapes that will act curious if you inadvertently wished to contact them.
9th November 2006, 03:09 AM
I'm now leaning towards this being an energetic phenomenon... I've stepped up my energy work lately, which has increased the amount of visuals I've been catching... be it auras, silver streaks or flutters, etc... and now when I wake up in the morning and look at the white ceiling, I see the moving sparklies. An interesting mystery. :D
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