View Full Version : Core Imaging and Sexual Addictions

4th November 2006, 08:11 PM
After reading through one of the posts of a member on this forum, who was praising Robert Bruce's method of core imaging, and the Holy Spirit for setting him free for whatever chains he had. I got to thinking, if you used core imaging on something like an addiction to gratifying yourself, would this path rid of you of all sexual addiction? Leaving you without a libido, so when you get married and wish to make love to your soulmate, suddenly - nothing?
I was just wondering that if someone were to use core imaging on an addiction, if it would completely rid that addiction and all the good sides of it associated with it.

4th November 2006, 09:20 PM
Biological drives relating to food and procreation are far more difficult than things like nicotine and alcohol which we do not need at all. With things like drugs it is possible to quit them entirely and be done with it. What happens when you remove the core images is that you enjoy food and sex more. When food and sex become addictive it is because there is no satisfaction anymore from them and yet the drives remain. It is possible to restore them to a more natural condition so that the satisfaction returns and enough is once again enough.

5th November 2006, 02:54 AM
After reading through one of the posts of a member on this forum, ...I got to thinking, if you used core imaging on something like an addiction to gratifying yourself, would this path rid of you of all sexual addiction? Leaving you without a libido, so when you get married and wish to make love to your soulmate, suddenly - nothing?
It sounds like (to me) that you are equating libido to addiction, and this in itself is telling to me.
Addiction to self-gratification isn't the same as natural self-gratification (let's face it, if it didn't feel good, would we even do it?) The reason that addictions exist, is because we substitute one way to feel good (which is usually healthy) with another that feels good, that is usually unhealthy. Most addiction starts out with an inability to deal with something (be it a situation or condition) and masking it with something that feels good, and any addict will tell you that they end up addicted not because the addiction makes them feel good, but because not doing it makes them feel bad, and many addicts don't want to feel bad, may even be unable to feel bad, without it being a catastrophic event.
So if uncovering something underlying an addiction and it is removed, it won't take the pleasure out of a healthy sexual relationship. However, the addiction itself may cause just that.
So I don't think core image removal would affect your ability to healthy gratification- but the addiction itself could.
Of course, we are here assuming that the addiction is caused by something that can be accessed through C.I.R., however, it probably can uncover whatever is behind it, whether neg or otherwise.