View Full Version : Robert Bruce make a book called remote viewing dynamics

10th September 2019, 09:45 PM
i know the lightworkers use remote viewing instead of astral projection in guided meditations to travel to different dimensions

from personal experience i can convert a remote viewing experience into a out of body experience many years ago

there might be a remote viewing attunement

you never know robert

11th September 2019, 01:00 AM
Good idea. My remote viewing is predictably obsolete. Also the records are affirming what I am seeing, what I am seeing defies belief. There MUST be an objective strategy to accomplish this skill..

11th September 2019, 02:13 PM
There is excellent training in how to do it, I'll see if I can find the material.

12th September 2019, 04:54 PM
¿May be added elements to scenary could be induced by remote viewer ruining quality of results?

Perhaps remote viewer imagination (expectations related, mainly) is able of to introduce changes at landscape.

13th September 2019, 07:04 PM
Here is part one, there are two or three, if I'm not mistaken.
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4uS_7q-hnE

14th September 2019, 06:29 AM
¿May be added elements to scenary could be induced by remote viewer ruining quality of results?
I find that pieces of artwork in my abode can alter things a bit, if that's what you mean. It gets a bit silly at the point in which... "I am the walrus." grin. o