View Full Version : 1st LUCID DREAM! YEAH!

15th November 2006, 05:31 PM
Last night I used the cat napping or interrupted sleep technique to induce a lucid dream and it worked. Here is a link to it:


I woke up for an hour showered, exercised, and meditated. Had some trouble getting back asleep and it took me awhile. I became awake gradually within the dream. When I did I was so excited and overjoyed. It was great! Unfortunately right when it was getting interesting (being led to a mysterious meeting in a hotel room by a spooky hippy with a dead pan face) I woke up!

In the early stages I think I might have been bordering on OBE. I look forward to more dream exploration using this technique. I am also excited to try the Saltcube techniques as well as Robert B's techniques. I am still trying to figure out the best way to use the techniques due to a demanding schedule, but I am sure I will work it out.


15th November 2006, 05:35 PM
Congratulations, OmegaWolf.

15th November 2006, 07:39 PM
congrats dude. I'll check that link out :wink:

edit: seems similar to your tek, cf.

17th November 2006, 03:05 PM
Unfortunately I haven't had much success with the technique the last couple of nights mostly because I have been tired and also slightly sick.

1st December 2006, 08:16 PM
Tried this technique again recently. Had some vivid dreams but did not reach lucidity. I remember wandering around trying to find my way. I think I was trying to go lucid, thus the feeling that I was looking for something.

Note to self (and others): I think the problem was that I didn't have enough sleep before the interruption. I was too tired to go lucid because my body wanted to stay asleep.

1st December 2006, 11:15 PM
Cool, and congrats!! I have never have tried to use any guides or anything I just seem to have a nich of getting into em right before I get up almost every other day or so (been that way since I was a kid); still can't OBE tho :oops:

4th December 2006, 03:37 PM
Cool, and congrats!! I have never have tried to use any guides or anything I just seem to have a nich of getting into em right before I get up almost every other day or so (been that way since I was a kid); still can't OBE tho :oops:

My wife is the same way. She can have a lucid dream almost anytime she wants. She doesn't understand what the big deal is. :evil: